Are You A Collector?


Well-known member
Do you have a collection of anything. Old gas station signs, bar mugs, oil cans, etc., or maybe just a hoarder.

I have a baseball cap collection, over 300 caps. I haven't really been collecting now for a number of years, but still have the caps. If someone was an avid cap collector, I would be willing to sell them.

What do you collect?


Staff member
Tools. Mostly new, and usually expensive, but would pick up good used ones if they came my way.

I really do have a hard time passing up the latest gadget, especially if it will be used.


Team Elkhorn

Bicycles. They just follow me home.:rolleyes: We have 12 of them, four of them are my wife's. (And I'm not even counting the grand kid's bikes). Different bikes for different uses. (Just like snowmobiles, just more affordable). Our basement looks like a used bike shop. Though I confess its time to thin the herd down to six. We haven't ridden the tandem, mtbs or the vintage bikes in a few years. I just know when I sell them Ill regret it though.:) I really want a recumbent trike. My wife says if I get another bike, she gets another dog.:mad:


New member
I collect rocks. Specifically U.P. rocks. I have collected them from Ontanogon to Drummond Island, the Keweenaw to Sault St. Marie, Escanaba to St. Ignace. They sit in various gardens in my yard. I always said if I couldn't live up there at least I could bring a little of it back with me.


Well-known member
I always start collecting something, don't have the room for it, then move on to something else LOL


Shot glasses, everywhere I go, or everywhere the wife goes we pick up a shot glass. probably have 40 or 50 of them right now on a ledge in the basement. Cheap and small but hard to keep clean!


New member
Collector of old broken down polaris's, & tools. I also have a nice collection of "one off " socks that stay in bottom of dresser, not sure why I collect those?


New member
Wheels and casters, it is an obsession. Can not watch a lawnmower
or chair go in the dumpster with the wheels still on.


New member
Oh my lets see, John Deeres (2008 325 skid steer, 1940 B, 1942 LI, 1945 H, looking for more), snowmobiles (1979 JD trail fire, 1982 Yamaha Bravo, 2000 AC 120 mini-Z, 2004 MXZ, 2005 MXZ Renegade), antiques, toy tractors, stamps, tools, firewood, US dollar, and farm land.


New member
For decades I have been collecting precious metals, mostly brass and lead, with some forged steel thrown in just for good measure.

ill marty

New member
I use to collect hotwheels . I have boxes and boxes of them . If your interested in buying all of them let me know . I would like to sell all of them at one time. Let me know snowbullet if your interested. I have some hotwheels that a ceo of a company gave me he had made to give to his employees. I think they are lolly pups . They have rubber tires.