Not to worry...the Gestapo have even infiltrated here...I have had a number of posts critical of 1 particular member removed without comment or all honesty they probably deserved it...BUT...I made an innocuous post yesterday commenting or warning about that and it was removed this 1 won't last long either...sad
Well, it was not me who deleted it. Although I can say with 100% confidence that if you refer to this board becoming the gestapo again, you won't have to worry about a post of yours ever being able to be removed again.
I think I have been EXTREMELY lenient in the things that are getting posted on this board. Unfortunately, that has allowed the direction of the posts on the board to go to a very ugly place. I am finding about 95% of the content to be nothing more than useless gibberish that is not on topic at all with what this board is about. It has become a pre-school free for all of metaphoric toy grabbing, crying and slapping. It's the new year and starting tomorrow, the board and the posts on it go back to what it was intended to be. Friendly, respectful discussions about outdoor recreation. A place where someone can come to raise a smile and not their anger.
Those that do not like it, or want to test what crossing the line will do will learn very quickly.
I have to say, I am quite saddened at our world these days. Both sides. VERY, VERY few want to give others any kind of respect for their differing ideas. I can't do anything about the entire world, but I sure as heck can do a lot for the part of the world that I can control.
So have at it, for in about 15 hours (the time at which I get into the office on Monday), the rules will become 100% enforced.