The Snowies trip in January


New member
I don't want there too be too much snow. It would suck to get snowed in up there. ;)

Snowed in is way cool! I got all winter.........................................and spring! Let's do wed. Night meet an greet. Wherever they can fit us all in. Fri. May be to busy to fit us all in. I just finished packing. I could be a poster child for klim. Is everyone set on gear. Beacons,probe and shovel are manditory. Truly bring a folding saw they run $9 to $19.


Active member
snolover1 you have a big group too at corral??
Just me myself and I so far. Possibly one more meeting me out there. Was thinking of staying at the Friendly. A bit cheaper and all I need is a chiter and a pillow. Unless anyone has extra space they want to fill up?


Active member
PRAY TO THE SNOW GODS. They have been hovering around 75 inches for a while now and we need more fresh. Who wants to join me in prayer tonight at 7pm? =)
I wouldn't worry to much. There is always fresh in the trees! You just have to venture a little further to loose site of the tracks. Got compass will travel:)


Active member
Well you guys darn near squeezed me out. The Friendly had no vacancy on Sat, Only King rooms left at the Coral. Guess I'll be spooning if my Buddy ends up going.


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Staff member
Glad to see the snotel take a jump, not so glad to see the temp forecast as of right now, oh well!

Is it time to leave yet? :)


New member
I am all packed, minus the tampons, wife found a miniature duraflame fire log instead that burns up to 8 hrs.. I got 8 candles just en case we need to do a seance to the "Snow Gods" or just to locate Skylar. lol. I got a way cool tin cup at a "Head shop" in Amsterdam. looks complicated for a tin cup, but should work, actually it looks like army surplus.


Active member
Well you guys darn near squeezed me out. The Friendly had no vacancy on Sat, Only King rooms left at the Coral. Guess I'll be spooning if my Buddy ends up going.

Whomever invented to blow up matress rocks!! If you don't have one, and he ends up coming out, I can plan to bring one for you guys!! (At a cost of course!!) $20/night should cover my daily fuel costs! haha.