climate change VS global warming


New member
One of the many facts that the believers fail to admit is that if the earth was to warm by 1.5 degrees there would be no Florida and most of the coastal cities because of the melting ice caps. Therefore banks would not be loaning for any property in thee areas if this was truly occurring.Also, didn’t scientist ‘s once believe the earth was flat? People, did it ever occur to you that maybe someone is making a ton of money off this scheme?


Active member
I'm sorry, but we haven't been keeping weather records long enough to get this worked up about it. For all we know there was a bigger temp swing in the year 1451! I tell you what, if the jet stream dips way to the south and you break a record high temp, I would call that not normal.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as "normal" temperatures or weather in Wisconsin or the UP. San Diego has fairly normal weather. Hawaii has fairly normal weather. We have an AVERAGE of extreme highs and lows. Weather has always fluctuated a great deal here, and always will. If you don't understand why, then you need to study up on how proximity to oceans regulates temperatures, and how the jet stream controls our weather here. It can bring us warm and wet air masses from the Gulf, and Arctic air masses from the north (like we just saw in the last week). The huge fluctuation (that we just saw) from big dips in the jet stream has nothing to do with climate change. It's not new, it's not unusual. The nice thing about those fluctuations is that it brings us big storms when the cold air masses collide with the wet air masses from the Gulf. If the jet stream always stayed zonal, we would have 45° winters with little precipitation, and I don't think anyone would like that.

Please read this before you make any more proclamations about a subject that you don't understand: I don't like that website (because they are anthropogenic climate change supporters), but their explanation of the jet stream, AO, and NAO are excellent, right up until the end when they start blaming humans for Arctic warming (so skip the end, LOL).

I never claimed to be any expert on weather and do not care to learn to be one
and I think your missing a very simple point here!
if the weather in your area, I gather which is Wisconsin, and its temps , are always large swings
then THAT IS YOUR NORMAL WEATHER< large swings of up and down
its pretty simple, NO!

NOW if the weather there started to stay HOT in winter and cold in summer, that would be NOT normal for this area, NO??

that is my point, when things are not what they typically are based on over a 100 yrs pattern, something is changing it from the NORMAL pattern of things, MOST folks that are alive have experienced!
we used to have dinosaur's and other things, but I doubt anyone really goes that far back to wonder about current weather NOW, even if it has some relevance!
any real weather back then is done by GUESSING< be it as educated a guess as it can be or not, buts its still a guess, due to NO ONE was alive back then to tell us for certain!

IMO< face the FACTS< many things yrs back that were said to be "FACTS by scientist"
have later on been changed as more advanced processes and info came about!
so there is NO way to claim anything with 100% accuracy from times when records were not kept, and even then, WITH records, things can still be wrong as who know's how accurate devises were being used to make them records!

SO, I fall back onto more modern times when tools were better, records better and well, IN MY LIFE TIME
in MY life time, weather in MY area is NOT as it was 20 yrs, period
winters and summers and spring and fall are all screwed up from NORMAL weather patterns and getting more and m ore extreme swings since!
call it what you want, but it is what is going on here!
I am NOT where you are, nor you where I am,
but MY weather again is NOT normal based on the past 100 yrs of weather record keeping data!


New member
Weather is never consistent, we all know that. To honestly say that humans can, have, or will change the weather is an outright lie. Don't fall for the money/power grab that people who profit from these lies spew.


Well-known member
Weather is never consistent, we all know that. To honestly say that humans can, have, or will change the weather is an outright lie. Don't fall for the money/power grab that people who profit from these lies spew.

NOW< come on, you say HUMANS can NEVER change the weather??
HUMM< how do some of them cloud dusters that MAKE rain happen then??

and what about ski resorts that MAKE SNOW?
are rain and snow NOT a weather type? LOL


I think, and MY 2 cents here, the tilt deal, can have effects, but there is NO way possible to over look that fact that HUMANS are making more heat
take any empty room in a set temp of say 50 degree's and just fill that room with a 100+ people and watch the temp rise!
add in the couple billion people on earth NOW as to yrs past, and well, you have more heat being put off, add in emissions going out there, more reflective things on EARTH now than ever
and there HAS to be some sort of negative effect of it all!

would have to be a fool to NOT think it all adds up into more warming going on in our world now than in the past!
I'm NO global warming nut case, and I think both sides of this stuff has some nutty views
but logically thinking, there has to be a CHANGE in things from humans and all the things we do and use and make!

water is in in VERY low conditions in MORE places now than ever that cannot be helping matters either?

All my local lakes rivers and streams are LOW and been low and getting lower yr after yr here
when we DO get rains, they flood due to how hard the ground is, it all runs off

the world might be leaning tilting more, but there is more to it than just that with weather changes! IMO
science indicates that the poles use to be tropical many many years ago. Could you imagine the heat produced if the poles were tropical. If this were true, would that relate to increased temperatures at the equatorial region?


Active member
Everyone knows cows are to blame for global warming. Once upon a time there was only one continent but the earth spun and spun and spread land masses out across the globe. Once upon a time MI and WI were covered by Ice. Once upon a time WI and MI were covered by Inland Seas. So if all that is true, am I lying?
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I'm sorry, but we haven't been keeping weather records long enough to get this worked up about it. For all we know there was a bigger temp swing in the year 1451! I tell you what, if the jet stream dips way to the south and you break a record high temp, I would call that not normal.


I'm not ready to go all in and destroy our country/economy over shoddy record keeping covering a timespan that is a tiny tiny blip on the timeline of the earth's history......especially when it's pushed by people with an agenda and drive to acquire as much control of people as possible.


I never claimed to be any expert on weather and do not care to learn to be one
and I think your missing a very simple point here!
if the weather in your area, I gather which is Wisconsin, and its temps , are always large swings
then THAT IS YOUR NORMAL WEATHER< large swings of up and down
its pretty simple, NO!

NOW if the weather there started to stay HOT in winter and cold in summer, that would be NOT normal for this area, NO??

that is my point, when things are not what they typically are based on over a 100 yrs pattern, something is changing it from the NORMAL pattern of things, MOST folks that are alive have experienced!
we used to have dinosaur's and other things, but I doubt anyone really goes that far back to wonder about current weather NOW, even if it has some relevance!
any real weather back then is done by GUESSING< be it as educated a guess as it can be or not, buts its still a guess, due to NO ONE was alive back then to tell us for certain!

IMO< face the FACTS< many things yrs back that were said to be "FACTS by scientist"
have later on been changed as more advanced processes and info came about!
so there is NO way to claim anything with 100% accuracy from times when records were not kept, and even then, WITH records, things can still be wrong as who know's how accurate devises were being used to make them records!

SO, I fall back onto more modern times when tools were better, records better and well, IN MY LIFE TIME
in MY life time, weather in MY area is NOT as it was 20 yrs, period
winters and summers and spring and fall are all screwed up from NORMAL weather patterns and getting more and m ore extreme swings since!
call it what you want, but it is what is going on here!
I am NOT where you are, nor you where I am,
but MY weather again is NOT normal based on the past 100 yrs of weather record keeping data!

You initially said this "BUT there ARE normal temps for DATES and then there are NON normal temps for dates!" Not true. Our average high temp might be 26 for the month, and we might only hit it a few times, so it's not "normal". It's an average, period.

Now you admit that you know nothing about this subject, and state that you don't want to learn, but you are still going to express strong opinions on the subject. Science doesn't work on your feelings and opinions. It works on facts and repeatable experimentation. Let's look at the facts:
-Every computer model prediction has been wrong
-IPCC "scientists" have been caught manipulating data and silencing dissenting views from other scientists
-the earth is still much colder than the long-term average. The cold winters we had in the 70s were not a benchmark for "normal" weather or climate.
-In the ice core samples, CO2 levels don't precede warming temps. They follow the warming temps, as the warming temps release more CO2 and methane. CO2's heat trapping ability has been greatly overstated. Rising CO2 is a good thing, as it increase the rate of plant growth. Current CO2 levels are still far lower than earth's long-term average. The Jurassic had CO2 levels that were about 5 times higher than today, and earth's ecosystem was thriving. Nothing about today's temperature is abnormal. The current rate of warming is absolutely not unprecedented, as shown by the ice cores. The rate of warming and cooling is never linear.
-many of the surface stations had poor placement (intentionally?), and the data can't be trusted. This has been verified by scientific study, so we don't actually know what the current rate of warming (over the last century) even is.

Also, this:
And this:


Well-known member
You initially said this "BUT there ARE normal temps for DATES and then there are NON normal temps for dates!" Not true. Our average high temp might be 26 for the month, and we might only hit it a few times, so it's not "normal". It's an average, period.

Now you admit that you know nothing about this subject, and state that you don't want to learn, but you are still going to express strong opinions on the subject. Science doesn't work on your feelings and opinions. It works on facts and repeatable experimentation. Let's look at the facts:
-Every computer model prediction has been wrong
-IPCC "scientists" have been caught manipulating data and silencing dissenting views from other scientists
-the earth is still much colder than the long-term average. The cold winters we had in the 70s were not a benchmark for "normal" weather or climate.
-In the ice core samples, CO2 levels don't precede warming temps. They follow the warming temps, as the warming temps release more CO2 and methane. CO2's heat trapping ability has been greatly overstated. Rising CO2 is a good thing, as it increase the rate of plant growth. Current CO2 levels are still far lower than earth's long-term average. The Jurassic had CO2 levels that were about 5 times higher than today, and earth's ecosystem was thriving. Nothing about today's temperature is abnormal. The current rate of warming is absolutely not unprecedented, as shown by the ice cores. The rate of warming and cooling is never linear.
-many of the surface stations had poor placement (intentionally?), and the data can't be trusted. This has been verified by scientific study, so we don't actually know what the current rate of warming (over the last century) even is.

Also, this:
And this:

so your an expert then?

OK< maybe you are??
BUT why do you ONLY want to believe scientists that agree with your OPINION?
are scientist NOT just offering there opinions based on things THEY belive(as its WOULD NOT, be the first time a scientist was wrong before you know? and this too is a FACT)

and why do you ONLY want to base things on LONG term guess's of what the plant was like?
most of us average humans live in a world that revolves around things we have experienced and or a few generations before us~

trying to tell me that things thousands of yrs ago and things now will be the same some how, I find silly! just as silly as trying to compare things back then to now, as even you admit I BELIEVE< that the orbit and axis and what not's have changed now as to then,??

how can you compare what effects humans and how we use this planet, can compare to a planet thousands of yrs ago, that didn't have the same use being done on it!

MY local news weather channels, , constantly STATES , WE ARE NOT in normal weather temps too, FACT!
SO apparently they too seem to think there are NORMAL temps for a DATE and then one's that are FAR OFF< making them NOT normal!
a few debree's off NORMAL AVERAGE TEMPS
I get
but when your 100% higher or lower, that is NOT normal
based on what the word NORMAL means!
([FONT=&quot]normal[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. Adjective. regular, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]normal[/FONT][FONT=&quot], typical, natural mean being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average.)

SO< you can say what you like about me and or MY opinion, as it is just that MINE, you don;t have to like it or agree with it
but that doesn't make me or YOU any more correct!
your info is based on things YOU believe in, as are mine!
YOU were NOT about thousands of yrs ago, nor where any of the scientist you feel know it all!

face it, we can BOTH be wrong here, but one thing is for sure a FACT here,
Average weather in MY area, for the past 15 yrs now, has NOT been any where near what it was the 15 yrs before on AVERAGE for each date!,
so, I again base MY OPINION< on THIS
call it what ever you like
I DON"T need to LEARN to be a weather expert to know this, the local experts tell me so on the new stations all the time! LOL


[/FONT][/COLOR]SO< you can say what you like about me and or MY opinion, as it is just that MINE, you don;t have to like it or agree with it
but that doesn't make me or YOU any more correct!
your info is based on things YOU believe in, as are mine!
YOU were NOT about thousands of yrs ago, nor where any of the scientist you feel know it all!

Actually, since your opinion is based on your feelings ("but this many humans must have some effect, derp derp"), and since mine is based on science and data, then yes, that does make me more correct. I stated a long list of facts about current and historical climate, as well as some links to educate you, but you prefer to wallow in ignorance instead of learn. That's is your prerogative, but it's not something to be proud of. You have posted literally NOTHING to back up your opinion. You continue to babble about "but last 15 years is different than the previous 15 years". One more time: there is no decade you can choose that is any type of baseline for what climate should be like. Change doesn't mean that humans caused it, and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I have seen how much you hate reading and learning, but please read this: It should help you understand how cyclical the weather is.


Well-known member
Actually, since your opinion is based on your feelings ("but this many humans must have some effect, derp derp"), and since mine is based on science and data, then yes, that does make me more correct. I stated a long list of facts about current and historical climate, as well as some links to educate you, but you prefer to wallow in ignorance instead of learn. That's is your prerogative, but it's not something to be proud of. You have posted literally NOTHING to back up your opinion. You continue to babble about "but last 15 years is different than the previous 15 years". One more time: there is no decade you can choose that is any type of baseline for what climate should be like. Change doesn't mean that humans caused it, and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I have seen how much you hate reading and learning, but please read this: It should help you understand how cyclical the weather is.

Must be nice to think you know everything better than others LOL
your opinion and your FACTS are, just opinions of others
an educated guess is still a GUESS, NO??
your data is old 96 is the last link your sharing!
so, you again, don't think scientist can be wrong I gather based on your views?
I again, say they can be wrong and are wrong at times, and been proven wrong as well!
I don't need to waste my time sharing links with you, as your opinion is never going to change , as your set in YOUR ways
maybe just like I am in mine!
I Never said change is bad or good
I said, things are changing, and NOT for the better with many of the extreme temp swings, and that IS a FACT
as these extreme temp swings, are screwing with a lot of things that grow and work off temps, crops, births and migrations of animals,
maybe you DON"T think this stuff matters
but sadly you would be wrong
Humans nedd many of the things that are being effected by these crazy up and down temp swings

and say what you wish about there NORMAL
NO there NOT, when there that close together and often!
YES throughout history, we have had temp swings of extremes
BUT again, NOT as many as we are having and as often as they are happening
THIS info comes from the weather folks at my local new's stations, and NOT just ME and MY opinion
you keep seeming to miss this point

maybe you and BIg foot, need to have a sit down and talk things over better!
get more data and post more links that defend YOUR side
I won't waste anyone's time doing the like, (and yes there are links out there that defend my side too)

this is, or, IMO< a friendly forum, where folks just share opinions and info
NOT a place anyone needs to convert someone to THERE VIEWS!

if my weather is having extreme NOT normal temp swings, its NOT imaginary, there real and HAPPENING< and this is a FACT!
throw all your data and links out the window IMO
I live NOW< not century's ago, or thousands of yrs ago
I am NOT GUESSING about what happened thousands of yrs ago
I am talking about RIGHT NOW< and what is happening
maybe this FACT eludes you!
humans USED to have shorter live than they do today too you know?
or is that wrong too based on the FACT< for hundreds of yrs, they didn;t live so long??
wonder if its global or climate that altered this, or HUMANS that did it?? LOL
everything isn't all about the past you know!

- - - Updated - - -

Actually, since your opinion is based on your feelings ("but this many humans must have some effect, derp derp"), and since mine is based on science and data, then yes, that does make me more correct. I stated a long list of facts about current and historical climate, as well as some links to educate you, but you prefer to wallow in ignorance instead of learn. That's is your prerogative, but it's not something to be proud of. You have posted literally NOTHING to back up your opinion. You continue to babble about "but last 15 years is different than the previous 15 years". One more time: there is no decade you can choose that is any type of baseline for what climate should be like. Change doesn't mean that humans caused it, and it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I have seen how much you hate reading and learning, but please read this: It should help you understand how cyclical the weather is.
OH and by the way, I am playing with you here as I happen to have time to waste here LOL


Must be nice to think you know everything better than others LOL
your opinion and your FACTS are, just opinions of others
an educated guess is still a GUESS, NO??
your data is old 96 is the last link your sharing!
so, you again, don't think scientist can be wrong I gather based on your views?
I again, say they can be wrong and are wrong at times, and been proven wrong as well!
I don't need to waste my time sharing links with you, as your opinion is never going to change , as your set in YOUR ways
maybe just like I am in mine!
I Never said change is bad or good
I said, things are changing, and NOT for the better with many of the extreme temp swings, and that IS a FACT
as these extreme temp swings, are screwing with a lot of things that grow and work off temps, crops, births and migrations of animals,
maybe you DON"T think this stuff matters
but sadly you would be wrong
Humans nedd many of the things that are being effected by these crazy up and down temp swings

and say what you wish about there NORMAL
NO there NOT, when there that close together and often!
YES throughout history, we have had temp swings of extremes
BUT again, NOT as many as we are having and as often as they are happening
THIS info comes from the weather folks at my local new's stations, and NOT just ME and MY opinion
you keep seeming to miss this point

maybe you and BIg foot, need to have a sit down and talk things over better!
get more data and post more links that defend YOUR side
I won't waste anyone's time doing the like, (and yes there are links out there that defend my side too)

this is, or, IMO< a friendly forum, where folks just share opinions and info
NOT a place anyone needs to convert someone to THERE VIEWS!

if my weather is having extreme NOT normal temp swings, its NOT imaginary, there real and HAPPENING< and this is a FACT!
throw all your data and links out the window IMO
I live NOW< not century's ago, or thousands of yrs ago
I am NOT GUESSING about what happened thousands of yrs ago
I am talking about RIGHT NOW< and what is happening
maybe this FACT eludes you!
humans USED to have shorter live than they do today too you know?
or is that wrong too based on the FACT< for hundreds of yrs, they didn;t live so long??
wonder if its global or climate that altered this, or HUMANS that did it?? LOL
everything isn't all about the past you know!

- - - Updated - - -

OH and by the way, I am playing with you here as I happen to have time to waste here LOL

The last link was just to get you thinking about how weather is cyclical, and to show you what other decades were like before you were born. It's age is completely irrelevant. The other links are VERY recent and were actually links to scientific studies, which I'm sure you didn't read.

And no, the facts that I listed are NOT "opinions" of others. When I say that CO2 was much higher in the past, that is an incontrovertible fact. Not even the most ardent climate change supporter would argue that. When I said that all of the computer model predictions have been wrong, that's a fact, not an opinion. We have not seen the amount of warming, Arctic melt, or sea level rise that was predicted 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. When I said that warming preceded CO2 levels (not the other way around), that is a fact that even Al Gore won't deny. When I said that rising CO2 increases the rate of plant growth, that is another undeniable fact that even an unscientific person like you could verify in a home greenhouse. I could go on, but it's clear that you don't understand the difference between facts and opinions, so I'm sure you don't have a clue about the difference between theory and hypothesis. Which makes this utterly pointless. Good day.

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We found that the poor siting of a significant number of climate reference sites (USHCN) used by NOAA’s National Climate Data Center (NCDC) to monitor surface air temperatures national temperatures has led to inaccuracies and larger uncertainties in the analysis of multi-decadal surface temperature anomalies and trends than assumed by NCDC.
Analyzing the collected data, as reported in our paper, we found that only 80 of the 1007 sites surveyed in the 1221 station network met the criteria of CRN 1 or CRN 2 sites – those deemed appropriate for measuring climate trends by NCDC. Of the remaining, 67 sites attained a CRN 5 rating – the worst rating. While the 30-year and 115-year trends, and all groups of stations, showed warming trends over those periods, we found that the minimum temperature trends appeared to be overestimated and the maximum warming trends underestimated at the poorer sites.

- - - Updated - - -

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

- - - Updated - - -

New study shows half of the global warming in the USA is artificial
The USHCN is one of the main metrics used to gauge the temperature changes in the United States. The first wide scale effort to address siting issues, Watts, (2009), a collated photographic survey, showed that approximately 90% of USHCN stations were compromised by encroachment of urbanity in the form of heat sinks and sources, such as concrete, asphalt, air conditioning system heat exchangers, roadways, airport tarmac, and other issues. This finding was backed up by an August 2011 U.S. General Accounting Office investigation and report titled: Climate Monitoring: NOAA Can Improve Management of the U.S. Historical Climatology Network.


Well-known member
The last link was just to get you thinking about how weather is cyclical, and to show you what other decades were like before you were born. It's age is completely irrelevant. The other links are VERY recent and were actually links to scientific studies, which I'm sure you didn't read.

And no, the facts that I listed are NOT "opinions" of others. When I say that CO2 was much higher in the past, that is an incontrovertible fact. Not even the most ardent climate change supporter would argue that. When I said that all of the computer model predictions have been wrong, that's a fact, not an opinion. We have not seen the amount of warming, Arctic melt, or sea level rise that was predicted 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. When I said that warming preceded CO2 levels (not the other way around), that is a fact that even Al Gore won't deny. When I said that rising CO2 increases the rate of plant growth, that is another undeniable fact that even an unscientific person like you could verify in a home greenhouse. I could go on, but it's clear that you don't understand the difference between facts and opinions, so I'm sure you don't have a clue about the difference between theory and hypothesis. Which makes this utterly pointless. Good day.QUOTE )

HAHA< I love how your not getting my side at all LOL

SO< you again refuse to understand my side, imagine that and then cry about how I don't choose to believe your view?
making you right in your eyes and never going to change YOUR view, yet its bad when I have like ways?? LOL

NOW to point out some of your flaws again, that I am sure you will not understand being stubborn as you are here !

BUT all them so called THINGS you point out like, how you say we have NOT experienced any of the weather, warming, sea rise or other things, made 10-20 yrs ago
HUMM< but who do you think MADE these claims
were there not scientists that made them??
after all if a scientist made them they MUST be right no??
as apparently your logic is scientists are never wrong!

can they prove excact levels of CO2 way back when,
NOPE< there best bet is tyo guess at what "EXACT" level;s were,c an they say they were higher, sure, were they, I can GUESS and agree with them they were, but
again, when your comparing things that were happening when there were not the same amounts of HUMANS about to effect or NOT effect things, your comparing apples to oranges
how do you NOT get this FACT!
since HUMANS have been on earth, just look back at FACTS< HISTORY we actually have PROOF OF< not educated guesses about what may or may not have been, done by scientist, but by actual humans that lived while these things happened!
since HUMANS have been about the LAST 100 yrs
air quality in MANY places is at almost dangerous levels, PROVEN to be caused by HUMAN pollution! and industrialization ways!

SMOG in certain cities, is proven to effect air quality and be caused by HUMANS

lets now look at water quality, some say 100 yrs ago or so, water quality was drink able in many stream and rivers, and done so by thousands of humans without sickness, from HUMAN caused pollutants again!
Countless streams and rivers waterways, are no longer just NOT safe to drink, many are absent of life in them, we wiped out species and the ability of that water to be useful!
Next add in how many waterways the living creatures in it, are not polluted to the point they can KILL you if you eat them
EVERY waterway in PA. has restrictions on how much if ANY fish you can catch and eat in a time period!

NOW since I know your an expert on everything LOL
you also then must know that many species of living things in water ways, help filter the water we all use and NEED to live
they also directly effect the waterways of the world!
SO< lets NOW See??
we have air quality problems caused (again FACTS HERE TOO)
by humans, we have water quality problems caused by humans here too!
a LARGE portion of the world is made up of what???
water, HUMM HAHA!, again a FACT by the way!
SO< to say humans have zero effect on the world, is just DUMB, don't need to be an expert here on anything to have common sense, maybe your too smart to have any, I don't know?/
I have known a lot of highly educated folks that were lacking common sense , so I know this can happen!!

NOW< back to facts, take a BIG empty room set , that is COLD<
fill it with as many humans as possible
and tell me what happens to the temp in that room after a an hour of everyone in there, JUST standing still!

FACT< temp rises!

SO< again a FACT< humans can raise the temp in a place!

can they effect the temp on a planet, I cannot say with any certainty , but then again, I am not even trying to do so here
but it does raise a thought or two IMO<
and gather anything is possible

ENJOY< however I doubt you will LOL



Nobody said that humans have zero effect on the planet, and especially not me. And why are you rambling about water and air pollution, which have nothing to do with this subject? CO2 is not pollution!

Sometimes it's better to stop typing and be thought a moron, than to keep typing and remove all doubt. You would do well to remember those words before your next incoherent, rambling, nonsensical post.


Well-known member
Nobody said that humans have zero effect on the planet, and especially not me. And why are you rambling about water and air pollution, which have nothing to do with this subject? CO2 is not pollution!

Sometimes it's better to stop typing and be thought a moron, than to keep typing and remove all doubt. You would do well to remember those words before your next incoherent, rambling, nonsensical post.
well being a moron?
take one to know one I guess? you'd be the expert here again I gather! HAHA!

I mentioned water and air quality,as at some point it was said, HUMANS have zero effect on weather/climate
YET, pollution and water quality does effect weather !, thus it effects climate? no?
or do these facts escape you!

SO< right back at yeah!


Just a reminder guys. Winning an argument on the internet is like winning a medal in the special Olympics. You won. But you are still retarded. Keep that in mind.


Well-known member
It's always just a money grab no matter the cause. The money suckers glom onto and encourage and teach the great intentions of some do-gooder cause and then come up with the solution.....wait for it.......higher taxation of the corporate "rich"....LOL....who will always pass the cost down to the ignorantly poor! your tails!


Well-known member
Just a reminder guys. Winning an argument on the internet is like winning a medal in the special Olympics. You won. But you are still retarded. Keep that in mind.

HAHA< its like licking a window and thinking it taste good too LOL