1st Annual John Dee Bigfoot Expedition and Evidence Gathering Event


Active member
check out this map of Michigan and where the reports are....all the sledding forests.....and 215 people in Michigan from Houghton to gary Indiana.....man o man cuzzin....you must be a wearin out those bigfoot slippers ya made eh? you gotta have a bean belly too from all that bacon....you get stuck a lot? o wait...you don't ride anymore the nursing home said no...LMAO

I’ve check that site often and scouted out the area of the Gogebic siting when I was in the UP in October for the colors. It is perfect for a Bigfoot, but the swamp didn’t have tall brush for it to disappear into as quickly as they made it sound. I’m wondering if he took a hollow piece of wood or something and used it to breath, hiding under water? And the fact that this guy is scared to go back into the woods? An avid hunter who baits bears, interacts with wolves, and loves the outdoors wouldn’t be scared of a Bigfoot. Something fishy with this story.

I didn’t get to organize a snowmobile hunt this year. Was hoping to, but it just didn’t happen with the crappy winter we had. The northern UP was slammed with sledders and Bigfoot was most likely in hiding, in a snow cave, or broke into someone’s camp.


Well-known member
check out this map of Michigan and where the reports are....all the sledding forests.....and 215 people in Michigan from Houghton to gary Indiana.....man o man cuzzin....you must be a wearin out those bigfoot slippers ya made eh? you gotta have a bean belly too from all that bacon....you get stuck a lot? o wait...you don't ride anymore the nursing home said no...LMAO

interesting dare formula ss

click on a yellow forest for the reports....some of you will know some of them....LOL

woops ya gotta enter here and scroll down

215 people over the course of HOW many yrs, some of the dates I seen go back to 1999?? and the map sure shows a LOT of voids on sighting, maybe BIG FOOTS
can FLY, and then some folks see them and they call the UFO"S too!

WHIch, as that could maybe sure help explain the super ability them to never get captured on any GOOD film or video or?? get hit by cars or leave any remains behind of dead one
and maybe there from outer space and have higher skill sets than us normal human have??
maybe Scotty from Star Trek, , beams them up when they die or to re locate's them LOL

after all who know's what magical powers they could really have?? all anyone can do with Out one, is GUESS??


Active member
215 people over the course of HOW many yrs, some of the dates I seen go back to 1999?? and the map sure shows a LOT of voids on sighting, maybe BIG FOOTS
6/1979 I see in Mackinac county and 10/1979 in Calhoun county
And one reported in 1965 in Huron county
And the dates listed are the MOST RECENT sighting


Active member
OH, I almost forgot. I have a drone I'm willing to use for our expedition. I can get it well above the tree line and search a wide area if we hear some knocks.
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Well-known member
I will concentrate on northwoods disco roller rinks checking for local info.. ..if you can move like Jagger ppl take notice.

old abe

Well-known member
There will be many who try to derail this project cuzzinolaf. Plus, all the temptations to side track our thought train. So, so many different aspects to this project. This really is something "BIG"!!!


New member
I heard from a reliable source that Bigfoot currently resides in the greater Newport Vermont area, it is. He was last known to be driving a white Cadillac.
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Well-known member
Blindingly following strangers on an expedition into middle of nowhere looking for an elusive beast......Sounds like a good time.....more fun than playing Pokemon. :/😕
Guess I could spare a weekend. I'll bring the Fireball.

old abe

Well-known member
Do you cuzzinolaf, do you think it is possible that he (BigFoot) is moving around to so many different places, in such short periods of time by passing through "gates" of some kind??? Seems as he is never caught up to, and then, BAM, he's spotted some where else??? Maybe like that Avatar thing. Years ago the KGB (Putin???) was said to looking into this type thing. IDK???

old abe

Well-known member
Blindingly following strangers on an expedition into middle of nowhere looking for an elusive beast......Sounds like a good time.....more fun than playing Pokemon. :/&#55357;&#56853;
Guess I could spare a weekend. I'll bring the Fireball.

I suspect anyone who tries to follow snobuilder around will see many things beyond belief in a very short period of time.

Grant Hoar

New member
Over 90 responses, and I see a big missing gap in info. I will fill this gap, as I have a great bigfoot barbeque recipe!


of course youse guys will need a theme song....so I fount ya won dare CUZZIN'......me cuzz....."WILDBOY"......ROTFLMAO...enjoy all...and I expect to hear this echoing in da northwoods next year at dis meetin'



Well-known member
Blindingly following strangers on an expedition into middle of nowhere looking for an elusive beast......Sounds like a good time.....more fun than playing Pokemon. :/😕
Guess I could spare a weekend. I'll bring the Fireball.

I'll bring the Jameson to mix.


Active member
Hey John, when you signed off this week's journal you said if anyone has something they want to see with your new drone to just let you know, when here you go. Fire that baby up and start searching the backwoods!