Bought gas at Krupps 12/10/11 and screwed 4 sleds within 40 miles


New member
Rode out of Houghton on 12/09 with 7 sleds with gas bought in WI. Rode to Rockland , Henry's, and back. Next Day, Filled up in Downtown Houghton and rode to twin lakes, Krupps and added 5-6 gallons average per sled, and there after lost two sleds within 30 miles, Burnt pistons and two sleds that wouldnt idle and rough starting ....THANKS KRUPPS.. My brothers sled (AC XF 800 HO) actual died after pulling twenty feet away from the pumps for no reason while pulling away, which I and my brother thought was strange. But the sled restarted and ran. Anybody that had to pull on a rope of a 1000cc sled 40 times to start will know what anger I feel...I for one will not be back.......


Well-known member
Becareful here........ Krupps has very small tanks so gas should be fresh. Now it could be possible that they have a water leak they don't know about but best to ask Krupps before you post their gas is bad. Just saying may better way to handle it as that gas stop is a vital location & many use it.


Staff member
So here's my question as I sit here at this fun time of the morning, going over posts...

Should I yank this post because it jumps to conclusions and then bashes a business (which is against the rules). Or should I let the DOZENS and DOZENS of others that bought gas at Krupp's this weekend chime in oh how they did not have their sleds blow up and put this poster in their place?



Active member
Stayed in Twin Lakes Wednesday through Saturday and put on 416 mles using their gas [premium] no problems. DWZ


New member
i would have to say, that early in the season "buyer beware" is the motto...even if you see the gas truck pulling out of the place....they usually stir up the tank when they dump their load.
I would be careful when and where you buy fuel anytime before mid-January. Think about it...when was the last time they received a load of gas or when the tanks were re-freshed...boat season?...August maybe, September?
Lots of sleds can get away with it, but newer high performance sleds are rather finicky with the quality of gas they use. Seen it lots of time.
4 sleds fill up at one gas station...the 4strokes are fine, and even the 500ss, but the 800xp chokes itself out with water and warning lights.
When the OEM's are building sleds that close to the edge you need to treat them like high performance models that they are and demand premium or quality gasoline.
I have a buddy that is too cheap to put premium gas in his sled....20-30cents more per gallon at every stop, sometime more.
his pre-detination (spark knock) caused engine problems, now he's buying an engine....your gonna pay eventually.
ALL sleds are's just a matter of when!
If this were my site- an obviously, it isn't- I would pull the post simply for violating the rules you have laid out here.


Active member
I don't think he really bashed Krupps, (I have bought gas there MANY times with no problems), although he could have worded his post a little better.

I've seen many other stations getting bashed much worse without being yanked.

I would wonder what type of gas was it, when they last filled that tank and what were the conditions that day.

I cannot speculate on the conditions and maintanence of these machines prior to this happening but, there could be many other factors involed besides gas.

So... For the record, I've bought gas there countless times. Always Premium. Never had an issue. Even with my dreaded 2009 Dragon 800 Switchback.



Staff member
I know for a fact that the premium tank was filled at noon on Friday. I also rode with at least a half dozen sleds that filled up at Krupps both before and after that tank filling and had no problems.

My point is that there are certainly other factors that could have caused these problems and without proof (analysis of gas from tanks at Krupps), there was an assumption made. Bashing? That is up for opinion I guess, but certainly not speaking kindly of a business.

Gased up twice this past weekend, used both regular and premium pumps, no problems.

Saw the gas delivery truck at the station Friday morning, in fact Skylar and his crew were waiting for the premium gas when I left.

Drove past the pumps a number of times during the day and each time saw 6-12 sleds waiting to gas up all weekend long.
We stayed at krupps the 8-11th and our group of 20 had 4 sleds go down. NOT 1 WE BLAMED ON A GAS STATION! The first 2 sleds that went were running "SUPER AWESOME NON ETHANOL 93 OCTANE" from a Shell Station in SE Wi. one (09 CF 800) went 50 miles in and the 2nd (09 600 Etec 'gade) burned a hole in the piston 2nd morning. 2 other sleds motors went on the Railroad grade at WOT and the gas was from a station further south of Krupps. Myself and a few others had brand new '12 sleds and we broke them in on Krupps fuel only and didnt have an issue. I had the Premium resistor in and ran premium. if the fuel was bad mine shoulda gone with it in premium mode. I saw the fuel truck there 2 or 3 times over the weekend so it was fresh.
YOU have alot of factors to think about when sleds have issues...carbs, fuel filters, fuel lines, the $hit fuel left in your tank...etc. I would never blame the gas stations


Well-known member
So here's my question as I sit here at this fun time of the morning, going over posts...

Should I yank this post because it jumps to conclusions and then bashes a business (which is against the rules). Or should I let the DOZENS and DOZENS of others that bought gas at Krupp's this weekend chime in oh how they did not have their sleds blow up and put this poster in their place?


John don't delete the post. If these were the only sleds that had problems with gas from Krupps it will be a foolish statement that gas was bad. I know the tanks are small at Krupps so gas refresh is more likley than not. Did Krupps get bad gas from their supplier is the question but then again if no one else had any problems with Krupps gas then the statement is very questionable & will be proved to be false. Let the chips fall true or false?


I also stayed in TL and rode 3 days from 12/4-6. I filled up each morning with premium at Krupp's and experienced no problems. I've bought gas there for years and have never had a problem.


Active member
I would delete it just for the fact they're blaming Krupp's. It is one thing to come on here and make a statement that they had 4 sleds blow up... but it is another to point fingers at a business that does so much for snowmobiling. I get the whole point of letting the thread resolve itself.... but still think it causes more harm than good. It would be like blaming you for the bad forecast, John. =)


Staff member
John don't delete the post. If these were the only sleds that had problems with gas from Krupps it will be a foolish statement that gas was bad. I know the tanks are small at Krupps so gas refresh is more likley than not. Did Krupps get bad gas from their supplier is the question but then again if no one else had any problems with Krupps gas then the statement is very questionable & will be proved to be false. Let the chips fall true or false?

Good points and that is exactly why I decided to keep it up. It is not that I think it's impossible that the gas could have been the problem, but when I read this post, I already knew that the premium had been filled Friday and that all the sleds I rode with on Friday had gotten their gas from Krupps and were fine Friday and Sat and any riding on Sunday before they went home. I also figured others would chime in if they had any problems that could potentially be connected to gas there or say all was good.

So far it sounds like all was good. Without a report from a sample taken from the tanks, it is impossible to say for sure one way or the other, but I'd say if no one else had problems, then the odds are VERY small that it was the gas that caused their unfortunate and disappointing problems.



Well-known member
Good points and that is exactly why I decided to keep it up. It is not that I think it's impossible that the gas could have been the problem, but when I read this post, I already knew that the premium had been filled Friday and that all the sleds I rode with on Friday had gotten their gas from Krupps and were fine Friday and Sat and any riding on Sunday before they went home. I also figured others would chime in if they had any problems that could potentially be connected to gas there or say all was good.

So far it sounds like all was good. Without a report from a sample taken from the tanks, it is impossible to say for sure one way or the other, but I'd say if no one else had problems, then the odds are VERY small that it was the gas that caused their unfortunate and disappointing problems.


X2 Agree 100%! :)


New member
It was the 87 octane....I know there are many varibles when sleds go down. But My sled has water in the fuel and is currently being drained and flushed. I know where I get my fuel and I NEVER had any issuses prior..
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New member
Just spitballing here but there could be a chance that there was water in the gas from the "Houghton" station and not Krupps? Think we need to investigate the chances here. Just because the burnup occured after Krupps does not mean thats where the water came from.................too many variables here without proof


It was the 87 octane....I know there are many varibles when sleds go down. But My sled has water in the fuel and is currently being drained and flushed. I know where I get my fuel and I NEVER had any issuses prior..

don't the HO's, like the 800 you mentioned dyeing need 93 octane?


New member
The HO topped off with 93 oct. Hiccuped and died 20 ft from the pumps and was good for the day. All the others used the 87oct. Ran the sleds almost bone dry with out a hiccup the night before coming back from Henrys. Next day filled up at the Gas station up from the Motel 8 and rode the circle to Calumet back to the heavy snow of Twin lakes.. With in the next 30 miles north, Our trip was over........


I filled up with 87 at Krupp's on Saturday afternoon with no ill effects after riding an additional 60 miles afterward, but that was in my 1200 4-stroke.
My buddy filled his with premium and no issues at all on his Polaris 2-stroke.