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    New motorcycle event this summer

    Some of my riding buddies are starting a new motorcycle event in southern Michigan. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Paul Rodgers to Ignite Southern Michigan's Thrills Motorcycle Event Motorcycle enthusiasts should attend Thrills in the Irish Hills Bike Festival on July 12-14. Lynyrd Skynyrd and Paul Rodgers...
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    Polishing the Bike

    Well I stared polishing the bike last nite getting it ready to ride, I'm doing this in hopes it will turn cold and snow, and if it doesn't then the bike will be ready to go. This winter sucks Bradzoooooo
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    John Dee 2012 Ride In (Post your Pictures here)

    Here are some from Fridays cookout out in the bush
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    John Dee 2012 Ride In (Post your Pictures here)

    Here's some from sat. only had my phone forgot the camera
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    Who is still riding?

    Couldn't resist, can't ride the sled, 55 degrees today I'm ridin the bike
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    Easyriders Rodeo and Wheels of Thunder

    Few of us went on alittle ride yesterday, stopped in Grass Lake for the Wheels of Thunder event, then headed to Fowlerville for the Easyrider Rodeo, with a small rain shower on the way(ok it down poured for 2 hrs). So we stopped at the Michigan Brewing Company in Weberville for a bite to eat...
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    M&M Powersports

    Chad, I want to thank you once again for helping Kelly get back out riding this weekend she loves the sled. I took it back to Suzy and Tom's swapped out the seat and put her Boss seat on along with her handle bar risors and she was back out riding, Thanks again Bradzoo
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    Happy Birthday Skylar

    Happy Birthday!!!
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    Happy Birthday letsgosledn

    Happy Birthday Ken!!
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    Happy Birthday jbsugarbrown

    Happy Birthday!! Hope its a good one
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    snowmobile vs. jet boat
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    German Shorthair Pointer

    As some of you already know and now all of you will, Tues. Dec. 7th we had to put down a beloved member of our family our German Shorthair Pointer Sadie, she was 11 years old and had liver cancer. My wife Kelly who married into the dog, and who never liked dogs fell totally and completely in...
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    Thanks Lake Effect Suppy

    Blutooth, just wanted to say Thanks for your help and excellent service the new Boss seat is great can't wait to get it in the snow sure does liven up an old sled
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    2011 rmk pro 800

    All of you people who snow checked one of these sleds are gonna be happy you did I think, I was on one today at Nelson's and I am impressed its going to be a carving beast very narrow makes the IQ chassis look wide, now I just need to ride one
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    JD Family Hulbert Feb 12th-15th

    What a time
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    Happy Birthday Skylar

    Hope your headed north, if not enjoy it any way