Are you Ready?

Sno-Bandit Gary

New member
Yard work done... CHECK...Honeydoo list done...CHECK....Sled maintenance done...CHECK..... OK John it's in your hands now!!!! Just kidding!!! THINK SNOW!!!!!!


Active member
Not ready. Rx-1 needs a full day to finish. Trailer needs a few hours. My buddy's RX-1 needs a few days.

I made the mistake of starting to re-wire the garage today. That needs some time.

And the leaves haven't been touched.

ill marty

New member
I need one more weekend to finish up my home chores . The last leave raking and putting up the xmas lites. Im gunna detail my benz on tuesday . A friend and i and my dog are heading to my camp thurs eve or very early fri am. I detailed my quads when i was on vacation in oct. Need to move them to the back of barn and get the rmks in frt. Sleds were not summarized i started them and let them warm up once a month since last season . They start on the second pull. So gas and grease and we will be ready.

Sno-Bandit Gary

New member
Oh yeah, I forgot...Trail Maintenance and signing done....Check.....Oh crap...I forgot....still a little groomer maintenance to do....but still have time!!....Back to work!!!!


Active member
Lets see, I have to change the hyfax, put new dually carbides on, and change the chaincase lub. So, no I'm not ready. Probably should take a look at the bearings on the trailer too.
Bring on the white stuff anyhoo!


Well-known member
I'm just waiting on snow, sitting back, listening to your guys sled maintenance, wondering why I tear my sled apart to the frame every year?


Active member
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New metal roof on my sisters house, check, finished today (did it this last week in between the snow), new back door installed, check, Deer Camp Cookout, check, Cabins ready for winter, check....snowing, check!! :D

Finished yesterday. Put new duallys on all 3 sleds and just did a brief run through. I do all the maintenance on the sleds in spring so I dont have to worry about it now. One thing I was pleasantly surprised about that I forgot I did was I bought a bunch of stuff with leftover snowmobile fund. 3 sets of duallys($330) 4 New Belts ($480) 3 cases of oil ($390).The season ended early so I had extra money left over. Put up trail signs for our club on Friday, got trailer all ready, got snowmobile bags down and went through, so yes I am totally ready. Let it snow baby.


New member
Filed for divorce - check. Got the truck, trailer and RMK in the settlement - check. New home with big heated garage to keep my babies clean and dry - check. Ready to tear up some back country? Oh, yeah!!
YA just looked $120 a piece 10% Discount so $108 x4 = 432 x5% Sales tax(21.60) = $453.60. Sorry I was off a little. lol Why how much can u get the 3211121 and 3211122 belts for blkhwkbob?