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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #185 (33,823)

    Wayne its not lookin good for this weekend looks like I'll be working again, I'll let you know if things change. I did get the Street Glide rear fender extension painted and on yesterday finally was alittle nervous spraying the base/coat clear coat but it turned out pretty good, that Smokey Gold...
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #185 (33,823)

    Well Kelly got her own scoot, Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster Custom all tricked out and went for her 1st 100+ mile ride yesterday, she did great and loved it just need to put her windshield on, which also means I could do some changes to my bike!
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #184 (33,700)

    Trails were great for what we rode of them, off trail was fantastic we rode 150 miles on Sat. 3/4 of that was bustin fresh powder Bradzooooo
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    Winter Storm Magnus Targets Midwest

    Holy crap Scott why didn't you do this earlier!!!! You must be getting pretty famous to get a storm named after you,HAHAHAHAHA Bradzooooooooooooo
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    Keweenaw County 1/21-25/2013

    I'm in need of a belly pan for mine, at least thats the biggest thing, everything else is fixable or I can find a replacement here is a pic of mine I also have a 79" TX 440
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    Happy Birthday Lori Sleeman

    Happy Birthday Lori!!
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    Happy Birthday mspease

    Happy Birthday Mark!!
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    Happy Birthday Skylar!!

    Happy Birthday my Hobbit Brother!! Bradzooooooooo
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    Whats This?

    Here's a new shot
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    Whats This?

    I looked out the door of the shop and couldn't believe my eyes, I almost forgot what snow looked like Bradzooooooooooooooooooooooo
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    Whats your desktop picture?

    Change mine quite a bit from season to season but this one is on there now my oldest son took this one of me a few years back
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    Boss Seats

    I'm happy with my Boss seat, my wife and I both have them and haven't had any problems at all. We've had them 3 years, which was the 1st year they changed and started putting in the YKK zippers, years previous they had zipper failures. Bradzoo
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #183 (33,624)

    Well I guess this carpeting is out the way Ruger is eyeballing the swatch, you can just hear what he's thinking "man I can't wait to tear this up" We decided to wait on the new flooring until he's potty trained.
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #183 (33,624)

    Well after 6 months of trying to adopt another Shorthair, I decided not to wait any longer, The kennel we got Maggie from had 2 litters of pups and the lady new I was looking so she gave me 1st choice, so let me introduce Maggies half brother Ruger
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    Fall colors this weekend?

    We did a complete Loop of the Yoop Thur. thru yesterday on the bike, eastern UP 75%, Crystal Falls area close to peak, Wakefield close to peak, Lake of the Clouds 75-80%, Keweenaw 60-75%, Marquette-Munising 60-75%, Newberry-Paradise 75%
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    Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #182 (33,581)

    What a great trip home to St. Ignace to Wakefield to Copper Harbor to Paradise and back to home total mileage 1610 and perfect weather and great friends, WORK SUCKS! I'm ready to do it again, colors were either at peak or very close thru alot of the UP and northern lower
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    Thunder on the Grand

    If your looking for something to do next weekend Bikers check this out and its all for a good cause to help stomp out cancer, if your around the Hastings Mi. area stop in at the Barry County fairgrounds (where the MSA used to have the snow show).
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    Turkey Hunting

    Well it was a good day for turkey hunting last monday, My stepson got his 1st turkey and I got another one, this makes 3 years in a row on opening day, the turkey's must be getting dumber!! or I'm getting real lucky.
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    Thrills in the Irish Hills Motorcycle Event July 12th-14th 2012

    Thursday, July 12ALL DAY Thrills Festival PitStop Open Main entrance, Jackson County Fairgrounds Shady’s Tap Room / 110 N. Main Street, Brooklyn 2 pm Jackson County Fairgrounds Open 2-10 pm Sponsor Appreciation Lounge Open Jackson County Fairgrounds 2-10 pm Vendors & Exhibits Open Thrills Vendor...
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    Polishing the Bike

    Well got all the oils changed washed, waxed and taken out for a test spin yesterday