Yep, dont drink, registar your sled, stop at stop signs and you will never have trouble. Been riding for 20 years (probably 30000 sled miles) in WI all over the state, been stopped a bunch of time and never gotton a ticket. Never been harassed. Why do some of you push the limits and then get mad when you or someone you know gets a ticket. Why is a checkpoint a big deal if your not breaking the law? Minor inconvienence maybe, Please tell me you didnt just compare getting checked for proper sled registration to the gestapo! Grow up, Im sure there are folks that would be offended by that stupid comparison. Take off the tin foil hat people, the DNR setting up a check point during a sledding event is not big brother trampling on your liberties! Its not green peace knocking on you door to take you sled from you. I dont drink and ride and i spend a fortune registering my sleds and getting trail permits so i love it when they bust people that try to get away without doin it! Not everthing that happens is a conspiricy to take your freedoms away
And I would consider snowmobiling a privilage NOT a right seeing as how it depends on private landowners to do it.