citgo sea and snow = cheap junk
it's cheap but it isn't junk
So indy after your motor blew up, what was the cause, I would think if its the oil you would have siezed the motor. What oil are you running now and have you ever had any other motors go down.
If you do not know why it blew why would it be the oil?
oh it's junk, believe me. If you're drinking soda, do you want the real mountain dew, or the fake stuff? If you were your sled, would your sled's motor want the cheap crap, or the good stuff? It has feelings ya know
Idk what the cause was, but it blew up 500 miles after switching to citgo sea and snow. I had a 550 fan blow up at 100 miles, and 4000 miles (yes, 100 miles) due to clogged jets. And my dad blew up an indy 400 back in the day twice on the same lake due to moisture buildup in the airbox.
Got to luv those 2s Indy lol You sound like you are 4s worthy with those meltdowns.
4 meltdowns out of 15 engines not a good average less than 75% did not meltdown... OUCH!
Can't wait for 2s injected odds. Good oil has little to do with meltdowns use whatever.
hey indy
all stocked up.