A message to the "Professional Trail Racers"


New member
The only thing I had to look out for on Saturday was tree branches and the snow rooster coming from polaris 1's paddle track!!


New member
lol....where the guy who is chasing people down and giving a beating???

darn stand up riders what are they thinking????do you guys think the trail racers are racing from Bar to Bar???I wounder what they run for oil??

aaaaaaaaand We have A winner!!!!!Lol....go get em!!!!!same thread as 06,07,08,09,10 and now 2011.........

Just a last thought from me, if someday you go by a black Skidoo and you do not slow down and be respectful on the trail or in the corners, don't be suprised when you wake up off your sled on the side of the trail. It was just Trailblazer taking his club and knocking you out for awhile. Maybe this will fix the problem?


New member
Yaaaa This is way to interesting . Only Reason most of them are going slow or Super fast is to get to the next bar and see who is buying the next round !! Ive noticed that MOST NOT ALL riders are D.W.I. riding .. I myself made a pledge to the D.N.R. Here in WI. to stay sober when riding my snowmobile (( I even got a T-shirt And some Stickers and they took my Pic.)) !! I wish Some people out there would do the same .. As for the Statment racer -x Im 46 years old been Sledding for 40 of the 46 years and pretty darn good at it .. I can run at 10mph-125mph and exist with my souroundings . as for long hall traveling i run at 60 mph most times unless i get behind the person who is so full of ALCOHOL then i let them lead So me and my riding crew can Pick up The pices And call a Ambulance or Two . Respect is the Key Here . There are times when you want to take your boot and kick the rider off his sled comming at you or ?? but whats that going to solve ?? NOthing In my book !! Another Big key In my Book --Snowmobile Education Handsignals The right Away .. You can shure tell a newbee rider from a seasoned VET the newbee wont use there hand signals and basicly take up the whole darn trail even when they are comming at you !! In most cases be the First to be wining about how people are driving and how rough the trails are !! Good Night All Racer-X gone !!


New member
The only thing I had to look out for on Saturday was tree branches and the snow rooster coming from polaris 1's paddle track!!

Sorry, forgot about the rooster tail. Hope you had fun. Snow could of been better. I did my best to keep you off the groomed trails. Right at the start of the day we had Ricky Racers barreling at us. We probable could of used my saw a few times on the forest roads.


New member
X2!! I'll ride as fast as I darn well please.. I keep my hands on the bars and I am respectful of all other riders on the trail and off.

To each their own on the on / off trail thing and the backpacks and shovels...

Thank you. I just couldn't edit my response enough to say what you said.


New member
I know everyone (as do I) hates the idea of regulation. But, with the speeds and cornering capability of the sleds nowadays that make some riders feel like superman, I think it is time for snowmobiling licences. Make everyone take the saftey course (As most of us should anyway at some point in our early riding days) and give them a licence. If you cause an accident by being drunk or going too fast or riding recklessly, your licence is gone. If you get cought riding on a revoked licence, your sled is gone. It is not right that some of us are getting pushed out of the sport because we fear for our lives.


New member
I know everyone (as do I) hates the idea of regulation. But, with the speeds and cornering capability of the sleds nowadays that make some riders feel like superman, I think it is time for snowmobiling licences. Make everyone take the saftey course (As most of us should anyway at some point in our early riding days) and give them a licence. If you cause an accident by being drunk or going too fast or riding recklessly, your licence is gone. If you get cought riding on a revoked licence, your sled is gone. It is not right that some of us are getting pushed out of the sport because we fear for our lives.

Not a bad idea, but I think the law as it is, here in MI, would be fine if there were more patrols out on the trails. You have to be 16 or 18 and have a drivers license to be on the trail without your parents. If you get ticketed for ANY infraction on the trail, it goes on your driving record and reflects on your car insurance. If you are snowmobiling drunk and get caught, it is the same as driving a car. Now MI even has the "super drunk" law that has even more drastic fines and punishments related to it. The laws are there, they just need to be enforced better. IMO


New member
The manufacturer ads are of no help in keeping the trails safe. I used to be a Ricky racer, (didn't see anything but rapid sled depreciation) how else can a guy from Michigan rack up 4500 miles a season yr. after yr.. Then I got older and decided that my days are truly numbered, and the numbers left are decreasing at a rapid rate. No sense in speeding up the dieing process.

Cat ad: "See how the world's fastest sleds put the finish line closer than ever". Polaris ad: "It's not all about beating your buddy. Actually, that's exactly what it's all about". Goodyear belts: "Eat up the trail". FXR: "Full throttle Addiction". "Castle Racing". "TeamFast". The list goes on forever, all geared to Joe Rocket and Ricky racer.

Canada has a 35 mph speed limit on their trails, because of the outrage of all the deaths, liability and a socialistic health care program. This can easily be done to us with a swipe of a pen in Lansing if we don't police our selfs better. I already know of 2 trails with 35 mph speed limits in MI.


New member
Regulation is not the way

I know everyone (as do I) hates the idea of regulation. But, with the speeds and cornering capability of the sleds nowadays that make some riders feel like superman, I think it is time for snowmobiling licences. Make everyone take the saftey course (As most of us should anyway at some point in our early riding days) and give them a licence. If you cause an accident by being drunk or going too fast or riding recklessly, your licence is gone. If you get cought riding on a revoked licence, your sled is gone. It is not right that some of us are getting pushed out of the sport because we fear for our lives.

More regulation won't solve this problem.

Grub said it best:

"Stay alert, drive defensively and have some respect for others."

Regulation won't make any of these things happen. We've all got drivers licenses and we see idiot drivers every day. Most sledders ride safely and appropriately, but the minority violators are the problem. This is true in most any activity / society.

More regulation would create a huge bureaucracy with huge costs. Who would pay for it? We would. What would the impact be on the problem? Minimal. This would push as many out of the sport as are already being pushed out. This is already an expensive sport with a lot of inconveniences.

What should we do?

* Set a good example for others. (How you ride, club membership, etc.)

* Expect / push the DNR to enforce the existing regulations. (And in a reasonable way - see the DNR posting)

* Try to influence others, in a positive way, to ride responsibly. This will have the biggest impact. If it comes down to it, refuse to ride with others that ride irresponsibly.

That's my 2 cents. Off my soap box for now.


New member
polarisrider makes a great point. Police our self or the gov will do it for us. That means more money out of our pockets. They have to pay for trail cops somehow, and tickets is how they will do it. After getting all the fast riders they will find new tickets to hand out.


Well-known member
Off-trail AND trail riding is dangerous. Everyone should just stay home or stick to speed runs on the lakes. This thread is hilarious!

I wonder how much professional trail riders get paid? I didn't know there was such a job.
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Well-known member
And that's what separates the trail riders versus the off trail guys. I'm not condoning that type of riding but if you're holding people up at 60 get off the trail and let them go by. Nothing worse then being held up for miles by some stand up rider wearing a backpack with a shovel sticking out of the back throwing huge chunks of ice up with their paddle tracks either. Stay to right and everything should be fine. Side by side into a corner is the dumbest thing you can do with the number of sleds on the trails and I see it all the time too. It's just not going to be me doing it. And I refrain to talk to about the use of hand signals but most people shouldn't take their hands off the bars to even attempt it.

The back pack and shovel comes in because they are usually the same idiots going on and off the trail on powerlines and gaslines where technically they aren't supposed to be riding anyway..Ask any power company their thoughts on allowing snowmobiles on their easements. I'm sure we'll see a bad t-bone at one of these crossings in the future and it's going to be ugly.And I don't know of too many 6' to 7' wide trails out there. A groomer wouldn't even fit down that.

Really? So you're saying that I cruise down the trail at 60mph, standing, with my back pack and throw ice chunks at you? I guess I can respond and ask if you're rushing to the next bar for a beer and live by the motto "the more I drink the straighter the trail gets". You need to stop with the stereotypes and get a clue.

Why can't we ride the powerlines if we want? The electric companies don't own them so who cares what the powerline company says. :confused:


New member
T man, in a perfect world you would be spot on. Set a good example and be a leader by doing the right thing and people should follow. Unfortunately that is not the case. There are those out there who don't care and do whatever they want anyway. If "socal darwinism" would take care of the problem, there would be no need for action. But, unforunately innocent people get hurt every year by the trail drunks and Johny Rockets. At the very least there are people who have loved the sport and been responsable getting out because they no longer feel safe on the trails. This is unaceptable.


A few very simple rules would solve a lot of problems. Designate heavy travel trails one way trails on weekends during daylight hours. Put up signs every five miles that say 'Check behind you NOW for faster traffic.' What am I saying??? - People can't seem to follow the few and simple rules we already have. Nevermind.


Active member
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? -George Carlin


New member

What specific technicality are you aware of that prohibits snowmobilers or anybody for that matter from accessing and using a public utility easement? The easements used by the public utilities for the delivery of their product (Gas, Electric, Phone, Cable, ect..) are on property owned by others. If these utilities owned the property, they wouldn't need an easement for access. The residing jurisdiction of an easement identifies the use and access within in it's boundaries, not the people utilizing.

The companies are carrying the extra liability for these easements. I.E. Someone flying off the top of a hill and crashing into one of the poles. Both landowner and utility company will be sued. The gas companies are complaining trail use by both snowmobiles and wheelers are eroding the minimum required cover over the gas lines.


New member
polarisrider is spot on,the manufactures are no help
what do they think will happen when they advertise a 150 hp high performance trail sled as the fastest sled on the trail,well they are going to try and prove it,to top it off most are newbies to sledding.
Iam 46 yrs old been sledding since 12 i ride a f-7,is it fast yes,does it handle yes,do i like to ride aggressive when the trail permits yes.do i always finish first NO.
Because you just have to use common sense,i get scared to death when i ride in the lower way to much traffic had my skis clipped plenty of times,and i cant count the number of times ive been looking at a oncoming sled sideways taking up the whole trail.
The thing i like most about sledding is seeing is parents out with the kids teaching them to ride responsible does this old man good,not to mention 99.9 percent of the people i meet will stop and help if need be,sleders are a great group people.
that being said thank you for your time.


New member
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? -George Carlin

Ain't that the truth. I miss George. The power company in my neck of the woods loves the snowmobilers and so do the loggers. They say we help hold down the brush growth and it saves them money on clearing. Snowmobiles causing erosion? now thats a new one. spitting leaves is not erosion. A cross country skier (they love our flat groomed trails) causes more erosion kicking snow off there boots.


New member
There's bad apples everywhere. When it becomes a problem, DNR need to show their faces a little more often and really set an example for bad behavior like that described. There's plenty of lakes out there for bragging rights. And ****, if I could ride during the week I would! Stupid work!!!


Active member
It does get pretty crazy out there on the weekends. I don't think I would even take my kids trail riding on weekends up north. I tell ya, the guys that have the race pipes on there sled, scare the crap out of ya, when they braap by you. You go, snocrosser x!