climate change VS global warming



heres what they REALLY know....not some tweet...LOL

One surprising discovery is that core-traversing seismic waves travel 3% faster along the polar axis as compared to those moving through the equatorial plane. Researchers assume that this seismic-wave anisotropy is due to iron crystals aligning their lattice structures. Such alignment requires a certain amount of “flow” through the solid core, and this has yet to be explained.

Deep inside the Earth, iron has a different structure than it does at the surface. For objects like horseshoes and tea kettles, the iron atoms are packed together in a pattern called body-centered cubic (bcc). However, when the pressure rises above 12 GPa, the iron atoms rearrange into a hexagonally close-packed (hcp) structure.

With that much pressure, unique compounds can form and materials change their chemical and physical properties.

The Earth's magnetic field is attributed to a dynamo effect of circulating electric current, but it is not constant in direction. Rock specimens of different age in similar locations have different directions of permanent magnetization. Evidence for 171 magnetic field reversals during the past 71 million years has been reported.

Although the details of the dynamo effect are not known in detail, the rotation of the Earth plays a part in generating the currents which are presumed to be the source of the magnetic field.



I think, and MY 2 cents here, the tilt deal, can have effects, but there is NO way possible to over look that fact that HUMANS are making more heat
take any empty room in a set temp of say 50 degree's and just fill that room with a 100+ people and watch the temp rise!
add in the couple billion people on earth NOW as to yrs past, and well, you have more heat being put off, add in emissions going out there, more reflective things on EARTH now than ever
and there HAS to be some sort of negative effect of it all!

would have to be a fool to NOT think it all adds up into more warming going on in our world now than in the past!
I'm NO global warming nut case, and I think both sides of this stuff has some nutty views
but logically thinking, there has to be a CHANGE in things from humans and all the things we do and use and make!

water is in in VERY low conditions in MORE places now than ever that cannot be helping matters either?

All my local lakes rivers and streams are LOW and been low and getting lower yr after yr here
when we DO get rains, they flood due to how hard the ground is, it all runs off

the world might be leaning tilting more, but there is more to it than just that with weather changes! IMO
It's important you end your statement with IMO. Most just spew nonsense, good job!


incase anyone is interested....what your seeing was like October its zero degrees and winter and snow all in a hurry.....bam.....that's nature correcting itself on an oscillation or wobble of the now it corrected itself...which moves the core magnetically away from the center....but don't be fooled....another larger oscillation is on the way and during winter it might get super warm and or rain...that's 2 months off again...and by end of winter...the oscillation we are on now comes around again....and winter will last into may with a vengeance.....and then the warming will become severe again with reports of THERES NO GLOBAL WARMING, it was snowy as he!! here all winter and colder not warmer...what are they talking about...and on and on with NOONE actually paying attention to these cycles....THE CORE and THE SUNS MAGNETISM....they are all focused on each other and the campfire the other tribe has built


New member
I have a question on the topic. Is it at all possible that temperature rise is caused by the biilions or trillions of gallons of oil we have pumped out of the earth? We use it as a coolant for many things and maybe the earth uses it in the same way to help cool the earths core or maintain its temp, and with the reduction of coolant the increase in temperature??

Is this a possibility, as I have not heard it discussed in the topic.


I have a question on the topic. Is it at all possible that temperature rise is caused by the biilions or trillions of gallons of oil we have pumped out of the earth? We use it as a coolant for many things and maybe the earth uses it in the same way to help cool the earths core or maintain its temp, and with the reduction of coolant the increase in temperature??

Is this a possibility, as I have not heard it discussed in the topic.

well heres the levels....and oil is like those clouds...aboot as thick too maybe...which compared to the other levels....would be like a pore in yer skin....miniscule....but we know less about the ocean...and even less about the earths core...we know more about space....but the core and all this is currently being see if it is the cause or some of it....check out number 5 and 7 in the link below...13 and 14 very important also



where did mrbb go? youse guys still out there? ROTFLMAO....

just a thought that's all.....LOL

old abe

Well-known member
Learned of the magnetic pole movement in a early science class. Didn't understand it, and didn't care. Nothing I could do about it if I did. Pretty much the same way now. Thanks anyway frnash! Kinda miss the ol' TRACKER too. Hopefully he WILL RETURN!


Well-known member
where did mrbb go? youse guys still out there? ROTFLMAO....

just a thought that's all.....LOL

Still here there Tracker
been busy with dumb crap LOL

and I'll add this since I know you love things

you can blame it, call it what ever?? but its IMO NOT the same as it used to be, willit be a cycle, will it come back and go again?
WHO knows
but the past 7 days here, we set a ALL time history record for record coldest temp per date and then a few days later(under a week)
we set a all time history record HIGH temp
went from wind chills of minus 40
to a few days later temps in the 60's
that is one extreme temp swing IMO and one that is NOT normal in any way shape or form!
been having rain here almost every 3 days since last May too, again NOT normal!

I am sick of all the darn rain and extreme temp wings, going on winter number 3-4 now with almost NO open trails due to NO snow
again NOT normal by any means!
its really screwing with things, tree's are all messed up mast crops due to so many WARM temps in winter here anymore, which then effects a lot of species of wildlife from big to small insects too!

old abe

Well-known member
Still here there Tracker
been busy with dumb crap LOL

and I'll add this since I know you love things

you can blame it, call it what ever?? but its IMO NOT the same as it used to be, willit be a cycle, will it come back and go again?
WHO knows
but the past 7 days here, we set a ALL time history record for record coldest temp per date and then a few days later(under a week)
we set a all time history record HIGH temp
went from wind chills of minus 40
to a few days later temps in the 60's
that is one extreme temp swing IMO and one that is NOT normal in any way shape or form!
been having rain here almost every 3 days since last May too, again NOT normal!

I am sick of all the darn rain and extreme temp wings, going on winter number 3-4 now with almost NO open trails due to NO snow
again NOT normal by any means!
its really screwing with things, tree's are all messed up mast crops due to so many WARM temps in winter here anymore, which then effects a lot of species of wildlife from big to small insects too!

Hmmmmm? I'm wondering, how long it will take before they crucify you?


Active member
So mrbb, what was the weather supposed to be that day? If your weather is not "normal" you must know what "normal" is. Why is it when we had one of the coldest winters on record no one complains like this? It's just as abnormal. Weather is always changing, sometime its extreme, like iceages, or dust bowls, sometimes its not. Normal does not belong in a weather conversation.


Well-known member
if you woulda looked at the info aboot the MOLTEN CORE (think lava lamp blob) and magnetics we know is not stable and would of answered your own question

in the meantime.....try looking out the cabin once in awhile....and man o man.....your a hard you didn't notice a thing...good for you little tommy....the rest of us don't go all francis on us again

Is Tracker Dr. Evil in disguise..oops, I have never seen him.



Well-known member
So mrbb, what was the weather supposed to be that day? If your weather is not "normal" you must know what "normal" is. Why is it when we had one of the coldest winters on record no one complains like this? It's just as abnormal. Weather is always changing, sometime its extreme, like iceages, or dust bowls, sometimes its not. Normal does not belong in a weather conversation.

well the typical temp of the DATE we broke the record low , should have been about 30 degree's on average for that date
and it was at minus 12 or so!, but the super heavy winds, had wind chills at a much lower danger factor
and it broke a ALL time record LOW temp for that date

was like 5 days later and we then broke the ALL time HIGH temp recorded for that DATE, which normal would again have been about 31 they said, and was 62 degree's!, thus beating the old record of 50 degree's on same date

as for weather being a changing thing, YES t is always changing, BUT there ARE normal temps for DATES and then there are NON normal temps for dates!

when you are 100% HIGHER in temps than what is NORMAL for that date, that is a HUGE Difference, its not a small swing up or down, when its a 100% increase
say, again, going from 30 degree normal average to 62 degree's that is way off normal weather

I DOUBT anyone complains about winters that are below average in temps
as IMO< most expect winters in colder area's to be COLD in winter
and most folks in SUMMER time, expect temps to be HOT

BUT again, weird weather, can be in any season
WE had 40 degree days here in July, which is NOT normal, set a LOW temp for date record this past summer here, and had temp swings from 40 to a 100 degree's
we also set a record for the MOST rain fall in any YR in history here this past yr(2018)
so, again, weather can and does change from day to day
but HUGE swings in temps IMO, and NOT normal
when your talking 60 to 100% changes in temps in a 24 hour period, which I had here several times in the past few months!
which again is NOT a normal thing, on average temps here!

so does NORMAL belong in a weather conversation
YES it does, as after all these yrs of keeping records on weather and temps, there is a average of what is NORMAL for any date and location records have been kept
when you NO where NEAR that NORMAL tempo for said date
your weather is NOT normal then!! LOL

high of 34 yesterday here, and is 64 right now? should be in the low 30's here?
its NOT a normal Feb 7 th weather here today!
and its darn near again a 100 temp change in under 24 hours!
second time this week we had such a swing in temp here in a 24 hr period!
Monday it was minus 7 here! Tuesday it was 60!

YOU call that ??WHAT??



as for weather being a changing thing, YES t is always changing, BUT there ARE normal temps for DATES and then there are NON normal temps for dates!

when you are 100% HIGHER in temps than what is NORMAL for that date, that is a HUGE Difference, its not a small swing up or down, when its a 100% increase
say, again, going from 30 degree normal average to 62 degree's that is way off normal weather


There is no such thing as "normal" temperatures or weather in Wisconsin or the UP. San Diego has fairly normal weather. Hawaii has fairly normal weather. We have an AVERAGE of extreme highs and lows. Weather has always fluctuated a great deal here, and always will. If you don't understand why, then you need to study up on how proximity to oceans regulates temperatures, and how the jet stream controls our weather here. It can bring us warm and wet air masses from the Gulf, and Arctic air masses from the north (like we just saw in the last week). The huge fluctuation (that we just saw) from big dips in the jet stream has nothing to do with climate change. It's not new, it's not unusual. The nice thing about those fluctuations is that it brings us big storms when the cold air masses collide with the wet air masses from the Gulf. If the jet stream always stayed zonal, we would have 45° winters with little precipitation, and I don't think anyone would like that.

Please read this before you make any more proclamations about a subject that you don't understand: I don't like that website (because they are anthropogenic climate change supporters), but their explanation of the jet stream, AO, and NAO are excellent, right up until the end when they start blaming humans for Arctic warming (so skip the end, LOL).