by the way... i think were gunna win the most postings spot for tonight!
by the way... i think were gunna win the most postings spot for tonight!
I'm lauphtin my gaurd (gourd?) off! (Somethin' like ROFL!)loosen up everone! lauphter [sic] is the best medicine, give it a try....
this board is full of ppl that bs all the time, why not let your gaurd [sic] down and have a little fun?
loosen up everone! laughter is the best medicine, give it a try....
this board is full of ppl that bs all the time, why not let your gaurd down and have a little fun?
This post seems to have come full circle....
my nutts are dryin out on someones wall....
I kind of like the terms "banished" or "exiled" - a little more exciting than just banned. LOL