Hey WhiteDust,
I am a BEAR fan myself but lets face it with this post it was just a matter of time until someone "rubbed the Jay Cutler thing in". Maybe this is the year it all comes together and we once again see a formitable CHICAGO BEAR MACHINE.... Cutler definetly does have the talent if the team can pull it all together... Time will tell.
I really am a NFC fan hence my appreication for Farve and what he has shown us and done while playing the game. Its just that I am a bit of a Historian and Montana, Marino and others are great examples of what the game is and stands for. Farve has the stats and talent no doubt, no one can ever take that away from him. But to end your career not showing up to training camp and practice, leaving your teamates in constant limbo about your future, and the $$$$$ thats not what makes one a LEGEND of the game. I dont expect him to practice at training camp that would be ridiculous. But you could at least show up, support your team and fellow players and be the General of the team, sharing your wisdom and experience and helping build the Viking Machine rather than hop a plan the week before a game and expect the red carpet rolled out for you. Maybe a little more "Team Building" with the guys and last seasons costly "mis read, route timing issue", whatever he wants to call it might not of happened. I am very active in youth athletics and the power that youth sports can have on a young persons life is amazing. But I see to many kids today seeing our "modern day hero's" and believing that is what sportsmanship and the love of the game is all about. When it comes right down to it what still matters wether its the NFL, NHL, MLB is leading by example. I see it in all these kids at practice all the time. Regardless of the sport the next "Superstar" to show that type of dedication (which is almost totally lost in major league sports) will be able to proudly wear the title of the "NEXT GREAT LEGEND".