here is my question.... A certain motor cycle manufacturer wants to move part of its production to europe to build bikes they sell in "europe" and what is our response? I dont remember the name calling and threats made bu a certain person, but know the overwhelming response was that it was not wildly accepted, and what of all the other companies that have moved cross the border or the ocean, wish I could remember all the good our main man had to say about that. But.... when a large corporation from over seas wants to move some of its production we roll out the biggest red carpet this state has ever seen, and yes jobs will be created but at tax payers expense, and again the infrastructure in this county is miserable to say the least and we never had money to fix it, and over night everyones property value went up, for what??? so we can pay for all the new infrastructure we have to put in for this red carpet deal. the hiring numbers have been wishy washy from the get go, first we were going to hire all local people, now it is people from the united states, and if we are going to hire local people why are we going to be building housing? I could be wrong but such a large technological corporation as this im sure they are going to have their own people in to get it running and how many are going to go back? how many wont be paying income taxes for 7 years? I dont know about everyone else but as a tax payer this bothers me, and as a business owner that got no red carpet of any sort, no tax concessions, if I am a day late on my tax liabilities it is an instant $700 fine, that bothers me. Seeing all this farm land, many of which were family farms disappearing is sad, or how some land was worth millions and other peoples land was blighted and basically taken from them is wrong. And with f-con's track record of wanting to build in other places in this country or world is shady to say the least. Why are they here? im sure it isnt because the labor is cheaper, they claim its because we are their biggest customer. But a large corporation such as them having such a big red carpet rolled out for them, not having to pay taxes for how many years? located near one of the biggest puddles of fresh water, why wouldnt they? one other thing no one has mentioned is where are all the profits going to go. I wish someone would explain why when one of our manufacturers wants to move its european production to europe its the end of the world, but when a foriegn company wants to move here we give them everything they want and then some, while the tax payers take it in the rear. Obviously I think this is a bad thing, maybe I will be proved wrong, but so far there has been so many changes and no guarantees im not holding my breath. and with the latest news of losing market share and making cuts, how would this country feel if one of our large manufacturers was losing share here but continuing to build or expand in foreign markets, oh wait a minute, it has happened and we don't like it so how is this different. I just think its a bad thing that we will be on the line for long after they are gone.