10 pm and dead


Well-known member
Dan is probably still sleeping....

Yep I'm with ya on that. I also burn the candle from the early end anymore. Can't tell you the last time I caught the 10pm. News but I am up at 4-5 in da morning. Nice to relax and get some stuff done before the day starts!!


Well-known member
Exactly what I was thinking. A handful of people who like to hover like eagles until someone says something they don't agree with then swoop in and attack. Nothing wrong with good debate, but it goes too far sometimes and I can see where that would turn people away. I know guys personally who come on this site and view only and don't comment for that very reason.
I agree with this
so many folks seem to get very aggressive with strong opinions , when they don't match there
so many folks just seem to want everything to be a one liner too

its NOT everyone here, but its like that on most forums anymore,
and folks are just way too quick to get nasty over nonsense!
a shift in society, with low respect of others IMO
debates are fine, but when folks need to dig deeper in poor remarks I find it sad , so many go there so fast over words on a screen!
this site I will admit seems a bit better on folks restraining, but does seem like last few yrs its getting more and more common !


To me, it's very simple. People are less likely to post on the discussion board these days as no doubt someone will find something wrong with their post and attack and criticize them over it. Who needs that?

I agree with this and the other comments that followed. It's the way society is today unfortunately and it's pretty much extremism. Nobody's opinions matter but mine it's not negotiable. Take it or leave otherwise I'll bash you more..... minimal to no common decency or compromise. Sad....


Well-known member
I agree with this and the other comments that followed. It's the way society is today unfortunately and it's pretty much extremism. Nobody's opinions matter but mine it's not negotiable. Take it or leave otherwise I'll bash you more..... minimal to no common decency or compromise. Sad....

I agree with your comments but will add that I do understand the take it or leave attitude. I will be honest, when I believe I'm right about a particular subject or even "my thoughts" about something such as my "opinion" about which sled I ride and for what reason. That doesn't mean everyone has to agree with me. I get it, but once it gets to bashing you over the head since your opinion doesn't agree with what someone else thinks is where there is a break down in the discussion.

I realize that was a little wordy but it's like what I see in society today when you don't agree with the main stream media is spewing out...anyone who doesn't agree with it is attacked unfairly for their beliefs and that in my opinion is nuts.


Active member
Geez, all the “oily boids” on dis forum!
I am and have always been a “night owl” 🦉 — fortunately I’ve never had to punch a time clock.
Hey, my neurons don’t even start firing before noon and a cup of coffee ☕️, and I have historically done my most creative work from mid-afternoon ‘til late evening — I’m far more likely to be heading to bed than arising at 3AM. Not that I particularly like it, I have just learned to accept and deal with it.

Riding? Since selling my aircraft some years ago, all my “riding” these days is done on a La-Z-boy recliner. Ye Haw!

But even when flying — on my many trips from DVT to and from LAX, I far preferred to make those trips above the southern California desert at night; I found it was far easier to see other air traffic at night than during daylight hours.


Well-known member
You just gotta get with times Dan.....Instagram a big one, way easier post videos. Snapchat groups way funnerr. And most clubs use Facebook. Discussion boards are like library's now days.....old school.

I will say if I have a wish list from John is for an update to the software that "automatically resizes photos".
If pictures went up by 600%, would the software accommodate this?

Respectfully, Bear


I did get a little chuckle when I read this. Saturday is by far the slowest day on the site. 10 pm (11 pm eastern) is snooze-ville.

The site as a whole is as busy as it ever has been. The discussion board is slower, but not really by a huge amount. Still upwards of 60-75 new posts a day and on the busy days, 100+.

I will agree that it is social media that has impacted a lot of discussion boards, but I am ok with that. The board is just a part of this site and not even in the top 5 reasons why folks come to the site. I sense a bit of a pull back from FB amongst some of the folks I know. Just too much of the same-old stuff. Plus your privacy is totally given up when you have a FB account. They data mine the crap out of you, even stuff you thought they were not getting into. FB probably know's you better than anyone else besides yourself!

Anyway, back on topic. It's a rough period in the weather and makes all of us snow lovers grumpy, including me. The forecast looks really good beyond tonight for the Northwoods and perhaps the northern 1/2 of the Midwest. That should turn some frowns upside down.

I like it...... bring on the smiles
ride em if you got em..... BringIt!
Sleds are loaded


New member
To me, it's very simple. People are less likely to post on the discussion board these days as no doubt someone will find something wrong with their post and attack and criticize them over it. Who needs that?

yea agree for sure..i am way more cautious about responding than i used to be..cuz alot turns into a battle..

but thats my complaint i guess..we used to just battle for fun..push each others buttons like SB and me..alot of it was funny and good for a laugh

no harm no problem

its just got too serious

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You just gotta get with times Dan.....Instagram a big one, way easier post videos. Snapchat groups way funnerr. And most clubs use Facebook. Discussion boards are like library's now days.....old school.

wow..snapchat has groups? i thought u just watch kim kardash pix..had no idea..yea im trying to learn this new world for my biz and its a pain..i have no clue

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is lame.
Sundays are the BEST days to be out riding. I especially love the stupidbowl. Groomed trails to ourselves.

of course..ur from minnesota..:cool:


New member
Well Dan, if this site is no fun, and there is too much moderation, then quit visiting the site. Life is about choices.

i had to think about this for a few minutes..

so i just point out something..pretty accurate if u ask me..and u suggest i just go away?


soory but the moderation is way different than it was when i first came on..pretty much started last year with the new mod..disquised swearing was never changed..that was a decision the site made last year..the software even asterisked it..your site your rules..

but to just say go away is pretty shocking..especially to me who had never really caused any problems

and yea by the way there are no more laughs here..just a fact..even tho i try

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
I do not think this site is over moderated.

However, I do think that there is a core group on here that cares less what anyone else posts and tend to steer the conversations to their own agenda.



Sez the guy from MN....LOL....maybe this is your year.....lol
Even if the queens were in the stupidbowl I'd be out riding. Weekends are short. No way will I waste one sitting in front of the tv watching a bunch of spoiled millionaires bang into each other.