1st Annual John Dee Bigfoot Expedition and Evidence Gathering Event


Active member
There will be many who try to derail this project cuzzinolaf. Plus, all the temptations to side track our thought train. So, so many different aspects to this project. This really is something "BIG"!!!

I agree Mr. Old Abe, this project is definitely developing into something “bigly” and we need to be ready for all of the twists and turns. You seem to be a visionary and I might look to you for or project plan due to your forward thinking skills. We can start with a high level outline to get everyone thinking and then add to the list. I don’t want to be too aggressive and set milestones, but we need to get all of these amazing thoughts onto paper.

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I heard from a reliable source that Bigfoot currently resides in the greater Newport Vermont area, it is. He was last known to be driving a white Cadillac.

We’re now having people from the east coast checking in, this is growing faster and faster with chapters from the Atlantic to North Dakota forming. Amazing work, everyone!!

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Blindingly following strangers on an expedition into middle of nowhere looking for an elusive beast......Sounds like a good time.....more fun than playing Pokemon. :/��
Guess I could spare a weekend. I'll bring the Fireball.

Unlike Pokemon Go, Bigfoot is for real, and the reward is so much greater. It is definitely a good time, and to go along with Mr. Dee’s theme, it could form even more bromances annually.

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Do you cuzzinolaf, do you think it is possible that he (BigFoot) is moving around to so many different places, in such short periods of time by passing through "gates" of some kind??? Seems as he is never caught up to, and then, BAM, he's spotted some where else??? Maybe like that Avatar thing. Years ago the KGB (Putin???) was said to looking into this type thing. IDK???

We can speculate on Bigfoot’s means of travel but I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves. If we start introducing time travel early on we could lose steam as some skeptics who are on the fence might bail. We need to keep it simple stupid and keep some theories on the DL.

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I suspect anyone who tries to follow snobuilder around will see many things beyond belief in a very short period of time.

Who knows, Snobuilder himself could be a Bigfoot in human disguise. Whoever suggested the investigator to investigate the investigator might have been onto something. Can you give any examples of things we might see that are beyond belief if we follow him around?

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Over 90 responses, and I see a big missing gap in info. I will fill this gap, as I have a great bigfoot barbeque recipe!

I don’t know if it is ethical to eat our friend. If we can’t communicate with Mr. Bigfoot and he’s turns out to be just another tasty animal to eat, you sir can be the head chef.

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of course youse guys will need a theme song....so I fount ya won dare CUZZIN'......me cuzz....."WILDBOY"......ROTFLMAO...enjoy all...and I expect to hear this echoing in da northwoods next year at dis meetin'

We only will need a theme song for when our documentary tops the BFRO show. We will become famous, it will happen, and we will capture proof of a squatch. Everyone needs to remain optimistic and pessimism (skeptics don’t count) will not be tolerated.

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WE NEED THIS GUY!! He would be the PERFECT narrator.

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Hey John, when you signed off this week's journal you said if anyone has something they want to see with your new drone to just let you know, when here you go. Fire that baby up and start searching the backwoods!

Multiple drones, now we’re talking!! We can chase the knock or get them up into the air if we spot something. We can even send them over remote areas where Bigfoot or the Day Watchers of their clan are known to hang out. I don’t know how we can get stealth technology for our drones and that could be a problem. We might need a military contact the more I think about it.

mitch t

New member
If anyone really wants to visit with Squatch and has his best interest in mind. Bring a Arctic cat out to your nearest Butterfingers field and fire it up. The backfire on start up will bring the whole herd. A 850 will work also, it blowing up sounds similar to a POS AC firing up. I would not use a doo the first time out....22 Squatch coming at you is intimidating and its hard to flee on a bombeddeaddear. They have always out ran me!

Tracker you are disappointing. Open your eyes! Cuz'z love for our big buddy has brought the penicillin computing system to a halt. I'm with you Cuz! We'll have a fake organization, fake excursions, fake evidence gathering (where we put out the evidence before hand), and fake sightings. All the while sending Eggo and his friends far in the other direction. The first fake sighting will be the mud run/fake excursion. Not sure I can make it though. Send me o'24 and concordance through the Tesla tower as its seems top secret for now. If not, the hide is in the closet -89.078173, 46.760802. You evidently have my number(to get in). There are lots of things in there but its towards the front. Probably best for Skyler to wear the hide, it's from a baby Squatch.
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old abe

Well-known member
This project is overwhelming to say the least, and I get the over aggressive part. That could very well put us all down, as well as ground the drones. I will continue on with the forward thinking part though. As it is the only way for someone such as myself to survive. There was a very large BigFoot field investigation in the state of Ohio yesterday as the news reported this morning. I hope it was not "fake news", as that would only contribute to more to skepticism on our group.. I will leave the "gate" thing such as Avitar, or Ishtar alone for for now, but will not bury it!!! And I also agree with the K.I.S.S. method of getting things done so, so, easy. As for myself, I do not believe snobuilder to be BigFoot. Many people think of snobuilder as somewhat very big in many ways, and by words I can't print on this site without be locked out or worse. These names, and thoughts that people use to refer to snobuilder by, do nothing but further strengthen his character more. It's almost as if he feeds on that kind of stuff??? And is exactly why snobuilder is so much like Mr. Trump in being very, very, unpredictable. As to what you will see, or find following snowbuilder around, is also unpredictable, and unimaginable to say the least. Also, probably very, very, dangerous. cuzzinolaf, perhaps we can get hooked up with Gen. Mike Flynn for the military drone tech stuff, as it appears he is looking for work now??? He also can be a good example to us as for trying to be too aggressive????????? Oh well, I say so what!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
My head is spinning. This is way too much for me to comprehend.
Bigfoots is real if you believe he is.
But once documented where will he fall into mankind's creation/evolution?


Active member
My head is spinning. This is way too much for me to comprehend.
Bigfoots is real if you believe he is.
But once documented where will he fall into mankind's creation/evolution?

Once Bigfoot is documented and understood, Bigfoot will be hunted, Bigfoot will be a trophy, Bigfoot will be prize on some hunters' walls. Once everyone gets over the hyper, Bigfoot will live peacefully among us and we might even see a few in the bigger zoos. Hopefully, activists will put Bigfoot on the endangered species list and they'll breed in Bigfoot habitats, happy, social, and feeling safe.

old abe

Well-known member
cuzzinolaf I have just been informed by a secure anonymous source, that this Flynn guy is probably available "For a Few Dollars More", or perhaps "A Fistful of Dollars". And it appears he operates as if he is "Above the Law"??? However, there are some people that consider him as a "Enemy Of The State".

old abe

Well-known member
Well cuzzinolaf, perhaps we can a save a few $$$. I have now found out that this Flynn character is only interested in immunity???? IDKW. He doesn't seem to value $$$ as he once did??? I feel somewhat like this project is becoming "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".

old abe

Well-known member
Cuzzinolaf, Idk if this Carter Page guy would have any info that would be of interest to our BigFoot investigation/project or not. How ever it appears everything he has is for sale!!! Keep a eye on him just in case Flynn doesn't work out. And Bannon, seems as to be more as a possible source day by day now. Eyes and ears open!!!


Active member
I suggest the official logo be the sticker I gave you.

Hmmmm, that works. I misplaced it somewhere (think it is in my truck still) and need to swap out the UP sticker I currently have on my truck. So we have a logo, now we need a slogan.

Cuzzinolaf, Idk if this Carter Page guy would have any info that would be of interest to our BigFoot investigation/project or not. How ever it appears everything he has is for sale!!! Keep a eye on him just in case Flynn doesn't work out. And Bannon, seems as to be more as a possible source day by day now. Eyes and ears open!!!

I know Carter and can ask him his thoughts. Carter is selling everything? I wonder if he's getting ready to retire and dedicate his life to the hunt?

old abe

Well-known member
That's good cuzzinolaf you are on the in with Mr. Page. It appears that he is selling. Maybe he is relocating due to some past activities. Probably like a moving sale, or something like that??? IDKFS??? How ever, Bannon would be a bigger catch in my opinion.


New member
enough chatter- schedule the hunt- early oct is when animals are active getting ready for winter-big foot (and little foot) are likely in the UP for reasons I previously stated but I doubt if they would cross the bridge!! and more people are around the bridge area so I think the odds are good south around twin lakes and east of twins lakes
little less talk and a lot more action!
walk the talk boys, I put in for vaca the week of 10/2/17 and I use both weekends - I can change that though-
we need to think about camping or dressing in black snowmo winter wear and hunkering down all night in the woods near caves and other good natural shelter-
we are not going to find BF on an atv! what about tree stands? bring them! he/she is not is not going to show up if he thinks we are in the area- young BFs are more careless than old ones (that is how they get old) so our best bet is to see a cub, but if we hold our position and then follow at a distance we might find they live in a pride and then we have the mother load!
first week of October then? Headquarters at Krupps? how many cabins should I reserve?
let's start the list of" committed " right here- - Krupps has different size cabins- I can make res after we get a body count-of the "committed"
I am actually not a hunter so not qualified to head up the hunt but I can assist with lodging and transport to our spots ect


Active member
I'm game for getting something on the books. I'd prefer a long weekend sometime in September since I usually bring the family up for the colors in early October. I'm not sure I can get the kids to focus on the importance of the hunt or promise they won't be too loud, and would rather not bring them for it, maybe one to help attract Little Foot, but we'll see.

I think the Twin Lakes location is perfect and we can enlist Skylar since he knows the area as well as any Bigfoot. It is actually possible Skylar is related to Little Foot which is a huge bonus. Locations can be determined as we prep, and maybe even have volunteers to spend the night in some key spots. I'm hoping for a decent amount of interest in our first formal event. If we share cabins, we would probably need at least five I'm hoping.

What about hunting season though? I don't want to be wandering around the woods in all black during bear season, and would have to assume Bigfoot is smart enough to hunker down during any of the hunting seasons. Hmmmmm, we need a hunter to chime in, but I know bear bow season is in September.


New member
I volunteer to hunker down in all night in key spots- not too worried about hunting seasons as we will hunting in darkness I assume- I just don't think BF will show himself in daylight -we need to decide if we want to photo with a spot light or try to follow BF to the pride or where ever he is going -I have access to a low light camera but I think we would end up with similar images that have aready been taken- I have no interest in taking a shot at him, so what are the options to consider? how about bait? how about bait with tranquilizer that will not put him down but slow him down maybe like a date drug -X2-- maybe the we can get the fat albert guy to help us with amounts, again I am not really a hunter so .... I could do sept too but I think the later into fall the better


Well-known member
well guys, I think you are all on the wrong track as to WHEN is the BEST time to find him/IT., HER??
as spring is the time you want to find BIG critters, there HUNGRY from a thin winter of low food options, IF they hibernate like a bear does(and black bears and grizzly's can be UP and moving ALL winter long) the time to be looking should be NOW, when food is most likely on top of the list and when they MIGHT be up and about more looking for it, calories is what ALL critters need to make it thru a winter
a Black bear requires 20,000 calories a day to have enough to make it thru a normal winter

Next will be Mating season, since MOST animals mate in the spring time(NOT ALL) but bears and birds and many other things have LOVE on there mind as the weather warms up, and that leads to Males making dumb moves, in search of a Fine female's attention LOL

NOW as for tranquilizer 's
I have several friends with there own guns, but legally they can become an issue to have on you , pending what state laws are on them, and then it comes down to being REALLY good at guessing weight, so you know how much dose to give , or things can go wrong from two sides there!

SO< if there are those here a looking to GO look, the time is NOT< before green up, and food become more abundant and cover gets thicker to hind magical creatures?
Plus with snow on the ground(if any left) thats the best time to track , pattern and find feeding sources

BUT, the Easter bunny might be easier to find and catch, he's been in all my local malls letting kids get pictures taken with him here HAHA!

OR you might be able to find a dead one that didn't make it thru winter, for what ever reason/s
I found this guy a while back in late Feb, and the mouse next to it, I think it had a heart attack when it seen the bear LOL
as it had NO visible signs of injury's,
so even BIG strong critters can succumb to injuries in the wild, THIS guy I think Maybe got hit by a car and died later on from its injuries, was about 5 miles from the nearest road at the time I found it
about a 300+ ish male

the live one was a a bear, a small female that hung around my place one winter , was here about once a week almost all winter, , would show up in spring time and roll on the plow snow piles to scratch itself with the frozen snow, it sure seemed to like snow??
as I said, NOW is the time to be a looking if anyone is really interested in heading out, MAYBE take some OLD 35 mm film camera with you, so, MR Big Foot won't pick em up with his magical radar ??

I am a hunter and a tracker, been so for a LONG time too!


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What about Yetis?

Here's some solid evidence... :highly_amused::highly_amused:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d2heH4TvGAA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>