Found an IPhone, Can I change my phone to the IPhone?


New member
Maybe the phone was used in a crime?


New member
It's probably stolen and dumped. mvedepo is right the S/N# on the phone will tell you who's it is when att runs it. I'm not happy and not supprised at this thread. This is the way people think these days. The whole finders keepers attitude is our society. There aren't as many "good People" out there anymore. Trust me I deal with them everyday.


New member
If you dial 911 on the phone you found and explain the situation, I am sure they will point you in the right direction...


Active member
<font color="0000ff">brit8804:
"If you dial 911 on the phone you found and explain the situation, I am sure they will point you in the right direction..."</font>
No, they'll deduce your location by triangulation and send the cops to haul you away for dialing 9-1-1 for other than an EMERGENCY (to save a life, report a fire, report a crime).

Kinda reminds me of this story from 1996 (This from the Seattle Times &#0151; I can't find the story in any Arizona reference!): [Scottsdale, AZ] Police Chief Tells Mayor Not To Call 911 For Directions!


New member
kevisp, don't think of it as "we give lots in taxes". Think of it as you create revenue for the government coffers. Our (Michigan) governor now says "we need to create more revenue", instead of a tax increase.

BTW, this thread can't be real. I think this guy is pulling our leg to get us going. Everyones mad right now because there isn't a lick of snow to be had in any forecasts.


New member
Swanee, i think your right but Z guy will always be thought of as a dumb <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> !!


New member
I'm not sure we should all flame this guy to bad untill we get the rest of the story. Maybe he exhausted all the options of finding the owner? And if thats the case than so what if he wants to service it? I especailly like the comment about infering becuase he is in sales he must be a crook! Talk about being quick to judge a person before you have all the facts GEEZ!


Active member
This can't be for real?! But just in case it is, without insulting the poster, I would remind him that is a community of good and honest people. People have lost things on the trail only to have them returned by strangers that live hundreds of miles away thanks in good part to the people on this site. Some items are impossible to find the owner, but cell phones, especially an iphone, require little effort in locating the rightful owner.


New member
Whatever happened to that lost camera one? Did someone actually look at the pics? or to see if they where J.D'ers?


Well-known member
Hay I just found a 2009 f350 with the keys in it out side home depot so I drove it home. by home I mean this real nice house on the lake I have been eyeing up.the door was unlocked so I went in called a locksmith to have the locks changed. how do I get the title for the ford put in my name?hay this real hot blond in opining the garage nice BMW this house was a great find another new car hot girl life is good


Active member
haha. I see you are fairly new on here Zimmer. Hope the comments don't scare you away from posting again, but I'm sure you get where everyone's coming from. Let us know how things end up, and what steps you took to locate the owner. As mentioned above, an AT&T store should be able to assist in tracking the rightful owner if needed. Good luck.
In all honesty, I am asking for my brother in law who found it so thought I would ask on here what he should do and I got plenty of answers for him. Living in So. Mn, ATT is not good for Iphones services for me but he lives in the Twin Cities. I will forward him some of your postings and let him decide what to do. Not trying to be dishonest at all but I can tell some people dont like people in sales nor do they trust them. That is what is great about america. Thanks.


Well-known member
OK now this lady is telling me her husband is going to be home soon.I wounder where he lives this is my house now.she was fine before the nagging started I hope she moves back in with him