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  1. uncle_ed

    Anybody using a ride light?

    I just saw an ad for this product and wonder if anybody has used it and how is real world visability?
  2. uncle_ed

    Good Riding Boots

    I am in the market for a new pair of snowmobile boots and figured to try on a few different brands at the snow show in Novi. I was wondering if anyone had feedback on the Trukke powersports III or Klim Arctic or Adrenaline GTX. I am also considering the ski-doo line or anything else out there...
  3. uncle_ed

    Now thats what I`m talking about

    I like to see those kind of forecasts!!!
  4. uncle_ed

    What are you thankful for?

    Now that thanksgiving has come and gone and we are in the midst of the holiday season with another year winding down. What little thing in life do you find you have reason to give thanks for?
  5. uncle_ed

    What sled will you be riding this season?

    I dont know if you already mentioned it or not but I was curious as to what the new sled is for this season? Cat again or maybe...
  6. uncle_ed

    Get those trailers ready

    I just sold a snowmobile trailer for my son and went through all the pre-season prep on that so that I was confident the trailer would sell and for a fair price. Now that his trailer is gone I figured I would get mine out and go over it, checking lights, greasing wheel bearings etc. I like to...
  7. uncle_ed

    Get those trailers ready

    Not sure what happeneed here?
  8. uncle_ed

    Free Topo maps for Garmin GPS

    I found this site that has free topo map downloads for a Garmin GPS and thought I would share it. I downloaded the Michigan Topo and the detail is great!
  9. uncle_ed

    Another blast from the past

    Here is another article I stumbled on in a Nov 1972 popoular mechanics magazine. Kind of cool to see how far sleds have come. I hope its not as boring as an old George Perot travel hour show from that era!
  10. uncle_ed

    Corn on the cob

    I just had some local corn on the cob that was pretty awesome. I dont know how it is in your area but has been good in lower michiagn so far. Great time of year when the corn is coming. Summer is slipping and fall is getting closer...
  11. uncle_ed

    Sled comparisons

    Now that you have a season under your belt with the new sleds..... I was wondering what your feelings were on them. Do you wish you had the poo`s back or are they an improvement? Will they be your choice for next season? Plus or minuses on them, etc. I ride an Apex and love it except for the...