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  1. B

    Colorado Avalanche 1 dead

    This is a link to the report, this is my old stomping grounds, these guy's were back country sking on Park View Mt. east of Steamboat Springs, the report has some good pictures of the slide and where it happened, guy's please be careful...
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    Pats Motorsports

    You know these guy's never cease to amaze me, as most of you regulars already know I purchased a used RMK Assault from them in Sept. well I had a chance to get it out in the snow last weekend and the display went dark on it and the sled quit running. I got it started back up and got it in the...
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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    Things have been progressing at a dead snails pace here this is a pic from about a month ago or so its so close but trying to find the time to finish it is getting real tough Bradzoo
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    Happy Birthday m8man

    Happy Birthday!!! Bradzoo
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    Happy Birthday jbsugarbrown

    Happy Birthday!! Hope all is well Bradzoooooooooo
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #186 (33907)

    Since the new season starts today I believe its time for a new thread!! Happy Dec 1, 2013 Bradzoooooo
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    Thoughts on Kids Starter Sled

    This is a 12 year old on a Polaris 440 Sport, none of my boys ever complained about suspension travel or speed with one of these, they were just happy to be on their own sleds and having fun. Bradzoo
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    Let's see pic's of your new sled!

    All right I waited for snow to bring it out HAHAHA Bradzooooo
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    A-1 Vintage show and swap meet

    I will put this in the Vintage section also Bradzoo
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    A-1 Vintage show and swap meet

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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    Nice find Adam, I really liked watching the Vintage stuff as well as the new stuff, I think it was really put together very well for a non professional group. I have to say whoever was riding that Centurion must have also owned my TX and hit the same tree with it becasue the damage was in the...
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    I been riding sleds as of this upcoming season for 44 years, can anybody tell me why somebody at these big sled manufactures has not come up with a better way to hold the exhaust on besides springs. It used to be you had a couple springs holding the pipe to the manifold and a couple springs...
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    Happy Birthday Dave_B

    man your getting up there have a great day Bradzooo
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #185 (33,823)

    Here ya go Big Bro please excuse the mess in the barn lots goin on with sleds and trailers right now in the words of Phil Robertson, Bradzoo is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! snow is comin!! After Dylan got done with the preseason maint. on his (learned how to pull the clutches, change chain case oil and...
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #185 (33,823)

    He got it just in time to learn how to do preseason maintenance on it!! Bradzoooooooo
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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    I got started on engine tear down today, have I mentioned how much I hate bead blasting? but it sure does make things clean up nice! I also got the primary torn down, cleaned up and reassembled minus the mouse nest that was in it. Things are starting to come together!! Bradzooooo
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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    Well I did get a little further today, starting to run outta things to do that I have parts for, guess its time to start spending some money again Bradzoo
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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    Ok here are a couple pic's in natural light Bradzoooo
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    Summer Vintage Projects 2013

    Well its been a while since I've been able to work on mine, I been able to find the time lately I did get the belly pan on just bolted on riveted yet to see how every thing is gonna line up still have some work to do in that dept. but not as bad as I thought, and then I couldn't resist setting...
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    Central Colorado is getting SNOW! check out Loveland Pass and Monarch Pass!! On the Western Cams Bradzoooooooooooooooo