consumer service run arond


New member
Has anyone contacted Polaris factory consumer service and got an answer other than sorry we can't help you? Only the dealer can take care of any problems you have? It was explained the item was purchased at Heydays and that dealer is located 200 miles away. The local dealer said I don't remember selling you that so there really isn't much I can do. You'll need to go back to the dealer you bought it from. After explaining all this same answer sorry we can't help you.
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Unfortunately, many of us have heard that same response from the manufacturer's cust. service reps . They never seem to have heard of the problem you have and they want you to go to your local or selling dealer to try to resolve issues.

When you contact the customer service dept., if you get nowhere with that customer service(?) rep, ask to speak with their manager, may or may not help but worth a try.

When they say they're sorry that they can't help you, tell them that your sorry as well and that you will not be purchasing another product from (insert company name).


New member
Looks like Haydays "deals" are not always a deal. 200 Miles away was your choice. My Rolex that I bought in New York from a guy in Times Square stopped working, local dealer laughed at me. Rolex won't return call?????? WAZ UP? With that.


Well-known member
The best dealer I have done Biz with at hay days is Kens in WI gave me great cust service when I had a issue.


New member
Looks like Haydays "deals" are not always a deal. 200 Miles away was your choice. My Rolex that I bought in New York from a guy in Times Square stopped working, local dealer laughed at me. Rolex won't return call?????? WAZ UP? With that.

The problem is not Heydays purchase's or the dealers that sell there. I'm just saying when I call the factory consumer services the only answers they seem to have is sorry we can't help you. They don't seem to want to honor warranty's and/or stand behind there products. I look foreward to attending Heydays and buying items again this fall from all the great sellers that bring there products there to sell. I can relate to the problems the dealers must have with some of the companies they carry products for.


I don't want to defend Polaris customer service because I have had no dealings with them. But your business relationship is not with Polaris, it is with the dealer. If you have no receipt or credit card statement you have no proof of sale, and with the dealer being 200 miles away he figures he won't work too hard for you.

You might want to see if you can find the Polaris dealer rep and go at it that way by filing a dealer complaint. But, you will need a receipt.


Looks like Haydays "deals" are not always a deal. 200 Miles away was your choice. My Rolex that I bought in New York from a guy in Times Square stopped working, local dealer laughed at me. Rolex won't return call?????? WAZ UP? With that.

Who said it was a "deal"? You being a “guppy”, buying a fake watch in NY has nothing to do with a guy buying an authentic name brand product from a factory authorized dealership. If I buy a Ford pick-up and I have a legitimate issue with it I would expect Ford to stand behind it no matter where it was purchased and I’d expect no less from Polaris.


Well-known member
The best dealer I have done Biz with at hay days is Kens in WI gave me great cust service when I had a issue.
x2 bought a new ripsaw from them and figured out it had a defective drive lug after ruining a chaincase. After a year of use and a cracked chaincase later, i took it back. They contacted camoplast and camoplast said to cut off the drive lug but kens decided to give me a brand new ripsaw free of charge. One of the drive lugs was twice the length it was supposed to be.


Same deal with Yamaha: first time they have heard a complaint about (insert issue here). Good chance the same run-around service handles Polaris and Yamaha.


New member
Who said it was a "deal"? You being a “guppy”, buying a fake watch in NY has nothing to do with a guy buying an authentic name brand product from a factory authorized dealership. If I buy a Ford pick-up and I have a legitimate issue with it I would expect Ford to stand behind it no matter where it was purchased and I’d expect no less from Polaris.
LOL, guppy, pot calling the kettle black. I sucked you in hook, line and sinker. Rolex at Times square. Lol. You missed the point by miles. Besides how could they be fake??? The guy gave me a warrenty card that says, mail watch back with $20 for shipping and we will mail you a new one. Lol.

Dcsnomo, thank you for answering the issue.


Well-known member
I think a forum on great dealers/companies to do biz with may be in order not just ok service but great over and above service.
like a few yrs back I was riding out west and had a blow out on some HMK bibs.called Lucas ward at HMK he made some calls called me back and told me where to go pick up a new pr over 500mi from where I bought the bibs but only 35 MI from where we were questions asked just had to give them my old ones.
LOL, guppy, pot calling the kettle black. I sucked you in hook, line and sinker. Rolex at Times square. Lol. You missed the point by miles. Besides how could they be fake??? The guy gave me a warrenty card that says, mail watch back with $20 for shipping and we will mail you a new one. Lol.

Dcsnomo, thank you for answering the issue.

I bought a watch from the same guy. It was stuck on 5:00 pm when he sold it to me, so being the schrude bargain hunter that I am, I swindled him into selling it to me for half the asking price. I figured, heck it's got to be 5:00 o'clock somewhere. Problem is that it wasn't long before I started thinking that this guy may have gotten a leg up on me. He told me it was a Rolex even though the back of the watch said Timex (He said Rolex does this to avoid exceeding the import tariff). Anyways, I finally figured out that it wasn't working and I sent it back with the $20.00 for shipping and handling fully expecting a new watch to show up. It's been 2 years now. You'd think that they'd at least have enough courtesy to give me a call by now, wouldn't you?


LOL, guppy, pot calling the kettle black. I sucked you in hook, line and sinker. Rolex at Times square. Lol. You missed the point by miles. Besides how could they be fake??? The guy gave me a warrenty card that says, mail watch back with $20 for shipping and we will mail you a new one. Lol.

Ya, boy o boy you really got me good, lol. I fully understand your analogy, it was just a very poor analogy lol. ;)


New member
I bought a watch from the same guy. It was stuck on 5:00 pm when he sold it to me, so being the schrude bargain hunter that I am, I swindled him into selling it to me for half the asking price. I figured, heck it's got to be 5:00 o'clock somewhere. Problem is that it wasn't long before I started thinking that this guy may have gotten a leg up on me. He told me it was a Rolex even though the back of the watch said Timex (He said Rolex does this to avoid exceeding the import tariff). Anyways, I finally figured out that it wasn't working and I sent it back with the $20.00 for shipping and handling fully expecting a new watch to show up. It's been 2 years now. You'd think that they'd at least have enough courtesy to give me a call by now, wouldn't you?
No doubt, it has been eight years for me and still no new watch. My Folklee (oakley, but better) sun glasses he sold me lasted a bit longer, but heck what can you expect for $3 in a big name pair of sun glasses.


New member
LOL, guppy, pot calling the kettle black. I sucked you in hook, line and sinker. Rolex at Times square. Lol. You missed the point by miles. Besides how could they be fake??? The guy gave me a warrenty card that says, mail watch back with $20 for shipping and we will mail you a new one. Lol.

Ya, boy o boy you really got me good, lol. I fully understand your analogy, it was just a very poor analogy lol. ;)
I suspect it is a regional thing.
What do you mean about Polaris giving you a run around? I have no idea what you are talking about ............. THEY ARE A JOKE.......................


New member
Has anyone contacted Polaris factory consumer service and got an answer other than sorry we can't help you? Only the dealer can take care of any problems you have? It was explained the item was purchased at Heydays and that dealer is located 200 miles away. The local dealer said I don't remember selling you that so there really isn't much I can do. You'll need to go back to the dealer you bought it from. After explaining all this same answer sorry we can't help you.

I stopped by the Arctic Cat dealer today. I was quite impressed.


I have a real issue on many levels with a dealer not helping someone out on a product they represent...even if it was purchased at a different dealership.


We have a camper dealership and I can see it from both sides. Our thought on this is it probably isn't going to be the last unit they buy, help them out and maybe next time you get a shot at their business. If it's warranty it can be a pain because you never get paid fully for the repair.
Nothing for diagnostic if it takes time to find the problem and flat rate for the repairs. We eat it there but sometime you have to if you want happy
customers. We have noticed this type of situation becoming more
frequent with the internet due to some dealers not so much here in WI but surrounding states that sell on volume and get huge discounts from the manufactures. Most companies that we deal with have Minumum Advertised Prices on current models and watch their dealers fairly close and police it. But you always have a few bad eggs out there. My husband and I buy from where we feel comfortable and like the people and the service. Even if they are not the cheapest. I would rather pay a little bit more and get great service especially when it comes to winter time. Can't have the sleds laid up to long because the season is to short.


Active member
Sometimes it is not as simple as it seems. I don't know what you purchased but years ago I was a Polaris dealer and if it was a reasonable issue they normally helped the dealer out, but like starlaker said in the last post, they don't pay you for diagnostic time, and they have a flat rate time that is figured out working on new equipment in a lab setting with all the tools and parts right there. If they pay you 1 hour flat rate it usually takes almost twice that time to do the job. Also we bid a few times on left over accessories at the end of the season, ( I think many of the great priced items at Haydays are purchased by the dealers that way) and they are bought from the factories as is with no warranty. Most dealers will still stand behind the item but not all of them. It would help if you had a reciept, If I was a dealer and the manufacturer would not stand behind the products that are bought through normal business channels, I would find a different manufacturer to represent but some of the great deals are purchased through special circumstances.