Colorado and the legal pot....


Well-known member
Just got back from a trip to Red Rocks in Colorado for a bucket list concert and I have to say it was interesting. First let me start by saying I am not a novice to rock concerts and the "things" that go on at them. Been to probably 30 rock shows/festivals. Took part in alot of it. Just the whole experience in Colorado was different. Pot was everywhere. 65 year old couple standing next to me, eating "chocolates" and pulling on doobies. People my age (mid 30's) enjoying many different styles of smoke. Step outside of the restaurant and smoke breaks are now "smoke" breaks. Visited a "store" and it blew my mind. Prices seemed cheap for the quality and talk about variety. As I was standing there a Grandpa walked in and made me chuckle when he asked for something to "give me the deep thoughts that I am missing..." Cash only transactions though. Do you think this type of law is good for the majority? Good for the state? The people were of all walks and class. All age groups. Just really blew me away. Anyone else experienced colorado since the law passed? Maybe I am just getting old and look at things different now.


Active member
I'm thinking good for the state from a taxable point. Mixed thoughts on the implications to the general public. Had it happened 20 years ago, I would have considered moving there because of it. Saw they have POT tours there just for the tourist trade. Be interesting to see how things pan out in next 10 years or so, and if other states follow their lead.


Well-known member
what is bad about it? all good ever see a fight at dead show? for the most part pot mellows people out. 25 yrs ago was the same thing out in N CA as co now open pot smoking any place u wanted with no fear of arrest . go to shows same deal old and kids all smoking in the open . cops did not wast there time with pot.
lol example.
saw a bud walking in my direction . got about 20 yard away and I could smell what was in the stuffed army duffel bag. so 5 of us went to my van parked on height and masonic .
all windows open both sun roofs and we were rolling cigars in a dense cloud for like 2 hrs. when we opened the drape to the fr seats we had gotten a parking ticket. lol true story
cops just did not care 20 yrs ago that city is still doing just fine .frankly it is completely ridicules that pot has been outlawed and enforced in this country ever. oh yeah drink up Johny smoke a pack of buts at that bar stool but that evil weed we deff need to spend billions fighting that burden on society.


Active member
OK,, but back todayWhenyou " visited a store " was this over the counter like a beer stand and pick n choose and fire one up at Red Rock ? Thats an awesome place who did you see ?


Active member
… saw a bud walking in my direction … 5 of us went to my van parked on height and masonic …
"… saw 'a bud' walking …"
I din't know they could walk! Hallucinations, that's what smokin' that sheet'll do fer ya! :p

"… 5 of us went to my van parked on height and masonic …"
Right in the heart of the Hashbury! That van wasn't by chance a Psych-o-delic VW bus, was it? :confused:

(Yeah, I was at the Presidio from 1965-1968. Oh, and I was driving a 1965 VW Kombi van then too, but white, not Psych-o-delic! :D )
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Well-known member
Ezra, never said anything about bad. Just was curious of thoughts. I agree that the war on drugs is a terrible waste of time and money. Chords, we saw deftones and incubus. Amazing show. Amazing venue. Yes the store was like a bar. I give u cash u give me product. Just bought mid level stuff and it was WAAAAAAAYYYY better than the best stuff from my youth. Like growing corn. It gets figured out as time goes by... Ezra, I agree that smoking one is much better than belly up to the bar. Just amazing to see it in the capacity that is Colorado.

Lost Sheep

New member
Ezra & long before you guys think MN will be legal??....& by the way I've had several buds from here move to Co. & they love it!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
I tried it once, i was 15, and it was a couple of months after my dad died. I didn't like it and never tried it again. That being said, legalize it, and tax it. :)


Active member
I tried it once, i was 15, and it was a couple of months after my dad died. I didn't like it and never tried it again. That being said, legalize it, and tax it. :)
Thats the way our lifes are shaped. I tried a few things but didnt like it.
I wish I had that experience with cigs. I'm sure many of you tried cigs and had a bad trip


Well-known member
it will happen in MN just take 15 yrs longer than every place else.
I have been to CO and CA stores.LOL 4 hr detours sled trips planed around stops. praying for big dumps in the ears . IMHO decent product in the shops .
the top shelf is still just high grade commercial.
better can still be had on the black market .
I do like the large selections of edibles.
I have seen story's on the banking trade around that industry. lots of x black water security types making millions on transporting and storing cash because banks cant take it.
the fed is completely out of touch with the reality of the amount of money in tax they are just letting slip away in CA WA and CO alone.
just think of how many more people could not have to work and just suck on the fed hind tit with that tax money.
and no frnash it was a 76 dodge tradesman with 3 on the tree.I always like it when my cars can do the speed limit up the mountains so that kept vw off the list.
that tradesman was the BIR [Brainerd international race way] pit van gold with some kind of A Team racing strip crager ss rims big on rear small on fr funny chit was a good truck she made close to 300k before blowing a rod.
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My wife's nephew invited my wife an I out to CO in July. It was his bothers and familiy, mom, dad and us. He wanted us to stay longer than the rest to check out CO. We went up to Grand Lake for a week, pontooning, riding atv/sxs and checking out the sites. But I've always wanted to go to Red Rocks for a concert. As such we had it planned out before we even left to go out there. My nephew got us tickets to see Van Halen on the 20th and Steve Miller on the 22nd. Worked out great as we left the 23rd to head back. We visited the shops. They had a lot of different varies. As for legalizing it, I can only say it should of been done along time ago. Going to Red Rocks was like me going to concerts back in the 60's/70's. The smell was in the air and readily available. We are planning on going back out there next year for a concert if a few artists play there.


Well-known member
All 60s something grandparents had fun in the 1960s & plenty of pot to be had at concerts & on the streets + movie theaters I remember lmfao at Space Odessey 2001 & soon entire theater was laughing with us...pot smoking nothing new just legal in some states as it should be & will be with time. Tax pot & who cares? days I'm over it so wondering if it will become old hat with the public as time goes by?
When I was working out in Oregon, we could not find any prospective employees to pass the mandatory drug test. So we brought in automation.

This is just another reason for companies to get rid of employees. Don't worry though, the government will take care of you. How dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!



Well-known member
When I was working out in Oregon, we could not find any prospective employees to pass the mandatory drug test. So we brought in automation.

This is just another reason for companies to get rid of employees. Don't worry though, the government will take care of you. How dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!


yes we all know a positive pot test means the guy is coming to work stoned . really ? lets get this straight it is ok to get drunk on fri and go to work on Monday ok I agree. but if u get high 3 weeks before u get drunk on friday and go to work on monday with a dirty UA U are coming to work under the influance ? what ever

" How dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!"

that is a ridiculous statement to make based on facts given in your story .


Well-known member
When I was working out in Oregon, we could not find any prospective employees to pass the mandatory drug test. So we brought in automation.

This is just another reason for companies to get rid of employees. Don't worry though, the government will take care of you. How dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!


Sounds to me you have to be brain dead to do this job Could not find anyone??? ...indicates preference was automation.


Well-known member
yes we all know a positive pot test means the guy is coming to work stoned . Really ? Lets get this straight it is ok to get drunk on fri and go to work on monday ok i agree. But if u get high 3 weeks before u get drunk on friday and go to work on monday with a dirty ua u are coming to work under the influance ? What ever

" how dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!"

that is a ridiculous statement to make based on facts given in your story .



Well-known member
So if yu want to go to a concert and NOT be under the influence of pot it ain't happening due t it's prevelance in the air around you?
If I go to a venue with alchohol being consumed, I can still walk out sober,....(well maybe not ME personally, but others could). Just sayin....there is a big difference between pot and other drugs.
Most pot smokers are shiftless and lazy individuals to begin with, so no great loss to society unless my taxes is bein used to support there habit through gov. assisted lifestyle....then there is a problem.

If I get pulled over under the influence of booze, I will most likely get breathalyzed and busted....What test is in place for you druggies to keep YOU off the roads?