New member
This is the perfect mentality to have when riding - even about the smallest thing like hand signals. :wank: It starts there, and then the lack of courtesy or giving a rip about anyone else on the trails flourishes into a full blown "stay the **** outta my way, cause I am riding here, dag nabbit!"
Do me a favor pol1 - stay in the backcountry until you learn to be considerate of the other riders around you. And remember:
So if you happen to get one of those... or actually a group of 8 of them this weekend - you'll know who it was.
You don't know how I ride, how I manage my group, how I instruct the last rider, what communications equipment we use in the group, or how I regroup at all stops and intersections and check for trailing groups or sleds to let them by... out of that horrific thing called courtesy that you seem to despise so much, so - don't tell me what I know and don't know, cause you couldn't be more wrong... k?
You do know you can follow the rules and extend courtesy in addition, right? Give it a whirl.
You are indeed wrong... again. You have to learn how to ignore slams and issues on any forum... and honestly - the s/n ratio here on JD is minimal compared to what I see on most other forums of most any topic. This site is a huge repository of useful information and helpful people, and it is working out awesome - at least for me, and the groups I bring to the UP to pop their sledding cherries. Lots of folks on here contribute to that, and I thank them all immensely - I would also like to thank them should I run into them on the trails by letting them know how many are in my party.D@mn courtesy - such a bitch, isn't it?
Care to qualify how they are "out of date" in today's world vs yesteryear? The handling and suspension of modern sleds makes occassional, brief, one-handed operation easy as pie.
Wow! Totally out of context and you toy with the quotes to your liking. Nice. Flipping people off is your courtesy? I was stating that It is way safer to hang on than to try and give a signal with little meaning to me. Since others are on the way down the trail in due time anyways. Also I have been trail riding since 1972 with an average of 4000 miles per yr. I have it figured out. Also I am a Life member in MSA and a former member of the former "Flat river snowmobile club". I ran a groomer for yrs. I think I have it figured out. My parents lease land to the West Michigan snowmobile trail system for the lasy 40 yrs. I have an idea how it works. I have locked skis with a person who was "**** bent" on hand signals and not controlling their sled, wrecked both sleds and both our weekends. People holding up fingers does not make me feel all warm inside. And it is not the correct way to signal. And.......I can't believe I lowered myself to your standards.