Hello all,
I am new to the site and just wanted to get my first post in. I have ridden borrowed sleds my whole life and have only had one trip up in to Michigan for "real ridding". That trip gave me the fever but I never have had the opportunity to get my own sled until this year. I have been itching to take my first trip North with my own sled, which hopefully will happen in the next month. I do not have the knowledge that the die hards on the board have, but I believe I will share the same love for Northern sled riding as everyone else. Here is a picture of my sled. I cannot wait to get some miles on this thing and learn the in's and out's of real ridding. Thanks for reading and thanks for allowing me on the boards.
I am new to the site and just wanted to get my first post in. I have ridden borrowed sleds my whole life and have only had one trip up in to Michigan for "real ridding". That trip gave me the fever but I never have had the opportunity to get my own sled until this year. I have been itching to take my first trip North with my own sled, which hopefully will happen in the next month. I do not have the knowledge that the die hards on the board have, but I believe I will share the same love for Northern sled riding as everyone else. Here is a picture of my sled. I cannot wait to get some miles on this thing and learn the in's and out's of real ridding. Thanks for reading and thanks for allowing me on the boards.