Well I am sorry to those of you who took such offense and tell me I am scared of Dogs and life in General and then go on to call ME over-sensitive? THAT is funny!
My wife and I have three children,and as much as I love animals I will NEVER let a dog that is VERY capable of doing major harm or worse to one of our children even get the chance or opportunity to do so.
I feel it is an unnecessary risk to put a child in that situation,even if it is the "family pet"
Are you in your dogs head? No. Do you know if something inside the head of your dog is going to "snap" and make it bite? No. Is it possible for it to happen? Yes. Is it possible for the dog to bite without warning? Yes,It is possible.
Again I was just making an observation and stating my own opinion and it seems to have struck a nerve with some of you. Sorry you have to respond by being so harsh in your responses.
John and Nora,
I know you are well versed on how to raise your pets and would never intentionally put your child in harms way
I am also sorry this thread took an ugly turn and made some folks lash out over a simple observation and opinion.