Of course since Meghan is a friend,.. I hope she "wins",...but as stated above,...they really are ALL
winners at this stage. As a lifelong musician and songwriter,... I am particular of my "flavor" of music,...
just as anyone else,.. I really really like the style and presentation Josh brings to the table. No matter what
the outcome,... I am glad to have been introduced to his music and will for sure be purchasing His stuff in
the future!!! I don't like the Hawthorne girls style or voice,.. to "manly" for me,... and there is something about
the vibrato-nasal thing of sawyer that bothers me,..maybe it is just his,...I don't know what it is??? but they
are all very talented for sure.
I have personal reasons involved and still can't believe I have watched someone I know,...
on National TV in situations like that for over 4 months now. How cool.
It has been a Good week here.
On Friday, I received word from the Management Agency for the band that just recorded one of my songs,...
that they are releasing it as their 1st single on their new CD and to National radio,...and are doing it at the
CMA FANFAIR in downtown Nashville on a Mainstage event during their show on June 12th.
I surprised the wife by telling her we were going to go there to witness it. She was pretty Stoked.
and I got a new guitar!
Go Meghan!,..... (go ME!)