Looks like a rough day yesterday. Follow them on Facebook to see their adventures…
Day 4 Update / Mar 10
Nobody said it would be easy.
Today was a tough day on the trail. The guys used over a tank of gas in the chainsaw cutting through brush and fallen trees as they made their way through old cat trails that haven’t been used in years.
In that process, Rob had a fallen pine tree come up through the hood of his sled, he grabbed the branch and tossed it over his shoulder without much thought. Later, as they crossed a lake riding through deep powder the engine naturally got hot as the machine worked harder, and the muffler warm. They stopped to assess the route and noticed smoke coming from Rob’s sled. Rob and Paul quickly started packing snow on the machine but the burning was deep under the hood. Thankfully, Rex had (last minute) packed a fire extinguisher that saved the sled.
They later realized that remnants of the pine tree broke off under the hood and was laying on the exhaust pipe which caused the fire. They were able to limp the ~50 miles back to Flin Flon where they knew they would be able work on repairs and regroup.
Now, in true Apollo mission style they are pulling together the tools available and doing the necessary repair work.
Thanks to the many people that were available and on standby to help today from both near and far.