A Question to Snowmobilers


Active member
I just finished updating the snow cover maps and northern MN looks to have some pretty good snow on the ground and also looks to get hammered by snow in the next 2 days. So my question is why has there been almost no talk about this area? Places to go/stay or conditions at the moment. Seems to me if I were planning a trip to N. WI or the UP and things were unraveling like they are now, I would be looking into this option.

Being a Holiday weekend with many plans in place it makes it tough to switch, but I gotta believe ther are some snow chasers ??


Well-known member
Not to put a damper on anybody's plans to travel to the UP for this week-end, but right now, things are dwindling quickly. 40 deg & a steady rain as I type. I know our area does a fantastic job grooming, but you can't groom slush & right now, thats what it is. Thin in many spots, at least from the road crossing views are concerned, not to mention, we simply haven't gotten any significant snows in some time, at least here in the Keweenaw. If you do decide to push on UP, you will know what to expect here, that is of course unless we get blessed with some residuals from Uncle LES, all we can do is hope right now. Happy New Year, no matter what.-Mezz


New member
Our reason is simple. We book a year in advance at Krupp's. We will always honor our reservation. We do not believe in canceling a reservation due to weather. We will enjoy our time up in the UP even if we do not ride.
Used to ride with a bunch, that would double book, even triple book then cancel where there was not as good of conditions. Not good for the business or the reputation of snowmobilers.


New member
riding MN

at the risk of further clogging our trails (which I know our snow businesses would enjoy) Mn has great riding. Can find snow somewhere. Right now from St. Cloud north is getting hammered with snow, and we just got back from Grand Rapids and the trails were great. Will ride Detroit Lakes, Park Rapids area tomorrow and Sat. A favorite spot is Kabetogema area, although the big lake trails with speed limit enforced will frustrate the racer wannabe and others itching to let it rip. Also, lake vermillion area is beautiful. there seem to be strategically placed casinos which offer lodging deals along with the regular family owned resort types. Grew up riding here, and still perfer to spend my $$$ locally, but also like to see other places and meet other people, so we rotate UP and Wisc. in the mix. Happy Trails all!!!


New member
Maybe cause... most consider this is a UP & northern Wi website.
I go to other websites for info on Northern MN.
I think there are more places to stop in MN than the UP. But I haven't gone to the arrowhead or far north yet. Mostly Brainerd / Mile lacs areas

What websites for Northern MN do you use?
I live in north central minnesota and have done all my riding the last 3 winters from my front door (4000+ miles). The lone exception is a once a year trip out to togwotee. Also I have never ridden the up or wisconsin so I can't compare them to Minnesota first hand but can generally agree with previous posts, there are two exceptions.

The first is the studs issue. I believe there are only 3 trails in northern minnesota that have any stud restrictions and north of a bemidji to duluth line there are no restrictions on studs or paved snowmobile trails at all. Also there is no stud fee anymore, so stud restrictions should not be adeterent to snowmobilers visiting northern minnesota.

The second is the speed limit enforcement issue. In northern minnesota outside of Voyegeurs national park there is very little enforcement of speed limits. The exception being heavily used trails near resort areas. I would only worry about the speed limit if you are one that must ride throttle to the bar for 10 miles at a shot. Also with the exceptions of rail road grade trails and connector trails most trails here you would end up plastered to a tree trying to maintain 50 mph through the woods.

There are times that I have considered posting snow and trail conditions reports and pictures on this site but haven't. It never seems as though there has been much demand for them from my area as compared to northern wisonsin and the up. I would be glad to give reports if desired by other snowmobilers wondering what the snow and trail conditions are first hand.

So here is a pic of where I typically ride in Beltrami State Forest. This was two weeks ago there was hard 5-6" base at that time freshly groomed. There hasn't been much snowfall since then but unlike areas to the south no thaw either and with the current storms happening now I can't wait to get out afterwards.


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New member
i agree the trails and off trail riding isnt as good as the u.p. if you catch the trails on a good day they are a blast.as for off trail riding there is quite a bit.its all we do when were up there (a few times a year) finland area is awsome and normally has the most snow in the area.pick up a dnr map with all the forest roads.all the way up to the gunflint and when their is snow it can be a blast.its just like going anywhere else new,spend time riding and exploring you never know what you might find


Active member
Trail Conditions

I live in north central minnesota and have done all my riding the last 3 winters from my front door (4000+ miles). The lone exception is a once a year trip out to togwotee. Also I have never ridden the up or wisconsin so I can't compare them to Minnesota first hand but can generally agree with previous posts, there are two exceptions.

The first is the studs issue. I believe there are only 3 trails in northern minnesota that have any stud restrictions and north of a bemidji to duluth line there are no restrictions on studs or paved snowmobile trails at all. Also there is no stud fee anymore, so stud restrictions should not be adeterent to snowmobilers visiting northern minnesota.

The second is the speed limit enforcement issue. In northern minnesota outside of Voyegeurs national park there is very little enforcement of speed limits. The exception being heavily used trails near resort areas. I would only worry about the speed limit if you are one that must ride throttle to the bar for 10 miles at a shot. Also with the exceptions of rail road grade trails and connector trails most trails here you would end up plastered to a tree trying to maintain 50 mph through the woods.

There are times that I have considered posting snow and trail conditions reports and pictures on this site but haven't. It never seems as though there has been much demand for them from my area as compared to northern wisonsin and the up. I would be glad to give reports if desired by other snowmobilers wondering what the snow and trail conditions are first hand.

So here is a pic of where I typically ride in Beltrami State Forest. This was two weeks ago there was hard 5-6" base at that time freshly groomed. There hasn't been much snowfall since then but unlike areas to the south no thaw either and with the current storms happening now I can't wait to get out afterwards.
I would enjoy your reports and pics of the areas you ride. I am always looking for new places to ride. I always make plans to go but never book til I see what conditions are like....
Ride em if you got em


Well-known member
We ride northern MN quite a bit. The trails are different in different areas. If you like lots of stops and lots of trails the area north of Detroit Lakes in the White Earth area is great. They do a great job of grooming and you can find a stop about every 20 miles.
The area that crossfireLOW mentioned is a great area to ride but if you get away from Lake of the Woods the stops are few and far between. sometimes 100 miles. The traffic is low and you don't have many stop signs. Warraod, Baudette, Fourtown, Grygla, Waskish, Blackduck all have great trails but not much for off trail riding. I Falls, Ash River, Crane Lake, Lake Vermillion are also nice but there is more traffic and the trails get a little rougher in that area but the new sleds all have great suspensions and you can make them work.
I was a creature of habit and went to the White Earth area from the late
60's until the mid 90's as we have a cabin on Big Elbow Lake in that area but since the mid 90's we always try and ride one or two new places every year and have found that snowmobiling is good just about everywhere. Some of the best riding I have ever had is in ND but very few ever ride here and that is just great with me.


I've lived in the twin cities all my life and my dad is from ironwood MI, I use to register my sleds in mn but switched to wi cause the snow conditions were better there the last 10 years. I have riden northern mn and found the trails to be just as good, I havent been back to MN for 10 years and don't plan on comming back. the laws change every year, one year you have a stud permit the next year you don't , at least be consistant or someone else will. I don't drink and snowmobile but the laws have really changed the sport, DUI's are more common and there are more cops on sleds. the higher prices have had an effect on the sport as well, more familys can't get into the sport like the past. Corporate greed has take the sport to a new level, $45.00 for a gallon of oil? come on guys, are you really thinking the sport supports thats. no matter where you ride the cost of the sports is what is causing people to go elsewhere.


Most of what everybody posted here is correct about MN. The trails in my area around Tower / Lake Vermillion can get hammered by Saturday afternoon. Grooming frequency is a fraction of what they are in the UP.

Something that has not been mentioned is the snow that falls in December is the same snow we are looking at in March. Last year we had little in the way for snow. What did fall stayed. I managed to get 2500 miles on the orginal slides and orginal wear rods.

From my back door I can take lakes and short posted snowmobile portages to places like Ely, Crane Lake, International falls and even well into Canada. This an option I didn't have in the UP


New member
I have to disagree with many posters. I have been going to the North Shore for years and in the last 4 years I have started riding the UP also. I have a job that allows me to ride durring the week so trails are great in both places. Both are great for thier own reasons.
I like the northshore for the tight twisty trails, extreamly friendly people (especially Trail Center,) and less people on the trails. Not many places open at night though.
As for the up. I thought the hospitallity around Ironwood was horrible, but from Houghton east was great. The trails are alot faster and wider. Places are also open later at night. I will continue riding both each year. As far as hotels go, they are about the same. We usually stay at chain hotels such as the Best Western, Super8, Holiday Inn. This way we know what we are getting and they have hottubs! The prices are about the same.


New member
I have gone to the Brainard Gull Lake over the last 5 years. The conditions have been unpredictable sometimes and had to re-schedule twice one year. I live in VA. so it is tough to make short term plans. The lakes and trails have been good except 3 years ago we hit a warm spell and barely salvaged a trip. I want to go to the UP in the future.

Cat Woman

New member
Crappy Keeweenaw conditions forced us to cancel our reservations and decide if we wanted to just stay home or find another place to go this weekend. Having 5 days off and not much to do we are on our way to the Grand Rapids, MN area as I type. They have plenty of snow and are expecting quite a bit more tonight and tomorrow. We will be staying at Ruttger's Sugar Lake Lodge and so far have been MORE than accomodating over the phone, we'll see. Hopefully we don't run into any problems and just get some good riding in and have fun. I'll let you know how it goes as we've never ridden in MN before. Kinda excited to try out a new place! Happy New Years all!!!! :D


Well-known member
I like northern MN when riding with the wife less trafic than the up more tight twisty trails than wfo old rail but yes not a ton of stops I have never had to deal with 2 to 3 ft rollers in Northern MN but have on many trips to the UP.in fact that is why it is N MN with the wife she refuses to ever ride in da UP again because of that.for off trail I only know of a few good spots so I dont bother going with the boys .but I did get stoped shortly after 9 11 crusing close the boarder buy a heicopter that was wild


I'm going to give Minnesota a shot. Staying north of Detroit Lakes (Pinehurst Resort).
They have lots of snow and I can even do a little ice fishing.


Well-known member
I have stayed at Pinehurst just about every year for about 20 years, and have been riding that area since about 1970. There is lots of trails and lots of pit stops, and the snow should be excellent. If you are interested let me know what type of riding you like and I can give you a few ideas.


New member
I'm going to give Minnesota a shot. Staying north of Detroit Lakes (Pinehurst Resort).
They have lots of snow and I can even do a little ice fishing.

You'll have a blast fishcrib. I was just up there today and the trails are great, most not groomed yet, but fresh 10" of snow and more coming tonight. We were the first track over a lot of trails today. I saw the groomer guy getting things ready. If you grab a map and ride the north/south trails that are not main trails, you will find very smooth, less ridden areas. Also good trails to Itasca State Park, stop and see the headwaters of the Mississippi while you are at it. I hope to get that way tomorrow. Enjoy!!


New member
i'm in Orr mn. as we speak, they have 2 to 3 ft of snow but the trails are not being groomed due to the fact alot of the trails run through swamps and with the early snow they received the swamps never got a chance to freeze up. It took us 3 hrs to ride 40 miles we finally couldnt take the beating anymore. My favorite place to ride is washburn,douglas,and bayfield counties in wi. they seem to be able to make sugar out of sh$$ with only a few inches of snow compared to northern mn.
Candyman, that sucks that the groomers can't get out where you are. I am a little surprised that is still the case. The swamp trails around my area are groomed and have nearly a concrete and thick base before the snowstorms of the last few days. I am not very familiar with the Orr area but if you can find a state forest road map somewhere, state forest roads are legal for motor vehicles (including snowmobiles) unless specifically posted otherwise in most state forests of northern mn.

Also I was told by a very experienced DNR officer here that STATE forest roads that are plowed are still legally passable on snowmobiles. But, NATIONAL Forest roads are NOT legal to ride if plowed.