While I tend to agree what your example, I can also see some of the other side of this one...for many of these guys, they are one pulled muscle from oblivion. New York is a huge market for TV and Radio, and those revenues bring in HUGE dollars to the organization. Way above ticket sales. So they can afford to BUY a team while still raking in millions in revenue over the cost of those teams.
A smaller market team can't compete...they don't have the revenue.
We are the dummies for paying the ticket fees these companies demand to see a game, or we sit and watch the beer commercials on TV that bumps the price of beer up to way above what it should be for a bottle of sudz....and we are supporting those sponsors by buying their goods showing that the advertising is working and worth the crazy price that the TV and Radio companies demand.
Once again, if we wrote the product companies a nice letter or email and explained that their product are too high and that advertising on the Yankee TV network was costing YOU the consumer too much money and therefore you name another product that doesn't advertise or is affiliated with that company, you will hit pay dirt with the corporation who, if enough people did that, would think twice about spending that much money on those commercials.
But we are indifferent to this process and just go down grumble and buy that beer, deodorant, or whatever and just put up with what we shouldn't.
If we all took a different attitude, these things would be forced to change and maybe the Yankees would go bankrupt.
Back to the point....many of these boards of directors get into a cozy relationship with the CEO and are basically afraid to toe the line on income or that CEO might leave. I am a huge believer that in many cases, if not most...there are 25 people just below this CEO who could do a commanding job, and not require the crazy money spent on the few on the top.
But then that's just me....I don't think anyone including the president of the USA deserves more than a quarter million a year, and if he doesn't like it...he can leave and let someone else take the spot. Running one of these is probably not as hard as what YOU do for a living, IF you surround yourself with good men who know what they are doing. Your job as CEO is to find them and make YOU look good.