Favorite stops from back in the day..


Well-known member
K.I.Sawyer Air Force base near Gwinn, Mi...Had an officers lounge...We rode our sleds in there around 1984 and they actually served us...I think they officially closed it around 1994...Heard the entire parcel was for sale in 2022...
Lived in Bergland 91-93 and the planes would buzz the area, you could even see the pilots they were so low.

D.B. Cooper

Active member
Back in the late 80's, I remember going to a place West of Minocqua but still East of Musky Jack's (near highway 70) in Price County
called Doc's Place

It was a tiny log cabin with a DIRT FLOOR !!!

1,000 + Business cards tacked to the log walls

Old guy served only 2 different kinds of beer from the same cooler

Definitely interesting to stop there to see it


Well-known member
Anyone ever go to the Red Fox Inn
in Gwinn mi?
The Red Fox Inn was on K I Sawyer AFB I believe. We actually based out of there a few years when they were still open. Stayed in the officer’s quarters for $60 per night. The RFI was the Officers Club and they had great food and drinks after a long day on the trails. One of those trips we were siting there about 8am and it was snowing buckets, there had to be 2ft of new snow overnight and guys we’re canceling for the day, me and my buddy said”let’s go!” We went up to Big Bay and battled snow over the hoods for awhile, it was a pretty crazy day.


Active member
The Red Fox Inn was on K I Sawyer AFB I believe. We actually based out of there a few years when they were still open. Stayed in the officer’s quarters for $60 per night. The RFI was the Officers Club and they had great food and drinks after a long day on the trails. One of those trips we were siting there about 8am and it was snowing buckets, there had to be 2ft of new snow overnight and guys we’re canceling for the day, me and my buddy said”let’s go!” We went up to Big Bay and battled snow over the hoods for awhile, it was a pretty crazy day.
When I was there in the 1980's the bar was called Tailwinds...Heres some pics of what it looks like now...



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Active member
I really enjoyed staying at the Red Fox Inn, there was actually a fox laying under the sign I noticed one day and damn I didn’t get a picture of it, I really loved that 3 mile spur Trail it took you from the motel to trail 8, there were some parks you went through, one evening my wife and I were coming back I was in front and she was behind me, I never noticed it but there were two Timberwolves about 50 feet off in one of those parks, she stopped and took a look at them and they looked back at her, she gave it the gas and they took off, The restaurant Tailwinds had a pretty cool room that had a lot of photos and history of the place, back in the heyday there were B-52‘s there that supposedly went up to the Arctic Circle for a 24 hour flight, evidently this airport was very close to Russia by going up over the Arctic Circle
Sorry for the rather long reply…
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New member
Clearview Supper Club on Big Lake St. Germain is the best place hands down. It's the people that make the memories and the people that work there are the best. They treat you like family. I've been going there for 25 years. Saturday night prime rib and the old fashions are excellent.