another oil question


New member
I have a 05 600 polaris classic. I am looking to change oils from the recommended polaris to something else. I would like to obviously use the same specified properties that meet or beat the recommended specifications but what are the recommended specifications? I can not find any thing that states this.


New member
Almost any snowmobile specific 2-cycle oil on the market today will have specs that cover your sled. Look on your Polaris oil bottle, it should have all the specs listed right there, jot that down on some paper and head out to the stores and compare. just don't cheap out on oil it's not worth it in the long run.
I'm not going to throw out any brand names as that will make this thread turn into about 3 pages worth of which one is best. If your curious as to what folks ar using go into the search option and search 2-cycle oil and you'll have hours of reading.


New member
As already stated, be sure it's TCW3 rated, and then you can compare properties from there. Obviously there are many choices out there. Pick something that's in the middle of the scale for price and you'll be fine. Don't skimp, but don't over spend either. And of course, go online and check out the manufacturers of the oils and compare there as well. When all else fails, be simple and go with the recommended oil for your sled.


New member
I know this is going to open a can of worms but I have switched all my sleds to Citgo Sea & Snow. I have had no problems since switching over 4 years ago!


Well-known member
Ummm....somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a TCW-3 rated oil for marine applications? I think it's NOT what you want for a sled. I know my owner's manual says specifically not to use it.


New member
The 2005 Polaris 600 Classic is a power valve motor. TCW3 does not meet the Polaris spec. You need an oil rated for API TC.

I bought my wife the same sled 'slightly used' in 2007 with less than 100 miles on it. Switched to Citgo Sea and Snow. Now at 3100 miles. I did have a piston failure but it was due to a broken power valve. All internals looked good when it was rebuilt.

I also run this same oil in my 2000 600 XC SP which has an older version of the same motor. Passed 5000 miles last year and running strong, no drop in compression or performance.

If you really feel like running a name brand, Yamaha 2S is made on the same production just costs more. :)


New member
Sleds dont usually blow up due to the type of oil you use, its usually another factor that has nothing to do with your oil. I use Citgo Sea and snow in my 09 800r. Not cause I need to save a few bucks but because it rates as good or better than anything out there.


New member
I have a 05 600 polaris classic. I am looking to change oils from the recommended polaris to something else. I would like to obviously use the same specified properties that meet or beat the recommended specifications but what are the recommended specifications? I can not find any thing that states this.

I look for oil meeting API-TC, JASCO FD, & ISO-EGD if it meets all of them it should be good, not API-TCW III it's formulated for low RPM low temp operation marine engines.

Ditch rider

Do your research on the net and you'll find that Citgo Sea n Snow is a very popular and clean burning oil. No need to spend more $$ on anything else.