New member
I'm riding with snoluvr....
I'm riding with snoluvr....
Team Rind Ding and Friends Invasion, Part 1.......we need an offical name for the trip???
Team Rind Ding and Friends Invasion, Part 1...
It's ok Cuzz, I highly doubt that I will drink very much either. I have three days of riding out there, I don't have time to deal with a hangover while I am out there. LOL.
I know some of you guys will be leaving soon for this great trip, just wanted to say
Have a great time, Ride Safe, take care of each other and make sure you all return in, well the whole one piece thing might be hard but do your bestand we'll be waiting for PICTURES!!!!
I get stupid when I'm drunk and wake up with bruised ribs and don't remember much of the night before. I guess that is good but some of the stories are hilarious. Saying that I might have a social drink or two... but no more than three PERIOD.
are you saying after three drinks you start high marking on the bar wall???LOL
i'm with you cuzz, leave the heavy drinking and hangovers here at sealevel...
See you out there xfire!
A few beers after riding, ok, getting drunk, not going to happen. I don't get stupid when I get drunk, I just tend to get sick. My wife says I am the loudest puker she has ever heard. LOL.
are you saying after three drinks you start high marking on the bar wall???LOL