

I assume the word “banned” under ones screen name means this person is no longer able to post on the site, right?


Board Admin
Guess that depends on why the user was banned, I don't know who your talking about so I can't explain why they were banned. It could be either, a lifetime ban, or for a few days. All the people I have banned have been spammers so it is always a lifetime ban.


New member
Kinds a like Dead man don't talk..

A banned poster leaving posts....it must only be temporarily.
Kinda like a time out for kids...only big kids.


New member
This is the first time I have seen someone banned on johns site (Though, Im sure its not the first time it has happened) He (not suprisingly) must have really ticked John off.

You dont hear much from ethuggin or superturbodiesel anymore either. It seems like the new board might have drawn in a few unwated folks from the other sled sites that have zero control.


Well-known member
Out of curiosity....what does it take to get banned (aside from the aforementioned spam)? Not looking for specifics on any particular member, just some examples.


New member
Out of curiosity....what does it take to get banned (aside from the aforementioned spam)? Not looking for specifics on any particular member, just some examples.

Not speaking for John or the other mods, but my guess would be name calling, constantly breaking any other posted rules, Or bascially just being a troll looking to rub people the wrong way to start arguments for the fun of it. General ethuggery/douchbaggery. I also would guess if you try to be an "internet tough guy" by "smartazzin onda puter" could get you a ban.
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New member
douchebaggery- love it! DB is my favorite insult these days. I'm just waiting for my 3 yr old to yell it from the backseat. I already had her yell (after I had to hit the brakes fairly hard for a non-signal using driver in front of me)- 'Oh S$!t! Careful mom!' It was very hard not to laugh. It also pointed out the fact that I need to stop saying those words.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I've given a 7 day ban for a picture that was posted. On the old board I gave a lifetime ban once, that is about it.


New member
I've given a 7 day ban for a picture that was posted. On the old board I gave a lifetime ban once, that is about it.

Now you got me and I'm sure others curious about the picture. I had one pulled because I took a picture of a perfect smooth trail (that had my speedo in the frame). Oops.