Vilas County


Well-known member
Monday took a lot away, today it’s 32 and sunny, warming back up the rest of the week until Sunday when it cools down again. Get out the ice cleats, it’s really slippery in the morning. Yesterday I got 1/3 of the way up my driveway and started slipping, the Tahoe ended up sliding all the way down into the lower driveway and did a 180 before I came to a stop 3 ft away from our other truck. Just no stopping it once it got going, lucked out on that little escapade! IMG_2677.jpeg


Well-known member
Monday took a lot away, today it’s 32 and sunny, warming back up the rest of the week until Sunday when it cools down again. Get out the ice cleats, it’s really slippery in the morning. Yesterday I got 1/3 of the way up my driveway and started slipping, the Tahoe ended up sliding all the way down into the lower driveway and did a 180 before I came to a stop 3 ft away from our other truck. Just no stopping it once it got going, lucked out on that little escapade! View attachment 71150
talking 70 here friday!


Active member
Glad there was no damage as those ice rides can be scary. Been tip-toeing down our drive the last couple days and just got back from sanding it with the ATV and that slid down a ways a couple times until I got the sand down (should have known better, as this year I did not put on the v-bar chains), just seems more slippery than usual. I can tell ya sand was a heavy seller at the store today and it was not for weight in the vehicles that I loaded.
Monday took a lot away, today it’s 32 and sunny, warming back up the rest of the week until Sunday when it cools down again. Get out the ice cleats, it’s really slippery in the morning. Yesterday I got 1/3 of the way up my driveway and started slipping, the Tahoe ended up sliding all the way down into the lower driveway and did a 180 before I came to a stop 3 ft away from our other truck. Just no stopping it once it got going, lucked out on that little escapade!


Well-known member
Glad there was no damage as those ice rides can be scary. Been tip-toeing down our drive the last couple days and just got back from sanding it with the ATV and that slid down a ways a couple times until I got the sand down (should have known better, as this year I did not put on the v-bar chains), just seems more slippery than usual. I can tell ya sand was a heavy seller at the store today and it was not for weight in the vehicles that I loaded.
Yes, I should have known better as well.


Well-known member
They don't sell salt in the Northwoods, der ,hey?
Ya Dey do, it was one of those days I was in a hurry, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Learned my lesson, lucked out. And yes salted the hill and it did the trick.