another oil question


Well-known member
around 90% of the sleds he had didn't melt down though, the 2 sleds that did blow up, blew up twice. and the indy 400 he had blew up twice screaming across lake poygon. Needless to say, he hasn't gone on the lake since :)

Think of it in human terms. Would you have surgery when 4 out of 15 people die? Really not good odds by the numbers. I'll have to figure out my 2s death rate & let you know. I'll have to think thru all the sleds I have had over the years. 488 airs should not count they were super human! :)


Well-known member
Ok my numbers are 50% 2s meltdown rate....Worse than yours UGH!! You will be happy to know none were Poos either AC or Doo. :D Now you know why I switched to 4s so far 100% 4s live on none DOA.


oh it's junk, believe me. If you're drinking soda, do you want the real mountain dew, or the fake stuff? If you were your sled, would your sled's motor want the cheap crap, or the good stuff? It has feelings ya know :)

mellow yellow any day over Dew, MY also does not have the brominated vegetable oil that Dew has. Do a search on brominated vegetable oil and see if it something good for you. Don't compare it to fluoride in toothpaste either,,,,:p

I Did a taste test on a buddy who is addicted to dew. He thought the MY was the dew because it had a better taste to him. He's 45 and been drinking Dew for 25 years steady. He didn't care about the bro veg oil things but he did switch because of the taste. Try it, you may just love it, I do. There is no charge for my wisdom to you either, save that savings for your first 12p of MY
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Well-known member
mellow yellow any day over Dew, MY also does not have the brominated vegetable oil that Dew has. Do a search on brominated vegetable oil and see if it something good for you. Don't compare it to fluoride in toothpaste either,,,,:p

I Did a taste test on a buddy who is addicted to dew. He thought the MY was the dew because it had a better taste to him. He's 45 and been drinking Dew for 25 years steady. He didn't care about the bro veg oil things but he did switch because of the taste. Try it, you may just love it, I do. There is no charge for my wisdom to you either, save that savings for your first 12p of MY

i actually do like mello yello more, but as far as mountain dew goes versus the great value mountain lightning or the roundy's mountain fury, mountain dew wins.
I don't know about the rest of you guys but about the only time my sleds seem to have any problems is when they are running. It doesn't seem to matter what oil or gas I'm using, the minute I start them up stuff starts to happen. Funny thing, around April all of the problems just kind of go way.