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  1. J

    Help Please

    You don't need people to be physically in the UP to give you a report in 2018. The government has spent billions of dollars putting satellites and weather stations on the ground that can detect snow depths. We are is bad shape right now in the Midwest. No where to ride.
  2. J

    Bummed out

    Canadian trail passes are over $300 per season and this is what their trail system looks like today. You CANNOT ride on a red listed trail even if there is 3 feet of snow.
  3. J

    Are munising trails worth a 6hr.haul

    Unless this weekend brings some decent LES, trails statewide are pretty wrecked. This storm was shown as a disaster for about a week out. My sled is having the clutch overhauled right now, I figured that riding was going on hiatus. Thankfully the primary US model has backed off a repeat...
  4. J

    Are we getting a bit off topic

    I keep checking this subforum hoping to find someone looking for a riding partner or two, but I have to wade through all the posts of people asking about routes on there ride. I have no problem with people asking these questions, but perhaps it should be in the "Area conditions and Info"...
  5. J

    Would you open up a snowmobile dealer?

    I wouldn't go jumping to the conclusion that winter's having bad months/seasons are anything new. Check out 1951 to 1968 for example. btw: John's update tomorrow should be encouraging, I'll let him give the details why. Click this to see the year by year at Houghton.... The station changed...
  6. J

    March 26th Ice Bridge status

    Does anyone know if the ice bridge is still open? Seems that it would be.
  7. J

    Snowmobiling Shifting Further North Each Year!

    The 1970's were an anomaly.... Winters are pretty much back to where they were in the 1950's and 1960's. Most of the country is warmer by about 1 degree over the 100 year average. That's it.
  8. J

    84 days and the trails open

    Riding looks all but guaranteed Dec 1st. I'm watching NW lower Michigan for a chance at late night or
  9. J

    Kruppy Time Lapse

    Myself a few other guys on a different board have been watching Kruppy throughout the winter, here is a time lapse of the last week made by someone.
  10. J

    Modular Helmet - Feedback needed

    I also have a modular and have discovered how poorly they let air in... I have a rig I'm going to try tucking 1 inch foam tubing into my mask and possibly super-glueing it in... This should allow the helmet to function as a modular, but remove the air hole that allow fresh air to work in from...
  11. J

    Where all the snow is...

    This is the worst winter I have yet to see...
  12. J

    Question about November Trail riding

    OK, so we know there will be rid-able conditions by tomorrow evening, what does this mean for trails that don't open till Dec 1st? Are there still areas to ride?
  13. J

    Gaylord Jan 3rd-5th

    Hi All, I might be looking to tag along with others in the Gaylord area this coming week... I will be heading up to Gaylord if the conditions are right. Probably Tuesday through Thursday. We could be looking at a foot+ of new snow and my usual guys I ride with can't come with the short notice...