Colorado and the legal pot....

Sounds to me you have to be brain dead to do this job Could not find anyone??? ...indicates preference was automation.

Basic manufacturing....fork lift operator, punch press operator, warehouse. Nobody could pass. 30% of adults in Oregon are on state work ethic there. Besides pot being legal, everybody can grow up to 4 plants at home. How is this going to be monitored? Little Johnny Jr. going to be happy though I bet.

We bought several robots for the manufacturing process... expensive but problem solved.



Well-known member
Basic manufacturing....fork lift operator, punch press operator, warehouse. Nobody could pass. 30% of adults in Oregon are on state work ethic there. Besides pot being legal, everybody can grow up to 4 plants at home. How is this going to be monitored? Little Johnny Jr. going to be happy though I bet.

We bought several robots for the manufacturing process... expensive but problem solved.


If pot is legal what is the problem with use?...... Employer preference would be my best guess? Just because positive test in yellow cup doesn't mean a person is high on the job. What am I missing in the case you posted? Legal in Oregon so what is wrong with pot showing up in pee test?


Well-known member
excuse for the robot manufacturing equipment that was wanted in the first place.
back to original question.
when I was a kid pot was legal in AK every one of my old mans buds had stuff growing in the house . the only reason it was outlawed was people did not show up to vote to keep it legal .
the oil industry and fishery's are still doing fine as they did 40/30/20 yrs ago . amazing really when u think about it all those pot head would have had dirty UA and still manage to keep the rigs running smooth on the north slope .
the 1 issue they did have was a drunk captain
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Active member
yes we all know a positive pot test means the guy is coming to work stoned . really ? lets get this straight it is ok to get drunk on fri and go to work on Monday ok I agree. but if u get high 3 weeks before u get drunk on friday and go to work on monday with a dirty UA U are coming to work under the influance ? what ever.

Thats always been my issue with positive UA's for pot. I have been told way worse drugs like your narcotics clear in less than a week, heard rumor crack is like 2 days. Not sure about that, but how lame that drugs that turn people into thieves because of the physical withdrawals clear up sooner.


Well-known member
I'm all for taxing drugs
BUT one of the things I think about with making them legal is, the fact I think MORE folks would NOT grow out of the phase many go thru when younger as if it was legal all the time, MORE folks would just be using longer and longer
and I think it sends the wrong message to kids

I know a few folks that have been smoking weed for a LONG time, and you can tell real QUICK that they have, SO anyone that says LONG term use has NO effect
I call Bullcrap 110&

old pot heads stand out, the same can be said about LONG time heavy drinkers too
SO I am NOT bashing one or the other here

BUT right now its a cash business in Co.
and I doubt everyone is recording the income there actually getting

this to me is a bigger issue than many I gather think it is
a TON of money isn't being put into the taxes that should be, making it less fair for other companys and business's out there that cannot work in cash! as this legal dope business can!
and that is discrimination IMO

I hope drugs never become so easy any idiot can get them, I se it as a down fall to far too many things

JUST the amount of folks today that can function and make GOOD judgment OFF drugs is a slipping slope
add in drugs to more,. and MAN I see a down fall of society in a fast way

education levels in the USA need to get higher first I think!


Well-known member
like u said heavy user . but the heavy users will always be heavy users legal or not. that is a personality issue not a availability issue.
ask your self not u personal do u think a 14 yr old can score a bag of pot or a 8 ball faster than a case of cheep beer ?
we all know once the government takes control of anything they want full accountable control for tax reasons . that said full legalization with in a decade it will prob be just as hard for a kid to get a bag as a jug of jack. or a pack of buts
If pot is legal what is the problem with use?...... Employer preference would be my best guess? Just because positive test in yellow cup doesn't mean a person is high on the job. What am I missing in the case you posted? Legal in Oregon so what is wrong with pot showing up in pee test?

Ever hear about a little insurance program called workers comp.?

Two co-workers of mine in Oregon, both extremely talented tool makers, spent time in jail years ago for dealing. Guess what...both started their drug career with a little ole joint when they were 15. They are both 100% against the legalization of pot.

Several of my high school friends went the same route, they threw away 10 plus years of their life on drugs. Most of the guys from high school I knew that were pot heads are here now only in memory, most died of one disease or another in their late 40's/early 50's. These guys were still regular users up to their demise. I miss them dearly, but I wonder what a cleaner life style might have done to their mortality, will never know I guess.

Give me a good micro brew or two or a glass of wonderful Oregon Pinot Noir, that is plenty for me to get where I need to go.

I have done DNA testing on myself and my family. We carry a gene that we inherited from our ancestors from Europe. This mutation is called rs4680. Basically if cannabis is consumed by people carrying this mutation (which over 50% of the US population carries), dopamine levels are adversely effected and we all know what happens then...greatly increased chance of Parkinson's Disease. I saw my Grandfather suffer for 15 years with Parkinson's and he wasn't even a pot smoker. So why should I push my luck? No thanks, I can think freely and have loads of fun without the bud.

To each their own I guess you make the bed you sleep in my Dad always said.

Party on Garth!



Well-known member
there once was a thing called lead by example
I find it funny how folks don't want there KIDS to do things THEY do

it again sends the wrong message to me
us humans are way more likely to become addicted to things when MORE folks do them, as peer pressure is a HUGE part of life, like it or not
the more folks dabble in things,. the more that tend to stay at it
look at cigarettes, for the older ones here,
so many folks seen them as OK, and as such SO many more smoked JUST to fit in

people today will tell you addictions are what??
made up or real??
BUT if less folks start, less stick to it

the double edged sword is, MANY I think turn to drugs due to there told they cannot
if legal, MAYBE that would have some NOT try it cause its legal??? LOL

ME< its a waste of money
wouldn't buy if it was legal every where
I see a lot of naive statements being made about today's marijuana vs. the stuff of yesteryear. 10X more potent, genetically altered, and and proven to be addictive. People need to do some due diligence me thinks.

Not sure what good is going to come out of all of this, but America is the land of the sheep I guess.



Well-known member
I see a lot of naive statements being made about today's marijuana vs. the stuff of yesteryear. 10X more potent, genetically altered, and and proven to be addictive. People need to do some due diligence me thinks.

Not sure what good is going to come out of all of this, but America is the land of the sheep I guess.


Never known anyone addicted to pot mostly outgrow the use move on with their lives as professions becomes more demanding. Yes lots stronger than your grand dads skag so one puff will do ya. Same with beer/ wine & hard stuff never going to drink the same volume the greater the proof the less you drink. USA Nationwide vote getting pretty close to 50-50 for legal use so eventually will be legal. FL said vote had to be 60-40 for legal use pretty close high 50s but not 60%. Times are changing ....for me don't care... not my choice to tell everyone what to do or not to do freedom of choice is where I'm at... in snowmobiles too... lol


Most pot smokers are shiftless and lazy individuals to begin with

Oh come on... really? A gross generalization? Despite 70+ years of criminal prohibition, marijuana still remains widely popular among Americans, with over 102 million Americans (41 percent of the U.S. population) having used it during their lifetimes, 26 million (10 percent) having used it in the past year, and over 15 million (6 percent) admitting that they use it regularly. Seems to me you are dismissing a lot of people


My uncle has been a cop in Denver for over 25 years..9 years on SWAT (during Columbine) and also a trooper on the roads, hes now been the firing range instructor for Denver P.D. the last 10, in his words "pot has really turned the tables, crime is up and sometimes its just a mess in down town with everyone walking around high as a kite".... we try not to talk about his work to much, as he comes home to Illinois to get away from work, so I didnt elaborate or ask questions, but I could tell it really wasnt good for the city..(in his opinion) thats just my take on it. I havent been there since they legalized it so I dont know first hand. I know thats a cops point of view, but my uncle is a down to earth no bull sh$t kinda guy. So, Ill just leave it at that
Oh come on... really? A gross generalization? Despite 70+ years of criminal prohibition, marijuana still remains widely popular among Americans, with over 102 million Americans (41 percent of the U.S. population) having used it during their lifetimes, 26 million (10 percent) having used it in the past year, and over 15 million (6 percent) admitting that they use it regularly. Seems to me you are dismissing a lot of people

Spend a week in Jamaica away from the resorts, you will see the bud heads easily set apart from the people trying to make a living. Brown town and Steertown was a real learning experience for me. HH


Well-known member
I don't think too many people will argue, that if you smoke it all day long every day, you have a problem.

But in reality, that isn't much different than LEGAL alcohol. How many functioning alcoholics do you know? I'm going to guess that number is probably "higher" than the functioning THC users.

But for those who "recreationally" use THC, its not really any different than those who "recreationally" use alcohol. Friday, Saturday as well maybe a couple pops another night of the week, and these people go to work on Monday and kick ***, while passing the "test". Recreational THC users don't get this luxury, and probably still kick *** at work come Monday.


Well-known member
Spend a week in Jamaica away from the resorts, you will see the bud heads easily set apart from the people trying to make a living. Brown town and Steertown was a real learning experience for me. HH

I'm not going to mess with with ya on Jamaica lots of problems there the least of their problems are pot


Well-known member
So if yu want to go to a concert and NOT be under the influence of pot it ain't happening due t it's prevelance in the air around you?
If I go to a venue with alchohol being consumed, I can still walk out sober,....(well maybe not ME personally, but others could). Just sayin....there is a big difference between pot and other drugs.
Most pot smokers are shiftless and lazy individuals to begin with, so no great loss to society unless my taxes is bein used to support there habit through gov. assisted lifestyle....then there is a problem.

If I get pulled over under the influence of booze, I will most likely get breathalyzed and busted....What test is in place for you druggies to keep YOU off the roads?

Where in the world do u get these completely oblivious statements ? if u are still getting your facts from reefer madness time to update your library .
2nd had smoke in a stadium most likely outdoors but if in doors very little use at best good luck with that one .**** u can stand in a satellite with a guy smoking a one hitter and u would never feel its effects.
most pot smokers are shiftless and lazy? really where do u get that total nonsense besides out your bum.
ok again people who use constantly may fall under that category as do the drinkers who abuse there drug of choice. I have friends and family in very advanced standings in life that partake they deff did not buy there Bentley's and Maserati's sitting around being lazy or shiftless. that is about the most ridicules statement u have made to date . oh I know guys who drink are a bunch of date rapists same thing.
if u get pulled over cops think u are under the influence of anything they can test u and I think it is like 5nanograms per mm is consider impaired.they also can do a roadside test with saliva .
but that said what about mamas little helper the the tons and tons of pain relievers and muscle relaxers sleep aids mood stabilizers pushed over the counter every yr. sorry no matter how badly u want to control other peoples behavior U cant and will never be able to do so no matter how many useless laws are made .
cut and paste for u
Colorado State Trooper J.J. Wolff has made a career of tracking down drunken and drugged drivers. As one of the state's leading experts in identifying impaired drivers, Wolff knows many Americans are watching what's happening on Colorado roads. He says he's not yet seen a major increase in stoned drivers, but state troopers are definitely looking.

"I have personally not seen more stoned drivers, not arrested more stoned drivers," says Wolff, who also trains new troopers on how to recognize impaired drivers. "From my point of view, that's good."

To check whether drivers might be impaired by alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs, Wolff puts them through a series of voluntary roadside tests. The tests, which include standing on one leg while counting silently, and walking in a straight line, check someone's sense of time and motor skills. Marijuana, like alcohol, is a central nervous system depressant. That means it affects how someone perceives time, Wolff says.

"My first objective is to make sure you're OK to drive," he says.


Well-known member
The shiftless and lazy potheads I know have an uncommon ability to rationalize there societal depravity by applying wild exagerations when defending it.

I could blow a .16 and still work circles around your avg. pothead.