Conneticut school shooting


Well-known member
Like some, I learned about this at work today from this thread. Flipped around to a couple of local news websites. Didn't need to see anymore.

Like Lenny said, this is a bad day. Almost all of us have some connection to kids this age and none of us can comprehend this happening to kids, just can't comprehend it.


Well-known member
throw all my problems into a pile and after watching this, my pile doesn't even matter. I still believe this world is full of great people doing great things, its too bad there are a few that try to destroy the beauty that _ _ _ (or whatever you believe in) gave us. Too young, too early. RIP to all that grieve tonight and will grieve forever.


Active member
God bless those 20 little souls! To come home from work, and see my kids full of tears. I have spent two years in the Gulf war. Never to think my kids would see the ffffed up things that I have seen.


Well-known member
Been ignoring reading anything about this all day, this is the first time ive clicked on anything relating to it, keep turning the channels when they start talking about it. So so sad. Prayers go out to all the families of these little innocent kids.


there is so much more as to why we see the world in the condition it is in, but mark my words, you haven't seen nothin yet compared to what is to come.


Active member
I have seen a lot of hatred in the game of war. Those kids and teachers had nothing to to do with that ugly game. I can only hope,my kids and yours can make things better!!!


Active member
Didnt take long for someone to make it political did it?


Sorry punchtech if you thought my "like" of Lenny's comment was political, but I know my thoughts, and I'm pretty sure Lenny's as well, were far from political. My intent was more about how far society and "man" in general has fallen, and the lack of respect so many have for others, God, and good overall.

If someone has tried to make this political and thats what you're refering to, sorry I took it toward me. Believe me, I would never use an event like this to forward my personal agenda (if I even had one) in any way, especially here as I really try to respect the ground rules for John's site and stay away from the potentially controversail topics.

Deleted member 10829

I see nothing political here at all, and let's keep it that way on this thread!


not a speck of political content in my post, that would be extremely disrespectful and insensitive to all who are suffering. Gary was correct in what he thought I was saying and that is the limits of mans evil cannot be measured. It will not be long before WW III and bad bad times everywhere.

Punchteck2, sorry if I came across that way, was not my intent.
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New member
Sorry if you thought it was directed at you! Just an earlier thread about packing heat riled me up, its way too early to start the rants about guns/no guns in my opinion, and I had to listen to quite a bit of ranting about it last night at work as well! I agree this thread has been very respectful as it should be. So again mspease and lenny it was in no way directed at anything you guys have posted.


Well-known member
I have a feeling there will be more we agree on than disagree!

I reckon so. And even with disagreements, it's not the end of the world.....stuff happens....I disagree with my friends and the War Department fairly often! We just agree to disagree. :)


Active member
I'm sorry I brought up the war thing. It's the only thing I can relate it to. With any luck, our kids can fix the screwed up world we live in.


New member
My age makes my memory span a long time.

When I was a kid, there was very little of this happening...OR if it did happen, there was not a news media to pound every waking moment of the "event".

I have NO DOUBT about the fact that there are others who turn on the TV, and listen to the news who figure...."someday I will do that and more...."

I have NO DOUBT that there are sick members of society who want to "get off...." but only know that THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO DO IT!

I have NO DOUBT that this event will have HUGE over-reactions...anti-gun....armed school guards.....tons of legislation...and arm chair generals who will use this as a means to get some political footing on something.

I have NO DOUBT that the press will dutifully interview the NEXT mass murderer's friends, co-workers, and ex-teachers who will dutifully specify that " ....always thought this guy was a nut job...but didn't think he would do this....."

There will be a huge over reaction to a troubled society that WE have created one way or the other....and that lurking in some parking lot, apartment building, family friendly subdivision is another sick person who can easily top this one; to which we will dutifully report on for hours and days....and hone up yet another would be mass murderer who will get his 15 minutes of fame.

It is a self propagating prophecy

As a society we feel we are "above" previous societies who used to stone and hang those who had deviate behaviors. These are the prices of those foolish ideals. We counsel them...explain why this is wrong and let them go, satisfied that they are now reformed...for the moment.