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  1. uncle_ed

    Pine Lake Lodge Mission Helmet swapped out and taken

    Put some stickers on your black helmets to make them stand out a bit.:)
  2. uncle_ed

    Here we go... again.

    I was glad to see pine stump junction go to credit card pay. I guess the owner was tired of drive offs and the unrelenting attention he had to pay to his gas sales. Plus it was always a three ring circus anyways. Shoot I got gas at 10 in the morning before they were open last year....nice! Just...
  3. uncle_ed

    Said Goodbye to Grub

    Sad to hear and will be greatly missed. Condolences to those close to Tom
  4. uncle_ed

    Are you ready to Rumble??? Heere Bleezard Bleezard!!!

    Like that. Come on mister bleezard keep it coming!
  5. uncle_ed

    How many trips planned and where?

    I have never snowmobiled west of Gwinn and always wanted to ride the Keewenaw and west end of the yoop so I think this is the year. I just dont know if I will saddlebag it or stay centrally located at someplace like the Boondock Inn and ride a different direction each day.
  6. uncle_ed

    How many trips planned and where?

    Really curious on your feedback after you get to use the groomer tracker system. I hope it is a functional and useful tool for you.
  7. uncle_ed

    Are you ready to Rumble??? Heere Bleezard Bleezard!!!

    I hope you are right sir! Could be the start to a great season
  8. uncle_ed


    A few years back we had decent snow on the ground after dec 1st so headed out only to find the trailhead north of town still gated and locked so turned around and headed back but had me wondering who makes the decision to open the trails? The club...the DNR....?
  9. uncle_ed

    Cold/Flu bummer

    Definitely stuff going around. Growing up I always let my immune system do its thing but as I get older I think more about flu shots and such..idk. I dont know how old abe is :) but hope you kick this soon! I am a firm believer in good ole chicken soup as already mentioned. I mean throw the...
  10. uncle_ed

    Happy Birthday mezz!

    Well now that the trails are open and lacking snow we may need a shout out for a storm soon so dont go too far....
  11. uncle_ed

    Happy Birthday mezz!

    ^^^^^this^^^^ Are you riding again or just wishing you were?
  12. uncle_ed

    Trail 2 - Losing a section due to change of ownership

    The trail is right along the iron belle there before it gets north and paralells us#2. The establishment is Jagger`s Ore house.
  13. uncle_ed

    Trail 2 - Losing a section due to change of ownership

    updated in ride command already. x3 on good behavior for 1 year trial
  14. uncle_ed

    Quality Turtleneck Shirts

    Well I was thinking a little more along these lines but yes.....
  15. uncle_ed

    Quality Turtleneck Shirts

    I have used the llbean base layer for years and still going strong. I see they also have a turtleneck cotton they claim to be unshrinkable. Worth checking out. When I was young we would use your favorite shirt and then just add a "dickie" to keep the neck warm and drafts out. They might still...
  16. uncle_ed

    FR Nash

    Will miss the little tid bits he interjected with as well. Lots of trivia as well as proper grammer from that guy......The good lord must of needed some help up there policing bad grammer more than we did. RIP sir!
  17. uncle_ed

    Trail 2 - Losing a section due to change of ownership

    Copied from GRTA page. I dont think they were truthful in all assertions at snowriver. I hope there is a trail reroute that works! We are tired, weary, and shocked our incredible group of Volunteers known as the GRTA must stop our trail prep in order to combat a large, multimillion-dollar...
  18. uncle_ed

    Riding 2-up on a renegade w/1+1 seat-comfortable?

    Hey Indy I think you would be happier with the newer sled with and without the passnger on board. When riding 2 up your going to appreciate the rider forward position so that the added weight is not hanging out back so much and will improve your handling and general feel of the sled. The 1+1...
  19. uncle_ed

    For those who are interested;

    I sure dont know that much about oil but have basic knowledge that I can go longer with synthetic oil in my truck engine if I choose to use that vs mineral oil and the synthetic stays consistant longer. Last I checked the life of 2 stroke oil is pretty short....suck, squeeze, bang, blow and its...
  20. uncle_ed

    Trouble With Reaching This Website

    Ditto. Only in the morning for me. John is aware of it but has plenty to keep him busy right now im sure so will have to "ride it out".