Friend on "The Voice" (pretty cool!)


New member
One of my friends made it on the "blind auditions" last night on NBC's "The Voice"
I thought that was pretty cool! and thought I'd share.
Meghan Linsey.
(picked Pharrell as her mentor)
She co-wrote a couple of songs with me on my last CD.
She had a pretty good career started a couple years ago in the Country Music field
until fame and fortune kind of got the best of her partner Josh (they were a duo)
"Steel Magnolia" and lost their record deal (he is doing better now),... but she is
trying to do it on her own now.
Extremely talented gal with a strong voice!
Great kid. (like a little sister),...
Don't know much about the show, if there is voting,.. give her a
shout out if ya can!
You go girl :)

small world


Well-known member
Cool!...having 2 first names helps too!

Just watched the video ...Janis Joplin comes to mind.
Kinda funny that Blake didn't turn....
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Deleted member 10829

That is very cool! You should give it a try also bigvin!


I watched the show last night. I remember who you are talking about. That is real cool. It will be fun to watch the next rounds. Bigvin, you should take mspease's advice.


New member

As the Korean lady who cuts my hair would say,...
"you guy too funny",..."BigVin no sing lite dat!",...
Love ya guys,... but ya gotta bring "good looks",.. and
real bullets to the table for that stuff.
No room for a 54yr old Cheesehead on THAT show!

I'm not afraid to belt them out to show the world my "Songs",....
and spent enough years seeing very good friends who were "this" close,...
have the political business mess and such pull the stars right out of their
fingers just as they were grasping it,.. (and myself right along with them),...
to know at THIS stage,....
I'll write 'em,...(perform 'em regionally),...
But let the Youngin's take 'em and run with it!
All you can hope for is that someday your efforts are "validated" :)

Meghan is the real deal. She has worked very hard in her life at her talent.
I met her when she got to Nashville before she turned 18 and she sang on
some of my early demo's,.. a group of us became real good friends and have
a lot a good memories. Nothing comes easy in that business, and I hope her
soulful rhaspy voice belts her right to the top!
I asked her a while back when we spent a day writing,.. and hanging out,...
"Man,..whats it like to be on the cover of People magazine,.. and to have a #5 Billboard song,..
and to open up for Reba and Blake and Brad and,..." and she really honestly didn't have an
answer. It all goes so fast.
Every day ya get up,... do what the manager says ya have on your busy schedule to do,.. and
keep going. No time to soak it in. Her look of,... geez I never really thought too much about it
I think caught us both in amazement,.. and we laughed.

Pretty cool!

Thanks for the props,.. but I'll hang with You guys,.. and cheer on the
youngin's,... and play at the local pubs to those who will listen to my new
stuff! That's how it gets into THEIR hands!


New member

Famous in my mom's heart!
too funny!

No,..I make them spell my last name just to tick them off LOL.
and just because ya get to hang with a lot of people who have
and had success doesn't mean You're going to reap any.
(would be nice though).
I could tell ya stories you wouldn't believe.
(good thing my wife takes pictures and others are with at times to
share in the stories,...) thats why it takes years to build relationships
and knock down doors,..ect.,....

Unless there is some funny business ($$$ or behind door stuff going on) there
is NO over night success in that world. Sometimes there's just plain luck,....
but most of it,.. well,....
That's why most of my "days off" are spent writing and talking with the Publishers.
and of course behind the keys ON HERE when I am STUCK most of the time! LOL!

If I'm not Dreamin' on sleddin' and wishin' for SNOW,...
I'm thinkin' of somethin'

Whitedust: If I can find it somewhere on one of my hardrives,.. (good luck with that),...
I'll have to dig out a video spoof Meghan and Josh did with Shelton on his tour bus a couple
years back,.. when they were nominated as Best upcoming Duo of the year,.... It was pretty
funny. If I find it, I'll PM you,.. send it to ya.

2 degrees here.
Time to change guitar strings!


New member

not to get in a shameless "plug",..
but go to YouTube: type in: TUBIN
and check out the video the band Lost Highway did
of my tune. They did a great job on it,.. and I think
you will find the "scenery" pretty nice! :)

Those are the "cool" rewards (besides the $$) one gets from
time to time to make it worth while I guess.
Makes it Fun!

~Randy (BigVin)


Well-known member
The fact that you have a friend that is on The Voice is cool in itself. I really enjoy that program. I will say this, you don't have to be "young" & have all the "looks" to be successful, even in music. I think you have what it takes & say, GO FOR IT Vin! Try out for the blind auditions, I have a feeling you would kick azz! Besides, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?-Mezz


Well-known member
This is cool! I had no idea you were so connected in the business.

Think I posted the story on one of these threads about me getting busted at work watching “Tubin”. A little embarrassing but pretty soon I had three other guys watching it with me. It was a very focused group at that point.

By the way, I finally met a couple of good friends of yours and Brads last weekend at the Copper Harbor run (Thomass and Suzy). Had a good time - they brought the chariot. Got quite a bit of video I’m trying to sort through and maybe post some on YT.


Well-known member
Sawyer Fredericks, for 15, he rocks it out & definitely has a future. We'll see how long he can last, should be interesting.-Mezz


Well-known member
One of my friends made it on the "blind auditions" last night on NBC's "The Voice"
I thought that was pretty cool! and thought I'd share.
Meghan Linsey.
(picked Pharrell as her mentor)
She co-wrote a couple of songs with me on my last CD.
She had a pretty good career started a couple years ago in the Country Music field
until fame and fortune kind of got the best of her partner Josh (they were a duo)
"Steel Magnolia" and lost their record deal (he is doing better now),... but she is
trying to do it on her own now.
Extremely talented gal with a strong voice!
Great kid. (like a little sister),...
Don't know much about the show, if there is voting,.. give her a
shout out if ya can!
You go girl :)

small world

Meghan kicked butt again & lost the round...unreal... but now with Blake & could go all the way imo. What a voice!


New member
Ya, I was on "break" and got to watch it! and she did a good job! Everyone is pretty darn good
that is remaining. Heck,...who do you really choose on some of those? flip a coin?
Now that she is with Blake,... I am sure she will return to the "Country" vein? maybe not,... but
the farther you progress from here on out,.. your chances of succeeding "after" the show dramatically
increase,... so Good for Meg!
It was cool to see a couple of other friends in "the close up shots" when they showed her friends cheering
her on! All that TV stuff has to be grueling.
Ready,...Set, or die!!!!
I could see it now,... "Your competition starts,...NOW!.,...."
It appears one of our contestants has collapsed,...uh,,....
No thanks. :)

I kinda like this show better than that IDOL one,...
They get to the point quicker I guess. But then again,'s a fricking TV show.
Every year the talent is going to get better and better.
Last year Julie Roberts,... (she was a GREAT country artist) who lost her deal,...
didn't even turn ONE chair. so,...nothing is guaranteed.
Fingers Crossed! Thanks for watching bro! :)


New member
She sure sang her heart out tonight!
One of only 8 left :eek:) pretty darn proud of her.
Just like she sang on a tune we wrote that was actually pitched
(to of all people,...Tina Turner about 8 years ago) She can really
Belt out a soulful melody. Rootin' from the cheap seats! Pretty surreal
watching back here,.....WOW! Go get 'em Meg!



Well-known member
Again, what a powerful voice. She is good no question. IMO, once they get to this point in the competition, there are no losers. There is only one direction for each at this point, as long as they stick to their guns, that direction is up.-Mezz