Dream Team chasing Tourists Away!


New member
Minocqua local media has done some sort of investigative survey. They counted over 400 trailers one weekend that did not stop for any business. Started calling businesses and questioning visitors. The article is somewhat a result of there findings.


Yep, dont drink, registar your sled, stop at stop signs and you will never have trouble. Been riding for 20 years (probably 30000 sled miles) in WI all over the state, been stopped a bunch of time and never gotton a ticket. Never been harassed. Why do some of you push the limits and then get mad when you or someone you know gets a ticket. Why is a checkpoint a big deal if your not breaking the law? Minor inconvienence maybe, Please tell me you didnt just compare getting checked for proper sled registration to the gestapo! Grow up, Im sure there are folks that would be offended by that stupid comparison. Take off the tin foil hat people, the DNR setting up a check point during a sledding event is not big brother trampling on your liberties! Its not green peace knocking on you door to take you sled from you. I dont drink and ride and i spend a fortune registering my sleds and getting trail permits so i love it when they bust people that try to get away without doin it! Not everthing that happens is a conspiricy to take your freedoms away

And I would consider snowmobiling a privilage NOT a right seeing as how it depends on private landowners to do it.

Well said olsmann.


Just another reason we ALWAYS stay away from Minocqua, Eagle River and St. Germain and try to avoid Boulder Junction. I spend enough money on this recreational activity without worrying about a $200 hit from some jag fish cop for a "rolling stop" or some other other BS revenue generating infraction.


New member
reading all of this, it's no wonder people are looking for "off trail" places to ride...which then again causes more issues...
just a thought...


New member
my ? is why call them the dream team? I'd calle them the nightmare on smowmobile street if that what there doing up there Wegot the cops down here in Ohio doing sobriety check points all the time . When they pull you over for that if you are wanted by them they can nail your arse and if your not wearing a seat belt they get you for that too I thought this was the USA not Hitler Germany or the USSR back in the day I am so sick of our freedoms getting taken away each and every day to BIG BROTHER is starting to smoother us more and more sorry about this but I am venting abit take care you al and besafe and THINK SNOW and lots of it and it;s snowing here in Ohio Wish I could send each and every flake to Michigan Scarlett and Gray Flakes too GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Just another reason we ALWAYS stay away from Minocqua, Eagle River and St. Germain and try to avoid Boulder Junction. I spend enough money on this recreational activity without worrying about a $200 hit from some jag fish cop for a "rolling stop" or some other other BS revenue generating infraction.

................yep more and more people are saying the same, drive right buy and spend all our money in the U.P. ..Sounds simple..dont drink and ride, stop at the signs, we know. That does not change the fact that most of DNR abuse thier power and are real jerks when you try to debate anything..Sooner or later a lawyer snownmobiler will take action and file a lawsiut, hopefully class action to represent all the people that have been wrongly ticketed. ( i know they were all legit) The DNR here in Il. are the worst! Pulling thier gun and pointing it a a snowmobiler because "he may flee" Yah its happend. Run you down with thier pickups so you dont "flee" My son was riding just down to the neighbors about 100 yards away and DNR caught him and gave me a ticket for being within 10 feet of the road. I said "hes gotta get there somehow" DNR replies "no he dosent!" Trailer the sled or GET RID OF IT! ....Ya just stop sledding with my boy because we have to trailer everywhere. Thats why we picked a home near the lake. This DNR warden obviously NOT a snowmobiler! Thankfully one officer was cool and only gave me 1 ticket and (3 warnings) so i dint have to go to court. 2 tickets = must appear. And they require the funds within 3 WEEKS of the citation! Just a revenue machine for the hurting Il. budget!


New member
It has been three years since my ticket on lake Minnocua, By the same speed trap on this same weekend, our group will never go back to that area. I hope someone passes this posting on to the chamber.


New member
In regard to the antique snowmobile registration. Do the mini-motorcyles that the Shriners ride in parades have registration?
On Friday around 5 pm (still was daylight) that weekend rode past a DNR truck and sled with red lights flashing that had stopped a vintage Merc sled on Lake Minocqua right by the wooden trestle of the Bearskin trail. I thought the rider may be there for either the parade or was shaking it down for the Saturday radar runs. Might be the sled in the article - (I didn't look to see if it had a registration sticker)

DNR was definitely present that weekend: we had went through a registration checkpoint in Manitowish Waters maybe an hour earlier, and went through another Sat afternoon a few miles south of Minocqua on the Bearskin.

We need more snow - it's still February!


New member
We were there on Saturday around noon and it was a complete zoo then. I cant imagine what it was like later. We saw a dirt bike riding on the lake, a lawnmower with skis on it
(I wonder if they had proper reg.) snowmobiles riding way too fast thru tons of people. There were also a few dogs wandering unleashed leaving me to wonder how long it would take them to wander onto the drag strip. We stayed for about 20 minutes and got out of that mess! Never again! The trail going up to the tressle to the bearskin was an icy mess. If you didn't have picks..... good luck! One of our group got stuck and couldn't make it up. Our guys got off and were able to get her down then back up while people kept riding around her making it much harder to get the sled up the ice. Not too mention dangerous. I was shocked at the amount of rude people going around and not waiting while they finished. Thanks to the ones who did. We did run into the DNR at the next stop sign. It was a couple of girls who were more interested in talking than paying much attention. They checked stickers and we were on our way. Seems to me the DNR could have been more productive on the lake trying to keep an orderly trail thru the mess rather than just waiting for someone to mess up. Note to the city of Minocqua: A few signs asking people to slow down and maybe a few auxillary police officers on the lake. Some sand on that icy hill up to the bearskin might be good also!


Just another reason we ALWAYS stay away from Minocqua, Eagle River and St. Germain and try to avoid Boulder Junction. I spend enough money on this recreational activity without worrying about a $200 hit from some jag fish cop for a "rolling stop" or some other other BS revenue generating infraction.

I will also add that I do not mind the DNR checking registration/trail stickers at checkpoints on the trail but stopping every sled and looking at the paperwork really ticks me off....if the registration/trail stickers are current let us ride....stop the sleds who are not in compliance and throw the book at them....fine with me!!


I've been riding in Michigan for 20 + yrs. dealt with Marquette county several times. NEVER had any issues. these are top notch officers.


New member
It's unfortunate to hear about stories like these as there is always some truth to both sides of the story. My suff is always up to date and I don't drink so no worries there I will admit to a rolling stop every once in a while however being stoppped just to be stopped is a pain. The people it's going to hurt are the bussiness in the areas this happens. Word like this spreads people don't want to feel hassled they will just go some where else. Don't get me wrong I see the need for them you can't just let all of us sledders ride around with free rein. And while I know I am in the minority I would back zero tolerance for drinking and sledding, and no I have not always been a teatotaler I am sure I have drank enough to float a cruise ship. Just got old enough to realize it hurts to bad the next morning. I just don't think the two mix is all, too much speed not enough judgement. The problem I see as already been said it seems to only be about money.


I've been riding in Michigan for 20 + yrs. dealt with Marquette county several times. NEVER had any issues. these are top notch officers.

If there was no issue, why were you "dealing" with them??
I get a ticket and you get a warning so that makes them a "Top Notch Officer" in your book?
Maybe you are a "Top Notch Kiss Azz"

john w

New member
If there was no issue, why were you "dealing" with them??
I get a ticket and you get a warning so that makes them a "Top Notch Officer" in your book?
Maybe you are a "Top Notch Kiss Azz"

This is quite amusing !!! Hey upsledder maybe its your attitude why you got a ticket !! He was just stating a fact, and i agree with him. I have never been harassed or talked down to by the Michigan DNR. They have been very polite and communicate very well when there is a problem. I wish i could say the same about the Wisconsin DNR. And yes i was very polite to them and 100% legal. I do sled a bit in wisconsin, but mostly in Michigan. Our country is broke !! If we break the law and the cop is not in a good mood we get a ticket and pay & pay.


Super Moderator
Staff member
If there was no issue, why were you "dealing" with them??
I get a ticket and you get a warning so that makes them a "Top Notch Officer" in your book?
Maybe you are a "Top Notch Kiss Azz"

LOL, you called me a kiss azz last week! :)


If there was no issue, why were you "dealing" with them??
I get a ticket and you get a warning so that makes them a "Top Notch Officer" in your book?
Maybe you are a "Top Notch Kiss Azz"

wow. I rolled to a stop at a trail crossing. 5 & 8 to be exact. the Marq. county deputy was off his sled and walking around,drinking a bottle of water. 5 sleds in my group,and we all stop. shut sleds off,talk about trails,weather,and idiots out riding. and yes,we drink 2 or 3 beers with our lunch. talked with this guy for about 30 minutes. NO PROBLEM. I think John W. is on to something......... maybe the problem was YOU,not the DNR.
just sayin'..... I want to give you a ticket for being a jack-arse and I just met you. LOL


we all stop. shut sleds off,talk about trails,weather,and idiots out riding.

If that ain't kissin' azz..............I don't know what is.

If that would have been just some average Joe sittin' there, would you have stopped?
I'd bet not. I'll bet half of the wardens just sit back and laugh at all the people who suck up thinkin' they might get out of some future ticket.

Just callin' it like I see it.