Finally Finished My Sled


Well-known member
the inside is fairly clean. but not clean clean like the rest. i still want to spray paint my exhaust with high temp paint before the season. my dad keeps telling me it's a waste and that "i'm fixing my sled too much when it's not even broke!!" and he said "pretty soon, it's gonna break from fixing it too much"


Well-known member
i also wanted to point out i painted the riser block in case anyone noticed. didn't let it dry all the way so it's a lil scratched but looks good enough


Well-known member
Your sled looks great, nice job.
I might have a set of studs for a shorter lug track left over from one of my old pols.
Contact me if you are interested.


Well-known member
anyone have one of those tracks with the built in studs? like the ice rippers? i'd be interested in one of those.


Well-known member


Well-known member
I read an article in Dec. 2008 SG on the iceripper. Basicly said it worked well in most trail conditions, but not as good as studs if you need pure acceleration. List price is $838.


I have a 136" Ice Ripper with a 1.25" lug on my 02 MXZ 600 with a long track kit. I works great both on and off the trail. I would say that compared to my studded track I had previously, the ice traction is not as good as a normally studded track but much better that no studs. I love it as an all around track.


New member
I really like my Ice ripper (at least I think it is that one) 1.25 track Got mine through the snowmobile shop at whitestar auction for like $500 out the door. Couldn't buy and stud a track for that. I have around 1000 miles on mine and still looks like new. I think it hooks up a lot better then the stock 1.25 I had on my 01 800 mxz. I bought it both for price and also I thought that the studs would last longer and be less "stess" on the track since the whole lug supports it instead of having to deal with backers. Only added a little over a pound to the track weigth so when they do where out and if the track is still in good shape I can stud it at that point with regular studds and only be a pound heavier.


Heres a link to a ice ripper dealer WWW.JOHNMASTER.NET or you can call 262-993-5545 he is also on ebay, i had bought a ice attak from him 2 yrs ago on ebay for a 94 storm 800 for $420.00 he will be at the milwaukee snow show too.
Looks good nice work. Mines still in storage otherwise i'd be doing the same thing you did...i have an 8" riser to put on low pro windshield and some armoralling to do as well lol