


Yup Mezz is right….wait till everyone uses “public” charging stations cuz they don’t want their electric bill to go up, then the municipality has to raise taxes to cover
Their additional expenses. They will do this through an unlimited tax general obligation designation so no voter approval needed. Then if resistance to that everything will go up…parking fees, permits, water bills, then a special mileage to build out all the other needed things to go along with “community support. We’ll pay for gas or electric, personal choice I guess,
?????????Where did you find this? There are no plans for public charging stations. You plug in and get charged by the going rate per kilowatt hour. The two biggest things holding back mass acceptance of EVs is lack of charging stations and public misperception of EVs. It will be much easier to build out the charging system than to educate the general public


Active member
?????????Where did you find this? There are no plans for public charging stations. You plug in and get charged by the going rate per kilowatt hour. The two biggest things holding back mass acceptance of EVs is lack of charging stations and public misperception of EVs. It will be much easier to build out the charging system than to educate the general public
Woodmans grocery store here in Janesville,Wi recently installed FREE EV charging stations...


Well-known member
Woodmans grocery store here in Janesville,Wi recently installed FREE EV charging stations...
a grocery store near me, also just added two parking spaces with free charging stations, they REMOVED 4 handi cap parking spots to add them
so I guess folks that rive E vehicles need to park close to the doors of the store and deserve front row parking !


Well-known member
Grub as far as 4s sled to EVs you must remember RX 1 ton started in 2003. In the meantime injected 2s technology got better and better we are now pushing 20 years and a lot more 2s than 4s sleds are sold every year. Yes 4s sleds got traction but no way took over the market. I think EV will be the same there will be progress in sale numbers but ICE not going away any time soon. Gas prices will come down especially with a government in place that wants to produce oil and sell it to the world.


Well-known member
If electricity doubles or triples you will still be ahead of the game. Because you won't be buying gas. Right now it costs 1/4 as much $ to refuel an EV compared to refueling with gas. And as far as a buying an EV to use primarily as a generator that is not the point. It CAN be used as a generator if need be. Saving you the cost of buying a generator. You are approaching this back end first.
lets try this
fuel right now is twice what it should be or was and then some,
so charging is , NOW is a 1/4 the costs
well, its actually only HALF the costs in normal times
NEXT since Electric is going up almost 50% as of this summer in most places
that is a WASH on saving no??
and as electric providers have to UP grade there systems there will be a LOT of new costs to doing so
and them costs will be put onto the consumers, just like any other bushiness does when costs rise to upgrade !
so I don't; see any savings , if were honest for quite a while
you can also say, how folks BUCKED the idea of 4 stroke snowmobiles
well Hate to say its, but since 4 strokes entered the market over a decade ago
they STILL haven't dominated the market, seems the majority STILL don;t want them (I liked mine too so NO bash on them)

NOW< if we flip this and say look at MX bikes, where they pretty much FORCED everyone into 4 strokes, resistance at first was Not so great, problems were the norm for quite a awhile(still some)
so don;t have the bug
s worked out on a item that was ALL that is being made by MOST OEM's or the out of the big 4 l
yes there MUCH better but that was also with them being the ONLY option really unless you went with the few makers that still made one, and then you were some what at a disadvantage due to the differences between the two
and NOW more OEM"s are BACK to making the 2 stroke models, due to DEMAND for them!
so, in a market where they were forced onto the general public, with claims about emissions mostly and fear of them
they pushed 4 stroke MX bikes
but IMO< and based on still the demand for 2 strokes is HIGH now
them 4 strokes DIDN"T take over as expected to do so!
SO again E vehicles,
to date and minus the past MAYBE few yrs, they have been a novelty vehicle, like exotic cars, for elitist and folks with there own agendas and OR< deeper pockets that could afford a second vehicle they can use for certain needs!
they were not and honestly still are NOT made for the average person on a average income!
getting closer, HUMM< MAYBE
but close as they only matters in hand grenades
it doesn;'t really CUT it in the real world, and this current push on them, won;t change that
the SYSTEM needs to be there to support them , before they will ever get popular and or replace combustion engines! as well as prices of them will have to meet what more folks can afford!


a grocery store near me, also just added two parking spaces with free charging stations, they REMOVED 4 handi cap parking spots to add them
so I guess folks that rive E vehicles need to park close to the doors of the store and deserve front row parking !
Here we go, saw that coming as I mentioned, now let’s add on some extra to the grocery costs so we can cover the cost of our increased power bill. Ohhhh but put a big sign up saying “free charging station”
Everything has a cost, and we’re the charging stations installed for free? Someone got paid to install them but maybe if you didn’t write the check...........


Well-known member
maybe a better example here
ATV"S and off road buggies
YUP don't see 2 strokes one's anymore really minus a few rare one's being made!
BADBOY BUGGY came out a LONG time ago with E buggies, to compete with GAS motored off road vehicles
there still in business, but they NEVER took off like they hoped
the demand just is NOT there, too many CON"S still to them for the majority of BUYERS to spend there money on, there still a Niche market vehicle!

you can TRY and flip this and say, look at say Golf Carts, many for yrs were gas/propane powered, but Now, Electric one's dominate the market on golf courses!!
and you'd be right they do
BUT the main reason for them (as well as electrical fork lifts and likes) is due to NOISE and FUMES gasoline motors give off, NOT due to DEMAND for electric motors in them selves, it was JUST about NO noise on the golf course that sold them and made them popular!

MAKING claims about 0-60 speeds, is just a marketing PLOY, it can be a measuring stick yes, but its not the reason most vehicles are sold, even if us sport minded folks enjoy there quickness, its not a practical reason to BUY one, and the more scary part might be, most folks are not that skilled of drivers,
MANY MANY new to sport car owners CRASH learning to use there new found power/acceleration!
go look on youtube to see some of these new drivers with FAST vehicles! LOL


EVs are as expensive and as heavy right now as I get will ever be. Right no China is using more EVs than anybody else. except maybe Norway which is just about 1/2.

The trend will be to make them cheaper. Right now Ford has 200000 spoken for. GM is making their electric Hummers now and will be starting the EV Silverado next year. As more brands become available the prices will come down. If they opened up the market right now you would see new China jobs selling for $25000 bucks. It will happen. There is no stopping it now.

As far as dirt toys I have two Banshees which I will never sell. Nobody has ever made anything like the Banshee and 15 years after the last one was sold here in the US nobody still makes anything like it. Loud, obnoxious and fast. There is nothing on this earth that sounds as good as a Banshee going through the gears on the pipe the whole way. Nothing. So we are on the same page as far as dirt toys.

There is no way a person could just own one vehicle and have it be electric. At this point in time. I realize that. That is why I am keeping my gas pickup. But again, I bet I end up driving the Lightning most of the time. The infrastructure is being built daily. And there really is no way to stop the trend. Gas vehicles for the average consumer will be banned in the next decade. And long before that electric will have taken over. There will be no demand for a new gas passenger vehicle in a decade. Industrial and commercial use might take longer. But it is all coming. like it or not.


Well-known member
Banned only if a US government is elected that bans ICE. Currently I don’t see that happening Midterms will tell us a lot. If we believe polls the dems and Biden have caused a lot unnecessary pain that more likely will be reversed just seem numb to what the public wants. I’m fine with EVs but must be market driven imo ICE will be around for a very long time. Plenty of oil available and will be price reductions to keep ICE demand going. Just as we have seen with snowmobiles OEMs need both 2s and 4s to be competitive auto industry will be the same ICE and EV. It could be Biden set back EV proliferation by years since he has caused so much pain trying this cold turkey with few EVs , little infrastructure just crazy imo to be this disorganized.


Well-known member
I cannot see Gas power/diesel powered vehicles being banned in the next 10 yrs, NO way in hell can I see that happening
the amount of money folks have tied up in these vehicles, they will not be fazed out that fast, it will take longer than 10 yrs to even come close to getting the electrical grid up to handle the electrical demands meet by E vehicles, if even HALF of us end up with them

the amount of farm equipment,(its taken many of them decades to add the equipment they have now to stay afloat) add in construction equipment , ships, and so on running on fossil fuel
yes changes will be coming, but I see no way it will happening that fast! not even close

and like aid, add in the odds of a new party in office and possible flip flopping on agenda and direction, and who know's what will happen

we have had MANY things over the last century that were supposed to be improvements and solve problems that failed and went away
just cause something is POPULAR and being pushed NOW< doesn;t mean it will last!
compact and mico compact cars were a big push when the USA had a major gas problem decades ago now, and look how long they stayed popular as a solution to better MPG's and saving oil!
as a FACT as time passed after that scared, bigger and bigger trucks came about, NOT smaller one's
and more folks today drive BIG trucks with NO need for them than ever!
WANT is a powerful thing over need and compliance
and even if BACKED by the FEDERAL government, means CRAP
look at POT, its STILL federally illegal, yet the demand for it, over powers and states gave in to legalize it!
the FEDS have no real control over it, yet they claim its ILLEGAL
DEMAND< is what will drive things if enough folks want something any more, they tend to get it, logic or reasons don't matter, nor I doubt about whether or not its "EARTH FRIENDLY"

more lower income folks in the USA than above average!

and if something isn;t economically cheap enough of enough to afford, odds are it will also fail!
kinda why E vehicles didn;t take off in the first place, price kept most out, and when few sell, or folks cannot afford, they just don't become popular


Well-known member
here is another thought??
as popular as the internet is, and been about MUCH longer than a decade now,! 2+ to be honest!
and just look at how many places in the USA there is NONE STILL

and that can be broadcast and not need actually wires run to it to work

so, if you think they can BUILD a complete and up to task electrical system in less than a decade to run a ALL E vehicle deal
I have to wonder on that happening again in such a short time period!
I say NOT happening
add in the major shortage of kids
people today getting into the trades, that would be required to have the skills, to BUILD a capable electric system
to handle the needs, and I gather LACK of actual electrical technology
to support the added demand, is that even a reality, or just a HOPE it also comes about as needs require of it!
nuclear power didn;t quite work out as it was hope too!
came with a LOT of problems and risks, too, that haven;'t really been solved yet and they been about also a few decades!


They will use sniffers to test the remaining gas vehicles left on the road. Unless they meet very stringent emission levels they will be banned one by one. They already have such sniffers in California. Sorry to break this to you. You need to start doing some research and start paying attention to what is going on. Don't take my word for this. As Abe is so fond of saying - follow the money.


I would have to believe the charging stations at grocery stores are level 1 chargers. Which are nothing more than 110 outlets. Very cheap for the store to install For 15 minutes at the grocery store The store's cost would be pennies. A marketing plot. There will be many more. One of the best places for level two chargers would be at motels. Soon you will see that too.


Well-known member
Hey there MRBB,
Not to go off topic or anything, but can we have some more bear pictures please?
I had 7 bears here last night,, 1 female with 2 this yr cubs, and she is a super small mother maybe a 110 lbs IF that! I call her TINY!,
and a second female, with 2 males hot on her tail hoping to get lucky and one male content with eating green apples off my one tree! but didn;t take any pictures,
there her so often I don't bother much
I am up to 10 different one's this yr, down from my normal 17-20 by this time of yr!
so new hunting seasons have worked to reduce numbers here for sure!

only exciting thing with them last night was, the tiny mother bear managed to climb a street sigh post 14+ ft up , that held a bird feeder and a humming bird feeder, to DATE she has been the only bear to do so, even squirrels gave up on the set up, as I have feeders on 1/2 aluminum rod at top 6 ft out!
she climbed the pole like professional stripper, swinging around as she went up and down!
SO, I am now, in need to replace two feeder,a s she pulled them down and they FELL and broke,
just amazing that pole held her and that she could climb a steel pole only maybe 3-1/2 inches wide(like the metal sign post poles they hang street signs on )
I did manage to video her trying this a week ago or so, , and when I TOLD her to stop she did and left it alone for over a week,
but last night the temptation got the better of her and I wasn;t watching close enough to stop her in time, no biggie though, cheap feeders and entertainment like that is worth the costs to me HAHA!

but I ain;t tech savvy enough to post a video here or Online for that matter!
I'm old and slow to technology advancements apparently HAHA!

I'll try and check my camera's tomorrow if time allows and post some pic's( I can do that ) in a different thread!


Well-known member
I have a question, probably for grub any idea of what the average price is at a pay charging station is to get a recharge?