06 fusion 600 bad volt regulater


New member
I believe I have a bad voltage regulator going out on my sled. lights are diming and shutting off when I hit the brakes hard. I have a new one on order. I know it's going to be a bitch to replace. Do I need pull the oil resivoir out of the way? Does the regulator need to be grounded? Thinking of rerouting and attaching to my air box. I'm going out of town this weekend and wondering what kind of damage I could create by riding with a bad regulator. No lights I could live with. Will I blow my llights out? Will the sled still run? Heeeeeeelp!!!


They make a new voltage regulator now that goes over above the clutch cover, so you don't have to pull all that stuff out of the way. You should ask about that before you dig in. Just saw the dealer do one on a Fusion the other day.

You could lose lots of electrical stuff, like hand warmers and whatever. My Fusion had the voltage regulator go out and nothing worked, but the sled ran. I don't know if you can hurt anything or not, but your hands are going to get cold....


New member
are they mounting it on the clutch cover for grounding reasons? And won't that just get in the way? Thanks


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Staff member
Leave your stock one where it is, the new one will mount on top of your clutch cover. Just unplug the wires from your old one, and then plug in the wires to the new one. Getting the old one out is a real PITA and is not necessary.


New member
Thanks guys your awsome. I will post back when I get my regulator amd let you know how it went. Happy New Year!!


New member
I have my belt mounted on my clutch cover. If i mount the regulator on it and it's touching my belt will the regulator get hot and melt my belt? Or should i be careful when place on the cover? Thanks.


Hmm, good question. I'm not sure. I wouldn't think the voltage regulator should get all that hot. But might be a good idea just to try to find a way to either move the belt a little and create space, or to find a better mounthing place for the regulator.

The belts are very tough, and really shouldn't melt easily. If they did, they wouldn't last very long! I'd have to guess that the belt gets hotter on the clutches than the voltage regulator would ever get.


Well-known member
Is this a common problem on these Fusions? I have the same sled and I'm having intermitent (don't know how to spell that) electrical problems also. How much does a voltage regulator cost?


New member
Yeah it is a very common problem. The voltage regulator cost about $197.00 from the dealer. Found one at babbits for $164.00. Not a cheap part


New member
I am sure there is a way of testing it, I just don't know how. If someone out there knows please advise. I plan on leaving my old one right where it is at and i don't know if you can get at it and test it without taking it out. Its in a real crappy location. As far a getting a used one I would rather buy new cause your probably replacing with same junk regulator. I'm under the impression that polaris has replace the old regulator with a new and improve one. I can only hope. If anyone can confirm that please let me know. Thanks.


New member
To test a voltage regulator, you can unplug it while the sled is idling. It's very important that the sled is idling because as you rev up, you produce more electricity. If you rev up without a voltage regulator, you will blow all your bulbs and likely cause other problems. But, if you have no lights, unplugging it should at least bring power back. If you get more lights at idle than you had, it's a pretty good indicator that your regulator is bad.


Well-known member
zimmbob - you said you saw a dealer mount a new voltage regulator on top of the clutch cover? Did Polaris come out with a new part and that's where they are mounting them now? What is involved in just changing the part where it is now at?


zimmbob - you said you saw a dealer mount a new voltage regulator on top of the clutch cover? Did Polaris come out with a new part and that's where they are mounting them now? What is involved in just changing the part where it is now at?

Yep, there was a Fusion at the dealer and they had the WHOLE THING torn down to pieces trying to find out why it didn't have lights, gauges, hand warmers, etc...

They tried the new voltage regulator, and that didn't work. That's where I commented on that being a pain in the butt, and they showed me how the new replacement ones just mount on the clutch cover and have longer wires to plug in to the existing harness. Then you just leave the old one riveted to the bulk head, which is the problem with the exisiting ones. They are way down under the oil tank, brake, and all that stuff, up tight against the inside wall of the bulkhead. And not just bolted on. They are there with rivets. Have to take all that stuff off to be able to remove the rivets etc.... What a mess.

All of the new sleds (09/10) have the VR on the clutch cover now.


Would a VR work off and on? My lights and gauge seem to work off and on.

Yes, it does. Like I mentioned. While riding, my sled had dim lights, no hand warmers, gauges would go in and out. Lights would then go in and out, when I hit the brake, everything would light up bright, on and on. BUT, when I drove it to the dealership, (and it did it the whole way), I rode it right into the garage. They turned it off, looked at some stuff, did some diagnostics, then started it again, and just like that, it worked fine.

I just said FIX IT ANYWAY. No more problem.


Well-known member
Thanks zimmbob. Sounds exactly like my problem. If you don't mind telling me, how much did the dealer charge you for that?