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  1. uncle_ed

    Image Size Help

    I know many users here are probably on their phones which this download wont help but any windows users can install an image resizer designed by Bryce Lambson many years ago (windows xp days) and it still works today. The beauty of this software is it embeds right into windows and becomes a nice...
  2. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    I hope everything "pans out" for your club in this regard and will probably be the main reason for trying it out at this point since half the cost is going to the clubs. I think there is alot of opportunity with the app and many benefits to it being in place so I would hope to hear more about it...
  3. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    Your right. Most of the times you dont have options of a different route but when you do it could be a handy tool if it is close to real time. On a short bag trip this season I used ride command and the user submitted reports helped out more than once. Im just getting too old and out of shape I...
  4. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    It seems like a good idea but could be a little expensive as you travel across the state and different clubs. It would be nice if it was incorporated into apps like ride command or brp go and then used across the board by every club, then maybe the price would come down. Right now my trips to...
  5. uncle_ed

    Question on Norway Spruce trees

    When the frost is out of the ground till the end of april in the spring and end of sept-october in the fall. Out of the summer heat and in the rainy seasons but still warm enough for growth. I think watering is the key if you can. There is argument that fall is the best time to plant but I think...
  6. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    I cant understand why a club wouldnt want it in their cab if it generates revenue for the club and serves a valuable purpose as well. Is it accurate enough to tell exactly where the groomer is located? That alone as a safety feature would be worth it!
  7. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    I downloaded the groomer tracker app and it does show it is being used in the western u.p. that is why I asked about it here on Johndee. I know alot of the faithful ride that area and was just curious if anybody had feedback on wether it works and is it handy. I could see how it would be a good...
  8. uncle_ed

    Groomer tracker app

    I have been kicking around a saddlebag trip across the u.p. for a few years now and I am making plans for this to finally happen next year so I have been checking a few things out and this groomer tracker app seems like a great idea to see where and when the trails are groomed. One thing I have...
  9. uncle_ed

    Question on Norway Spruce trees

    If you go with larger trees than regular and thorough watering is very important. I tried a couple of times prior to planting the white pines without success and attributed it to drought years and it being a seasonal home and just not enough water for them. (some spots not enough sun as well)...
  10. uncle_ed

    Question on Norway Spruce trees

    Im not sure of your spacing constraints but if your thinking norways than you probably have a decent area to work with. I did the same thing about 20 some years ago and opted for white pines since they are fast growing and last forever. (almost). Here are a couple of pics to compare. I took a...
  11. uncle_ed

    Oldest snowmobile item you own

    Dont laugh but how about an old bell helmet with the pita snaps that hold the double pane flip up shield on and the "snork" face protector that kept your breath down and prevented shield fogging. Was the cats pajamas back in the day!
  12. uncle_ed

    Top of the Keweenaw vid

    Nice bit on native plants in the area: Keweenaw penninsula 2021
  13. uncle_ed

    Ski Doo 600 EFI

    I was impressed by what I saw on this mill so have one coming for 2022. It is an all new motor for them in that it is an efi but the lower end is the 600 etec and they just redesigned the upper end for fuel injection. 2 strokes always get the bad wrap of people worrying about longevity compared...
  14. uncle_ed

    Thank you Johndee

  15. uncle_ed

    Cool video for snow lovers

    could you imagine having to dig one of those bad boys out!
  16. uncle_ed

    Thanks John!

  17. uncle_ed

    For those wanting an electric sled

    Made in Canada (where else) and available 2019.... website:
  18. uncle_ed

    Need Gas

    I guess this is what you have to deal with when there are limited places to ride!
  19. uncle_ed

    Let's see your new sleds!

    Picked it up end of last season with their promotions and it still has ZERO miles.....but that is about to change! :onthego:
  20. uncle_ed

    Ride your sled across the mighty Mac!

    First chance to do this and with your vintage iron as well