Are you going to ride this year?



Not looking good, rotator cuff surgery next friday, maybe if I'm lucky I might get to go for a ride in march.



New member
heading up to munising the 26th of dec. for a week, then again in jan. feb. and hopefully march if the weather holds up


Well-known member
Quite honestly, asking this question on this site is not going to get very many IF any "No" responses.

If you're here, you're planning on riding this year.


Well, I kinda sorta need a new ski on my XLT so that might not be ready by the time trails open. Good thing I have 2 other sleds I can drive. There will be much riding this year. I always save every vacation day to get in 3 full weeks worth or riding plus many many weekends of sunrise-midnight+ rides.


It is good to see such enthusiastic responses. I think the question was one of honest curiosity. A year ago there was quite a few that were cutting back, storing sleds and even a few that were talking of selling due to the high price of fuel and job fears, etc.

I didnt see really any of that being talked about this year so I was curious. Keep in mind, I provide lodging in the Yoop.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> keeps me curious if people are going to ride. We have been taking a few reservations which is earlier than we typically have seen them in the past.

We have lowered our prices this year and intend on doing all we can to stay as close to 100% occupancy all week that we can. If you are looking for deals, check our online calander. If there is an odd couple days that are empty or say a reservation that ends and leaves a Sat night open.....shoot me an email.

Great input.
906 883 3515 906 884 2498


Yes, but not as much as past years. Maybe as much as last year because my season was cut short in March when I ride a fair amount.

I down hill and cross country ski more.

Last year we used 2 of 5 snowmobiles and haven't used the trailer in 3 years.


I'll be riding but less I think. I am on a tight budget and if i burn a few gallons every time out that is 5 bucks and last year I was out alot, sometimes twice a day


New member
Am I going to breath today? <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> Yeah.


Well-known member
I'll keep riding as long as I have a job - i.e., until the recession hits me personally. I only get out about 8 days each year though.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I don't think I will be riding this year!

Scottiking OUT

JK!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


Lenny, I think we need to pass the hat around to keep you out on the trail all winter. I need the updated photos you put up. They were greatly appreciated last year especially when we were coming up in march. If not for the photos and feed back we would have not come up. Glad we did it was a great time. Thanks


New member
Oh, I get it scottiking: "Are you going to ride this year?" being 01/01/09 through 12/31/09. I guess I'll only get a week in, hopefully!