climate change VS global warming


Active member
Sorry I stopped reading a few posts ago, but I have a question.

Are mrbb and DamageINC having a contest on who make make the longest post?

There is some long ones in


Just a reminder guys. Winning an argument on the internet is like winning a medal in the special Olympics. You won. But you are still retarded. Keep that in mind.

People are constantly hit with one-sided leftist propaganda from the media on subjects like gun control and climate change. Many of those people are not smart enough to form their own opinions or to challenge what the media has told them, but they still vote. It's not retarded to want to show people the truth.


well being a moron?
take one to know one I guess? you'd be the expert here again I gather! HAHA!

I mentioned water and air quality,as at some point it was said, HUMANS have zero effect on weather/climate
YET, pollution and water quality does effect weather !, thus it effects climate? no?
or do these facts escape you!

SO< right back at yeah!

You didn't read the Wiki on Dunning-Kruger effect, did you? I'm trying really hard to be polite here. The nonsense that you have posted in this thread might have seemed logical to you, but it wasn't.

I have never said that humans have zero effect on weather and climate, but water pollution does not affect climate. Even corn production changes local weather, by emitting more water vapor (than most other plants would) through transpiration. The urban heat island effect raises local temps. Particulates can increase the amount of snow melt in the Arctic, changing the albedo. All of these (just to name a few) can skew temperature data. None of them will change by taxing harmless CO2. It's a money grab designed to redistribute our wealth, fund the growth of the UN, and ruin the US economy (we produce around 20% of global CO2 emissions). Anyone who supports it is as guilty as the politicians promoting it.
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Well-known member
Sorry I stopped reading a few posts ago, but I have a question.

Are mrbb and DamageINC having a contest on who make make the longest post?

There is some long ones in

I was having a similar feeling and stayed out til now.

These guys lost me when they discussed scientists funded by politicians stated facts.



Active member
Its really becoming pointless to try to lay facts down about this topic. The left has gotten people to beleive if any weather is record breaking or deemed not "normal" its climate change. Lol We are on the verge of breaking snowfall records for Febuary, must be climate change. La Crosse broke a one day record a few days ago with 3"! Climate change! Most people don't know that CO2 isn't even close to the most powerful greenhouse gas, it's actually one of the weakest. Anybody want to guess one of the strangest? It's one of the most important things on this planet, the deadly water vapor! My grandma had one of the dome shaped plant houses that was always wet and warm, never once did she have to add CO2 to keep it that way. Please do some research from a non biased group about how much CO2 we actaully emit and the effects, do not read the newspapers or watch Al's movies. CO2 is just the one they attack cause it is a by product of the evil ICE vehicles. The climate has always changed and always will, regardless if we are here or not.


Its really becoming pointless to try to lay facts down about this topic. The left has gotten people to beleive if any weather is record breaking or deemed not "normal" its climate change. Lol We are on the verge of breaking snowfall records for Febuary, must be climate change. La Crosse broke a one day record a few days ago with 3"! Climate change! Most people don't know that CO2 isn't even close to the most powerful greenhouse gas, it's actually one of the weakest. Anybody want to guess one of the strangest? It's one of the most important things on this planet, the deadly water vapor! My grandma had one of the dome shaped plant houses that was always wet and warm, never once did she have to add CO2 to keep it that way. Please do some research from a non biased group about how much CO2 we actaully emit and the effects, do not read the newspapers or watch Al's movies. CO2 is just the one they attack cause it is a by product of the evil ICE vehicles. The climate has always changed and always will, regardless if we are here or not.

They are attacking methane now, too, and want us to stop eating cows (because they emit a lot of methane). They ignore the fact that earth releases far more methane than humans do, or the fact that before we had tens of millions of head of cattle, there were tens of millions of bison doing the same thing.


Well-known member
You didn't read the Wiki on Dunning-Kruger effect, did you? I'm trying really hard to be polite here. The nonsense that you have posted in this thread might have seemed logical to you, but it wasn't.

I have never said that humans have zero effect on weather and climate, but water pollution does not affect climate. Even corn production changes local weather, by emitting more water vapor (than most other plants would) through transpiration. The urban heat island effect raises local temps. Particulates can increase the amount of snow melt in the Arctic, changing the albedo. All of these (just to name a few) can skew temperature data. None of them will change by taxing harmless CO2. It's a money grab designed to redistribute our wealth, fund the growth of the UN, and ruin the US economy (we produce around 20% of global CO2 emissions). Anyone who supports it is as guilty as the politicians promoting it.

OK again, I just LOVE how you feel everything is all about YOU
as I NEVER said YOU claimed humans couldn;t change the weather, I said it was SAID, that they couldn;'t
Junior Member

<dl class="userstats" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 0px; float: right; width: 150px;"><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Join Date</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">Jan 2014</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Location</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">Escanaba</dd><dt style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; float: left;">Posts</dt><dd style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">68</dd></dl>​

Weather is never consistent, we all know that. To honestly say that humans can, have, or will change the weather is an outright lie. Don't fall for the money/power grab that people who profit from these lies spew.)

and well guess what, it WAS said, post and pasted above for you to SEE!

NEXT< even YOU claimed, Hawaii, had sort of NORMAL weather(look back at your posts)
how do you explain SNOW there recently?? is that NOT< NOT NORMAL weather there!

you get off on ranting and repeating things your read and believe that others should be forced to believe them as you do.

heck, I still BET you think this is all about climate change/ global warming talks here? LOL

MY simple and repeated points have been, the weather is NOT what it used to be on AVERAGE in MY area, period, and again this is a FACT! all local weather folks admit things are OFF what is typically NORMAL here for ALL seasons, NOT just our winters!
they have no SCIENTISTS, as NOT needed to tell them that records kept showing averages and NOW current weather is different n as to yrs back!
this is really simple to follow!

NOW< your blabble about links and showing me info based on another HUMANS views on what the planet weather was like thousands of yrs ago, or hundreds of yrs ago
means CRAP to me
as so much has changed since that info was guessed at(like it or not scientist are just guessing at things, using what ever CURRENT means are for there use to GUESS BETTER, but as time has PROVEN time and time again, as NEW advancements come of age, and new testing happens
them GUESSES many times end up WRONG!
again FACTS< here, since you like FACTS so much LOL
scientists are just humans, and humans make mistakes!

NOW<> trying to compare apples to oranges again!
you cannot compare human impact on this planet a thousand yrs ago, to NOW, too many things have changed, like we have humans now for one LOL
so, to ever say HUMANS can NEVER have any effect on global warming and or climate change, is down right silly
as there is NO way to prove one way or the other 100%
SO< it IMO< then comes down to living HERE and NOW
are things changing, based on records we HAVE
and answer is YES they are
oceans ARE rising, temps are rising, more places are having droughts than ever on modern records!
what is this round 40 now?? LOL



Snow in Hawaii is not that unusual, since they have peaks that are nearly 14,000 feet. They get snow in the Arizona mountains, as well. It's totally irrelevant to this discussion, just like everything else you say. This is like trying to teach calculus to a person who can't do basic addition and subtraction. I'm out of here.

- - - Updated - - -

Snow in Hawaii: It Happens More Often Than You Think

By Chrissy Warrilow·

December 20 2013 02:04 PM EDT·

Yes, It Actually Snows in Hawaii

Despite its tropical latitude farther south than Miami, snow does fall in Hawaii, thanks to elevation.

According to Ken Rubin, an assistant professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Hawaii, "it snows here every year, but only at the very summits of our three tallest volcanoes (Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea and Haleakala)."

"The snow level almost never gets below 9,000 feet in Hawaii during the winter, but since these mountains are taller than 13,600 feet, 13,700 feet and 10,000 feet, respectively, they get dusted with snow a few times a year. It rarely stays on the ground for more than a few days though."


I think we need Tracker back to discuss Big Foot sightings.
There's a better chance of seeing Sasquatch, than there is of global warming being significant enough to make earth unhabitable in the next 100 years.


I think we need Tracker back to discuss Big Foot sightings.
There's a better chance of seeing Sasquatch, than there is of global warming being significant enough to make earth unhabitable in the next 100 years.

The real threat to humans is not warming; it's cooling. We are nearing the end of the current interglacial period, and when earth starts to cool again, we won't be able to grow enough food for the 7 billion+ people on the planet. And as the ice core samples show, the change happens relatively fast. Within just a few centuries of cooling, the population of earth will be cut at least in half. antarctic-ice-core-data.png People should be focused on that problem, not on how to limit CO2 production. If a few hundred more PPM of CO2 could prevent the next glacial period, it would literally save the lives of billions. Unfortunately, it can't.


Well-known member
Snow in Hawaii is not that unusual, since they have peaks that are nearly 14,000 feet. They get snow in the Arizona mountains, as well. It's totally irrelevant to this discussion, just like everything else you say. This is like trying to teach calculus to a person who can't do basic addition and subtraction. I'm out of here.

- - - Updated - - -

Snow in Hawaii: It Happens More Often Than You Think

By Chrissy Warrilow·

December 20 2013 02:04 PM EDT·

Yes, It Actually Snows in Hawaii

Despite its tropical latitude farther south than Miami, snow does fall in Hawaii, thanks to elevation.

According to Ken Rubin, an assistant professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Hawaii, "it snows here every year, but only at the very summits of our three tallest volcanoes (Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea and Haleakala)."

"The snow level almost never gets below 9,000 feet in Hawaii during the winter, but since these mountains are taller than 13,600 feet, 13,700 feet and 10,000 feet, respectively, they get dusted with snow a few times a year. It rarely stays on the ground for more than a few days though."

When my Father was stationed in Hawaii as Marine in 1975 (I was 10ish) we went up to the ski area and saw snow. Sounds freakish but a 13.7K summit will likely garner snow almost anywhere.



Well-known member
Snow in Hawaii is not that unusual, since they have peaks that are nearly 14,000 feet. They get snow in the Arizona mountains, as well. It's totally irrelevant to this discussion, just like everything else you say. This is like trying to teach calculus to a person who can't do basic addition and subtraction. I'm out of here.

- - - Updated - - -

Snow in Hawaii: It Happens More Often Than You Think

By Chrissy Warrilow·

December 20 2013 02:04 PM EDT·

Yes, It Actually Snows in Hawaii

Despite its tropical latitude farther south than Miami, snow does fall in Hawaii, thanks to elevation.

According to Ken Rubin, an assistant professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Hawaii, "it snows here every year, but only at the very summits of our three tallest volcanoes (Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea and Haleakala)."

"The snow level almost never gets below 9,000 feet in Hawaii during the winter, but since these mountains are taller than 13,600 feet, 13,700 feet and 10,000 feet, respectively, they get dusted with snow a few times a year. It rarely stays on the ground for more than a few days though."
OK I'll play more
since you like to post links
maybe read this one

and again tell me how Hawaii has that NORMAL weather other places don't
your words from an above post!!

and then come back and tell me how its normal again and you known it all and I am so wrong , HAHA!

and also these folks that wrote it are also all wrong about it having unusual weather and SNOW below your 9,000 feet level,?? which even by your standards should mean its NOT normal weather there ??
but I doubt your massive brain can accept this info

and I got to love how quick you feel the need to name call and bash a person intelligence with even knowing what they may or may NOT know
all based on your OPINION of them!
not facts or??
just your belief, which as always MUST be right! LOL


Well-known member
This is just stupid. Nobody wins. We have snow. Go out and ride.

I agree ,BUT!

I DON"T have any snow here to ride,.
as every time it does snow here it melts the next day!
thus, I have time to waste here with this LOL
yrs back in winter time I DID have snow here to ride, which maybe again is part of why I waste time here too, as things ain't normal anymore here on weather!

much rather be riding than sitting indoors !