Can i ask what is everyone seeing for mileage with there 600/800, 09/or 10 sleds? Cause i assume the new 11's will be in the same range if same engine right? i see the 700 is gone and the 750 is a 4 stroke. Anyone have the 750 now? Is it anygood? With gas prices aproaching 4$ and more a gallon i find it dificult to drop 10k+ for another 10-12 mpg sled that i allready have thats has a nice looking Cleanfire Injection sticker that does nothing for mpg.
Ive thought for a few years my old man was full of crap on his etec 2 stoke mileage but when he spends $20 a day in gas and i spend $70 well a brand jump might be in order for fuel saveings alone
How do you spend $70 while the person you are riding with spends $20???
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