

Well-known member
I'm confused...are jobs a good thing or what will make some ppl happy?

I'm fairly certain there are at least 32 other states that would have loved to get Foxconn in their state....maybe even a few run by the Dems. as well.


F-conn has changed their plans several times already. Instead of making really big flatscreen TVs now they will be much smaller. Also the facility will be heavy on robots. 13000 people won't be needed. It is a massive bloated project that will take a long time if ever to recoup all the incentive money. Wisconsin has been played.


Oh really G....and you know this how, from all the way over in ND? Working for FoxCon or WI govn?
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Just happened to be the headline item on my morning phone news today. Big long article. I am sure you could find it too. Really glad it isn't being built in MN so I won't have to pay for it.


Well-known member
grub, you hit the nail right on the head " so you wont have to pay for it" and yes as you put it earlier they have changed their plans multiple times, and you know what..no one can really say completely what all the concessions that were made were, yes.... employees will be paying taxes (obviously) but how much will the company be paying and for how long. And over night property values went up, why? to increase the taxes to pay for all the new infrastructure being put in for this, and the tax payer will continue to pay for its maintainence for years to come. 13,000 jobs? I have news for all those naysayers they most certainly wont be local, there is a large corporation in racine that has been trying to hire I believe 40 employees at a starting wage of $24.50 an hour and cant. You are exactly right... glad you're not paying for it, and I wish I wasn't either. When I started my business there were no concessions made, no free rides and taxes and insurance still top of the list of expenses. and where is the help for large corporations for companies that have an established foot print for a hundred years in this state? no where to be found. but lets roll out the golden carpet for this one.
Just happened to be the headline item on my morning phone news today. Big long article. I am sure you could find it too. Really glad it isn't being built in MN so I won't have to pay for it.


Just happened to be the headline item on my morning phone news today. Big long article. I am sure you could find it too. Really glad it isn't being built in MN so I won't have to pay for it.

Surely every article you read doesn't have any bias and is 100% factual, without any agenda. Fortunately, I'm much more skeptical and don't need a newspaper to tell me what to think.


Well-known member
My gawd, one party wants this to FAIL so bad that it's pathetic!...and the willing and able accomplice press is right there to aid and abet.
If the demand by the public has changed from giant screens to more reasonable sized, do you think a huge successful company like Foxconn is going to ignore that fact?....Foxconn got this far without the libtard press in this country nipping at their ankles and I doubt these pissants will affect a thing with their headline grabbing half truths and flat out lies. Right now it's just a last ditch smear effort before the election.

Heard this said today and LMAO....here in WI we have the Guv. of the state bringing in the technology future and thousands of jobs while the Mayor of MKE is riding around in his pride and joy.....a G.D. TROLLEY CAR CHOO CHOO....LOLOLOLOL.....100 years apart and heading in opposite directions....LOL
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Everything I read on the internet is factual and non biased. It can't even be on the internet unless it is Kardashian approved and FDA compliant. Also it must also past muster with Dancing With The Stars and Monday Night Football. So don't imply that it does not have merit. I really don't care at all. Not even a little bit. But I am still glad to be from a state that will not have to pay for it. You know. In the remote possibility that it doesnt go as planned.


Well-known member
- - - Updated - - -

Everything I read on the internet is factual and non biased. It can't even be on the internet unless it is Kardashian approved and FDA compliant. Also it must also past muster with Dancing With The Stars and Monday Night Football. So don't imply that it does not have merit. I really don't care at all. Not even a little bit. But I am still glad to be from a state that will not have to pay for it. You know. In the remote possibility that it doesnt go as planned.

Guess what YOU ALL paid for Tommy's CHOO CHOO!!!!!.....It was 50% funded with "FREE" FEDERAL TAX $$$$$$$
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Well-known member
Actually snobuilder, the federal funding for the startup costs represent 42.9%.....better check those sources! :)


I really don't care at all. Not even a little bit. But I am still glad to be from a state that will not have to pay for it. You know.

Ya...and I thank God I don't live in the only state that voted Mon-dull, Hussein-O and Franken-stein, and their 6.5% sales tax.
And be honest, you do care on some level....or there'd be no comment?


Well-known member
Actually snobuilder, the federal funding for the startup costs represent 42.9%.....better check those sources! :)

Can you back up your latest BS or will you just keep shooting from the hip with no proof.

BTW what is "start up" cost?...the silly thing is on the tracks and ready to burn even more of your federal tax dollars with 3 years worth of 80% operational funding.
You do realize that these libtard public trans projects are just another rat hole that can't ever possibly fund itself?
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Well-known member
Fox conn has or will be opening offices up in Milw., Green Bay, Eau Claire and a research center in Madison. They’ve barely broke ground in Racine, this is just a start of the footprint they’ll have in Wis.
Not even including the 100’s of companies that will benefit from making products for Fox Conn.


Well-known member
I can imagine....I live on the east end of Walworth Co. and there is a continuous looping caravan of dump trucks hauling gravel from way out here.

The drivers are all smiling, going ..."cha-ching,....cha-ching!!!!

So I drive past the pit where all of this gravel is being hauled out of at least 5-6 times a week....couldn't help but notice that several of the trucks are from a company way up in Kaukauna WI.....this rising tide is going to float a lot of boats!.


Well-known member
saw the same on the news this morning, all I have to say is surprise....surprise, would still like to know what all the tax concessions that were made were
Just saw an article that they are already downsizing and cutting jobs......