And another one bites the dust

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After daily fines of $1000 and now a court order the police came and arrested the owner of the Cafe Rosetta in Calumet MI for keeping her restuarant open.

I just drove by Walmart and then parking lot is packed.

Big business okay, small business not okay.

It like a episode of the twilight zone. Blatant hypocrisy and no one notices. Truly sickening
I really feel for all these businesses that have had to shut down a few different times, not sure how they will make it even when they open back up. Hopefully some had reserves to help them thru others probably took out small loans that will have to be paid back as well. This all seems crazy and highly unfair.

Over the last week I have rode Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. I never noticed how much having a place to stop and eat or just warm up was until the shut down. My son and I ate at a gas station the other day, it really just changes the whole experience.


New member
Watching the Twilight Zone now, the episode is called the Obsolete man. What a great story Rod Serling did with this one.
I think we took bar/grills on trail for granted always can stop at the next establishment. I was wrong we need all of them especially when riding is over need a good dinner. Idk I’m considering lots of alternatives got to have some meals when riding for a week. Work around meals to eating out are going to be a must if the witch keeps eat inside restaurants closed.

Don't worry, the "Good Witch of the North" has just announced indoor dining could resume before restrictions are set to be lifted on Jan. 15. Of course everyone has to do their part to keep covid cases low.

By the way, just look at this chart and notice how covid cases have declined since the "Good Witch of the North" used her magical powers to turn the covid tide. Jail to those who don't obey.
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Active member
Don't worry, the "Good Witch of the North" has just announced indoor dining could resume before restrictions are set to be lifted on Jan. 15. Of course everyone has to do their part to keep covid cases low.

By the way, just look at this chart and notice how covid cases have declined since the "Good Witch of the North" used her magical powers to turn the covid tide. Jail to those who don't obey.

"Good Witch of the North"? Really???

If she is this wonderful governor, why don't you buy Camel Riders and reopen it? Pay full price. Heck, pay more since you are so generous with money. (Or, are you only generous with other peoples money?) If her policies are so great, put your money where your mouth is and add to the stats you post. I am sure you will be making millions in no time.

Don't forget, pay your staff at least $15.00 / hour. Give them all medical insurance, at least four weeks of vacation and paid maternity leave regardless if they are full or part time. Also, give them all of your profit since they are the ones that actually make the money for you. I think it is only fair to pay yourself $75,000 per year.

Come back here in a year and rub it in our faces with all the money rolling in to your business from her policies.


Well-known member
Don't worry, the "Good Witch of the North" has just announced indoor dining could resume before restrictions are set to be lifted on Jan. 15. Of course everyone has to do their part to keep covid cases low.

By the way, just look at this chart and notice how covid cases have declined since the "Good Witch of the North" used her magical powers to turn the covid tide. Jail to those who don't obey.
Never was any science to support closing restaurants from the get go to prevent Covid. CDC reported 1.43 percent Covid infection rate from restaurants. We learned a lot in these many months regarding Covid spread closing restaurants was wrong and a mistake restaurants were safe with sanitation and social distancing closing was insensitive and wrong via science. You like Whitmer certainly alright with me I don’t care for her and her heavy handed social style of governing. I have no power to vote her in or out but I do have an opinion of her and it’s very negative. I recognize how Whitmer killed the restaurant business top to bottom for months on end when there were alternatives. No science what so ever just opinion and a heck of a method to bring restaurant workers and owners to their knees. This was / is a mistake to close restaurants.


Well-known member
So Midwest Player, totally wrong. Since when do we tell healthy people to stay home? Totally backwards and foolish. If you're not comfortable or sick you stay home, it's pretty simple common sense really. Your thought process is much like a sheep. Follow, follow, follow. If you think this governor has done any good you need your head examined. Look at the chart? No, look around you! Jail those who don't obey? Head to California because that's where you belong. You talk like a damn fool.


Well-known member
I spoke with Lenny who went to Rosetta's yesterday to protest. The owner was not arrested, as a matter of fact there will be a peaceful protest there today at 12:30 eastern time and then they will head to a meeting at 2 eastern at the Sheriff's department. From the info I've gathered it sounds like the Sheriff is ready to make a stand with good support of the people. Time to protect the constitution and our businesses that snowmobilers rely on! I'm proud of you Lenny!


So Midwest Player, totally wrong. Since when do we tell healthy people to stay home? Totally backwards and foolish. If you're not comfortable or sick you stay home, it's pretty simple common sense really. Your thought process is much like a sheep. Follow, follow, follow. If you think this governor has done any good you need your head examined. Look at the chart? No, look around you! Jail those who don't obey? Head to California because that's where you belong. You talk like a damn fool.

Mic drop!


Well-known member
Wisconsin covid numbers are falling faster than Michigan's. And our bars and restaurants are open. Be it herd immunity or the virus running its course.
Staying at home and hiding with your mask on only weakens your imuine system


Well-known member
So Midwest Player, totally wrong. Since when do we tell healthy people to stay home? Totally backwards and foolish. If you're not comfortable or sick you stay home, it's pretty simple common sense really. Your thought process is much like a sheep. Follow, follow, follow. If you think this governor has done any good you need your head examined. Look at the chart? No, look around you! Jail those who don't obey? Head to California because that's where you belong. You talk like a damn fool.

You are right Kip, however not only jail those who don't obey, but DON'T jail those "peaceful protesters" trashing businesses, looting, burning, etc...

Our world has turned inside out and only a portion of our society actually sees what's happening. People like MP, media, most of the politicians are either blinded by their partisanship or lacking all common sense. Unfortunately for those of us who can see what's really going on, it's extremely frustrating.

And lastly, it appears we can actually name the politicians here now....


New member
Wisconsin covid numbers are falling faster than Michigan's. And our bars and restaurants are open. Be it herd immunity or the virus running its course.
Staying at home and hiding with your mask on only weakens your imuine system

This, and MP is the "Good Witches" husband. Wish I could vote her out as well.


Kip is a stand up guy with a good thought process that runs a successful business in the UP. He is right this is totally backwards thinking. Who would have ever thought in there lifetime that the Gov would tell you to close your business close it think about that it goes against “The American Way” for most having your own business and run it the way you want is the dream. Science doesn’t follow what they are doing. MP you are a idiot and we all see it.


Well-known member
Thanks 4kops. I'll be at the Sheriff's dept. today and I encourage any JD'ers to do the same if you're in the area!


Well-known member
So Midwest Player, totally wrong. Since when do we tell healthy people to stay home? Totally backwards and foolish. If you're not comfortable or sick you stay home, it's pretty simple common sense really. Your thought process is much like a sheep. Follow, follow, follow. If you think this governor has done any good you need your head examined. Look at the chart? No, look around you! Jail those who don't obey? Head to California because that's where you belong. You talk like a damn fool.

Right on, MP talks like a DEM FOOL!
Go to CA and pay taxes like a moron.

MN, not too much better, rode the trails in Bemidji today and stopped for a take out pizza in Bagley. Should be packed on Saturday night (well, 50% anyway with COVID) but slow trickle of carry outs and no bar sales..



Well-known member
The gathering yesterday at the Houghton County Courthouse was very impressive. Over a 1,000 people and very peaceful, the way it should be!!!!!!!!! The owner of Rosetta's has 6 children and no husband. I give her so much credit for sticking to her guns. Much courage in the face of a lot of cowardly criticism. She has a family to feed, what should she do? Start a Go Fund Me Page? I understand it's the way out for a lot of people, but many people don't want handouts and that will dry up too! The owners of the Night Owl in L'Anse, kudos to you as well! He and his wife said they felt guilty not providing their service to the local community. How about that, caring people doing the right thing against all odds. Awesome! The road less traveled is never the easiest route, but can bear many fruits at the end:) Over 560,000 people signed the petition to remove Whitmer when only a number over 340,000 was needed. Well guess what? Did the Secretary of State recognize it? NOPE!!!!! Sickening! Wake up everyone because if you don't make a stand like Rosetta's and the Night Owl, your freedoms will be gone! Like I said before, shorten the dog's leash a link a day, pretty soon that animal is use to the lack of freedom and movement. I'm sorry, can't take it anymore!


Not to worry...the Gestapo have even infiltrated here...I have had a number of posts critical of 1 particular member removed without comment or all honesty they probably deserved it...BUT...I made an innocuous post yesterday commenting or warning about that and it was removed this 1 won't last long either...sad


Staff member
Not to worry...the Gestapo have even infiltrated here...I have had a number of posts critical of 1 particular member removed without comment or all honesty they probably deserved it...BUT...I made an innocuous post yesterday commenting or warning about that and it was removed this 1 won't last long either...sad

Well, it was not me who deleted it. Although I can say with 100% confidence that if you refer to this board becoming the gestapo again, you won't have to worry about a post of yours ever being able to be removed again.

I think I have been EXTREMELY lenient in the things that are getting posted on this board. Unfortunately, that has allowed the direction of the posts on the board to go to a very ugly place. I am finding about 95% of the content to be nothing more than useless gibberish that is not on topic at all with what this board is about. It has become a pre-school free for all of metaphoric toy grabbing, crying and slapping. It's the new year and starting tomorrow, the board and the posts on it go back to what it was intended to be. Friendly, respectful discussions about outdoor recreation. A place where someone can come to raise a smile and not their anger.

Those that do not like it, or want to test what crossing the line will do will learn very quickly.

I have to say, I am quite saddened at our world these days. Both sides. VERY, VERY few want to give others any kind of respect for their differing ideas. I can't do anything about the entire world, but I sure as heck can do a lot for the part of the world that I can control.

So have at it, for in about 15 hours (the time at which I get into the office on Monday), the rules will become 100% enforced.



Well-known member
I respect that John. Sorry if I pushed your boundaries. Just disappointing to see businesses hurt that sledders rely on.
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