Don't forget to turn on your fuel
i took the pic after i fogged the engine, then for the last 30 seconds or so, i sprayed the oil thru the carbs while the gas was off to get the gas out of the carbs. good or bad idea?
anyways, yes i got my sled running! took about 18 primes to finally start priming gas! my sled wont' start unless i prime it (yes i have a primer). I don't think you even wanna know my "spring checklist" lol well here it goes
-paint hood screens
-paint washers on skid plate blue
-paint ski tips
-put a "wrap" around my handlebar riser
-re-mount handguards so they don't fall off while i trailer it, lol
-put new track on
-flip around bogey wheels so they're black
-paint washers on bogey wheels
-get front torque arm welded
-get heat exchanger welded
-grease all the fittings
-clean the clutches
-polish the clutch cover
-wax the sled
-armour all the seat
-coat the "engine bay" with wd-40
-adjust chaincase tension
-put on new chaincase gasket
-change chaincase oil
-clean the brake
-put in new suspension bolts
-put in new bogey wheel bearings
-fog the engine
-wd-40 the front and rear suspension
-put on new slides
-adjust track tension
-put on new handlebars
-put on 3 in. riser
-put on xenon blue bulbs
-get the coolant in the "system"
-and....GET IT RUNNING! lol
wow that's a lotta work. no lie here i got about 40 hours into the sled. my heart started pounding due to the suspense whether or not my sled was gonna start. when it started, boy was i relieved!